Fan Art Challenge VIII: Design an FF enemy/boss based on your pet peeves.

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Ghost X

I think the title pretty much says it all. Credit to LicoriceAllsorts for the suggestion.

You have until the 29th of July to get it done.


If the sky comes falling down

i don't understand sorry ?

Design a FF boss on your pet peeves ?

So i draw a Bahamut boss wearing a " Go Get Me a Sandwich " T-shirt ??

Deleted member 546

Since I have a scribble book full of half-sketched whatnots, I think it's safe to say I'll miss the deadline again. However, I'm not entirely convinced I could convey lip-smacking and schlurping whilst eating in the form of a boss.

Interesting concept though. :awesome:

Ghost X

I reflected on one of my recent posts in either the "ruins my day" or the "trivial shit that annoys me" threads, and this is what I came up with.


I have an idea for another one, which would personify everything I think is wrong with the world (two guesses as to what those are), but its too much effort for me to do in MS Paint. If I can be bothered to draw it at some stage, I shall post another :awesome:.



Seriously, these guys do my head in for obvious reasons. They're not easy to kill (even with the zapping racket thing or a swatter), and if you do get them.. you have to wipe off their guts, or worse.. maggots.. /vomits

My idea is that this is a respawning boss that roams all over the world map. You just randomly encounter it.. on the grasslands, when it latches onto your airship, on caves.. and when it 'touches' you (licks you with that long tongue), you get some nasty status ailment where you can't heal or be healed by your party because.. eww?

Excuse my lazy coloring :doh:

Ghost X

Haha, good idea with the story attached. For my toilet monster, let's just consider it a relative of the mimic.


^When some unlucky party member suffering from an upset stomach attempts to use it.. it attaches itself to his/her and you have to defeat it before it depletes the character's HP...

Sorry that is disturbing. :desu:

Ghost X


This crudely drawn monster rips out the brain of one of your party members (usually an uneducated friend or relative) and places on their head a giant decapitated parrot head, which then starts speaking bullshit. The monster uses their bodies as a vessel to spread misinformation. The possessed party member is unable to use their brain in order to research what is being said, which would otherwise take them generally a few seconds of their time, due to its previously mentioned removal.

The parrot head often spawns more copies of itself in the act, which rip off more heads. Your party dies once all people have their brain removed, and game over occurs. If you defeat them though, you can put the brains of your party members back, thus doing your bit to improve society.

... I'm having too much fun with this.


^^Oooh let me add to that:

If by any chance you are immune to having your head ripped off, the parrot's bullshit attack will give you a status ailment of berserk instead, prompting you to uncontrollably knock out the whole party, including yourself.
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