Donator Status?


~The Other Side of Fear~
Yes. I thought you didn't get it but then I checked my bank account and it seems to have gone through. If it didn't though, let me know. My bank is notorious for delaying or not sending payments, the asses.


~The Other Side of Fear~
My new favorite color is green but alas all of you are too late. Pink sink it is (or soon will be...)!


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Pink is the only color that shines through the crowd. Another Pink donator. Me Gusta :D


Chloe Frazer
Oh look my name is now yellow and it says donator, I feel so cool. Anyways can I be purple? :monster:

edit: Oh look there's a donator's domain, must go and explore...

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Why does everyone hate the default donator color so much? I've had it for ages and you don't see me complaining.

Mostly cause I don't like the green, blue, or pink but whatevs.
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