Do you think Denzel knew?


Higher Further Faster
Yup, exactly. Even if AVALANCHE had attacked the number 7 reactor it would not have caused the plate to fall.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Still, Raq has a decent enough point. It's unlikely they told him anything.

Certainly, he didn't know why his parents had died by the time of Case of Denzel even, which is post-DC, as he asks Reeve then if it was Shin-Ra that crushed Sector 7.

I'm sure he knows Cloud and Tifa were involved in fighting Shin-Ra, as they're apparently famous as heroes of the JENOVA War, but whether he knows that they blew some shit up, I dunno. Seems like that detail would eventually creep in.


Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
Obviously Cloud and Tifa don't talk about it. Tifa doesn't even tell Marlene that it's a box of materia when they're in the church in AC. It seems like they're protecting them a little perhaps.

And considering that Denzel would recall that AVALANCHE are the ones that blew up the reactor that killed his parents (his flashback in the added scene in ACC of the news coverage for example) it was probably a wise decision too, even though it wasn't actually them, since they were still going to do it even if Shinra didn't.

I doubt Denzel would have liked them as much if he'd have known (i.e. runaway from these murderers).

I just meant more from the stand point of these are our friends who helped us save the world.


"I slice your ass in 4."
Raq, Raquel.
Here's an extract from Case of Tifa:
The reason why Sector Seven was destroyed was because of AVALANCHE. That’s why I had to take responsibility and raise him. He met Cloud so that he could come to me.
So, no matter what really happened, Tifa herself still considers Avalanche - including herself and Cloud - responsible for the falling of the Sector 7 plate and therefore Denzel's parents' deaths (and hence why she decides to take him in in the first place).

I'm sure he knows Cloud and Tifa were involved in fighting Shin-Ra, as they're apparently famous as heroes of the JENOVA War, but whether he knows that they blew some shit up, I dunno. Seems like that detail would eventually creep in.

How do you know that for the bit in bold? I've always wondered if canonically they were considered heroes, or unknown for what they did.

And that really depends on whether, being famous, they're famous as Avalanche or just famous as heroes with no connection to their previous roles as terroists.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
How do you know that for the bit in bold? I've always wondered if canonically they were considered heroes, or unknown for what they did.

Well, in Dirge it's clear that Reeve and Vince are known to be "Heroes of the JENOVA War," and the 10th Anniversary Ultimania says that word spread during the events of the original game about the whole team:

Raq said:
And that really depends on whether, being famous, they're famous as Avalanche or just famous as heroes with no connection to their previous roles as terroists.

Good question.


Higher Further Faster
I wonder, though, if people actually recognize them or realize it's them when they see them. If someone sees Cloud walking down the street will they say, "HEY LOOK! HE'S ONE OF THE HEROES OF THE JENOVA WAR!!!!" or do people just know that it was AVALANCHE that did it without realizing exactly who was involved?

Because I mean man, you'd think they'd be getting a lot more attention, especially Cloud for being the one who killed Sephiroth, of all people.

Yeah, they probably know that Reeve was involved, but he is a rather high-profile political figure.

Here's an extract from Case of Tifa:
So, no matter what really happened, Tifa herself still considers Avalanche - including herself and Cloud - responsible for the falling of the Sector 7 plate and therefore Denzel's parents' deaths (and hence why she decides to take him in in the first place).

Well yes, it was their actions that lead to Shinra blowing the pillars. But Denzel knows that Shinra were the ones who actually did it, not AVALANCHE.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
It's interesting because Denzel seemed to have no idea who the other members of Avalanche were (besides Barret) during the Bahaumat scene in AC.

You would have thought Marlene, Tifa, or Cloud would have at least mentioned them at some point.

Haha, damn. There goes all fanfiction :P


Save your valediction (she/her)
I'm surprised no one has said this yet...

Denzel only says "Who is that?" when Yuffie and Vincent appear. It was Advent Children's way of covering its ass, bringing in secret characters for a canonical movie. Everything they've done since has been working around that inside joke.
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