FanFiction discussion (split from the LTD thread)


unsavory tart
Holy crap, I remember anipike. That's taking it back, there were as much hate Tifa/Aerith sites as there were just general sites. GOOD TIMES.

Man, my first introduction to internet fandom was because of FFVII. I went to look something up and accidentally ran into fanficiton. Except I had no idea what fanfiction was or that it was a thing, so I was really confused for awhile because all I could think was, "What the hell, since when were Cloud and Elena brother and sister. I don't remember that in the game."

... I've been on the internet too long.
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AI Researcher
I don't think I ever looked in the FFVII section of Anipike.

Did people really use to call Reno 'Reno Tarshil'?

The fun fun times


Angry Lesbian
Man, now I wanna go dig up Frank Verderosa's Internet Series again. never really struck me BACK IN THE DAY how strange it was to refer to any fic as "THE internet series," as though it were the sole option for sequel headcanon.


(...he shipped Cloud/Tifa, too.)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Is that where Tarshil came from?! It's one of my pet hates when people come up with surnames... Just no.


Angry Lesbian
I don't THINK it came from Verderosa, no, but I could be wrong? IIRC he didn't make up last names for anyone unless he had to; I don't think he even made one up for Zack. I haven't read those fics in years, though. The only fanon surnames that ever stuck in my head were the ones from, so Reno's always Reno Montague to me. XD

And yeah, GLD, he stopped before finishing the last book. I only read up to Mind Slayers, m'self, which was book 6 of 8. No idea how long the series was supposed to be. I think Frank got trolled or something and ended up disappearing from the internet for awhile.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Yes, that's familiar. Think the last book was supposed to be titled Cetra Destiny and he just never did anything with it due to the aforementioned trolling and disappearing. Plus then there was the Compilation and such, which put the kibosh in quite a few sequel fics. But I totally remember those, weird ass nostalgia feels were not what I expected today :reapermon:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Frank Verderosa ... now there's a name I haven't thought about in years. Frank actually did "finish" that series (he had ideas for another book called "Protectors of the Planet," but it never went anywhere), though I haven't read it in years and don't know if it's as good as I remember:

Another couple FFVII fanfics I remember fondly are "Conflicts of Interest" (unfinished) by MadamHydra, and "A Long, Hard Road" by Twig:

The latter was a CloudxSeph fanfic, but I remember thinking the overall story was fairly epic and well-written. No idea how any of these would stand up to scrutiny now, as I know I haven't read any of them in ten years.


Angry Lesbian
........................I was actually just about to use "Conflicts of Interest" to prove a point over on CxA about how different interpretations of characters can still be totally supported by canon. Her Cloud is so fascinating and so different from, like, every other one I've ever read.

...I ship Cloud/Seph and I still cannot understand the appeal of "A Long, Hard Road." I've gotten in legit arguments with people about how much I hate that fic.

Looking at Frank's writing, though, I probably would've liked ALHR if I'd read it around the same time. To its credit, it did have an epic scope, it involved the entire cast, and Twig's original characters were some of the best I've ever seen in fandom. I just...really, really hated her Cloud. So much. XD I'd be curious to see your thoughts on a reread, Tres.


Frank Verderosa ... now there's a name I haven't thought about in years. Frank actually did "finish" that series (he had ideas for another book called "Protectors of the Planet," but it never went anywhere), though I haven't read it in years and don't know if it's as good as I remember:

Another couple FFVII fanfics I remember fondly are "Conflicts of Interest" (unfinished) by MadamHydra, and "A Long, Hard Road" by Twig:

The latter was a CloudxSeph fanfic, but I remember thinking the overall story was fairly epic and well-written. No idea how any of these would stand up to scrutiny now, as I know I haven't read any of them in ten years.


I read those when they were originally being posted, some of them are soooooooo good. I remember a fic by someone called Eric Bakutis, is that "MadamHydra"?

I thought these fics vanished into the ether of the internet, I'm pretty sure they were on a Geocities page back in the day 0_0.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
........................I was actually just about to use "Conflicts of Interest" to prove a point over on CxA about how different interpretations of characters can still be totally supported by canon. Her Cloud is so fascinating and so different from, like, every other one I've ever read.

Agreed. =)

Jay said:
...I ship Cloud/Seph and I still cannot understand the appeal of "A Long, Hard Road." I've gotten in legit arguments with people about how much I hate that fic.

Looking at Frank's writing, though, I probably would've liked ALHR if I'd read it around the same time. To its credit, it did have an epic scope, it involved the entire cast, and Twig's original characters were some of the best I've ever seen in fandom. I just...really, really hated her Cloud. So much. XD I'd be curious to see your thoughts on a reread, Tres.

Well, going off memory alone here, I'd probably think he was a twat. :monster: The self-cutting scene on a cliff's edge that stands out in my memory from back then would probably stand out to me now for entirely different reasons.

Cloud gets called "emo" in the fandom a lot, but you don't know Emo Cloud until you read "A Long, Hard Road."


I read those when they were originally being posted, some of them are soooooooo good. I remember a fic by someone called Eric Bakutis, is that "MadamHydra"?

No, that's another fanfic author, though he's also good from what I remember. He wrote "Forgotten Messiah."


Angry Lesbian
Tres said:
The self-cutting scene on a cliff's edge that stands out in my memory from back then would probably stand out to me now for entirely different reasons.
My go-to scene for "no this fic is actually terrible" has always been the scene where he's angstily pole-dancing, personally. But the cutting is also awful. :lol:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
It's funny, actually, because I think I'd still find everything else about that fic really good. Her Cloud was just awful, though.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I have to respect Frank just for
hooking up Aerith with Reeve of all people and making it work. And for making Reeve a shotgun toting badass
and stuff.


Angry Lesbian
There's a part of me that would like you to test this theory, but I'd feel compelled to read along, and I'm not sure that would be healthy for my sanity. <--that was @ Tres

Frank had a fuckton of weird pairings that for some reason seemed very sensible when they actually happened in the story. I think he spoiled me for the rest of fandom in that regard. XD

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I do recall reading one of the earlier books in his series, then flying due south in the Highwind to go "herp derp, no hidden continent down here!" He had some strange ideas (romance and otherwise) but yeah, he often managed to make them work.

Also I liked the Turks going into freelance mercenary territory instead of being "sorta good, too easily forgiven Shinra mooks" forever. Also that Tifa kept almost breaking Reno's neck.


General Eccentric
The Iron Witch
I remember coming across "A Long, Hard Road" years ago. I never really got into it, but one story I did get into was "I Know What's Beneath the Snowfields." God, that story was epic; it kept me up all night, and I still wasn't even halfway finished with it. I remember that Cloud/Tifa were together in it, but the main focus was on Vincent/Aerith...with a twist. I don't know how she did it, but Zahra made it work in her story. I also loved her take on Vincent's relationship with Lucrecia, as well as his history with Hojo. Her OC, Davoren, was...He's one of my favorite OCs ever. Even now, I can still remember how impressive his character was. I loved his story arc, perhaps even more than Vincent's. Luckily, Zahra still has this little gem online:

It's a hundred chapters in length, but it's well-written. It also had a boatload of awesome fanart, which I can't seem to find anymore. :rage:
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Angry Lesbian

Now that's a fic I really would like to reread. Curious to see whether THAT stood the test of time. I remember being particularly impressed by the fight scenes.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
We may end up needing to have the last page or so of posts split off at this rate :monster: When the LTD is dead (and has yet to resurrect in a hideous new form) we find somewhat less dumb shit to talk about all of a sudden :monster:

Also, 100 chapters? Wow, that's kinda awesome. I hate when a really good fic is too short and leaves me craving more.


General Eccentric
The Iron Witch
Now that's a fic I really would like to reread. Curious to see whether THAT stood the test of time. I remember being particularly impressed by the fight scenes.

Oh, yes, those fight scenes were definitely impressive, I agree. I especially loved what happened, close to the end, between Vincent and Hojo. Truly epic fight, right there. I'm so glad she decided to finish it, in spite of the Compilation. I also like how she portrayed Rufus, especially at the end. I also need to reread it, since it's been, wow, probably since around 2001 when I last read it.
Also, 100 chapters? Wow, that's kinda awesome. I hate when a really good fic is too short and leaves me craving more.

I was also surprised that she wrote a 100 chapters, but she has such a well-developed plot. It's really one of the best fanfics I've ever read.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I need to check out this "I Know What's Beneath the Snowfields" fic sometime. Sounds great.

By the way, I'm about to split this discussion out into its own thread. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion

One fanfiction that is still in progress is called Another Side:Final Fantasy 7.This is an AU fiction where its Genesis who causes the Nibelheim Incident and Sephiroth remains sane and is on the side of good.Also Zack is alive plus Cissenei and Kunsel have joined the group as well.There is also ship teasing between Sephiroth and Cissenei.It might sound like a crack pairing but the writer makes it just work.The story also incorperates elements of the Compliation into the plot.It has a long way to go but its really detailed story and great character interaction.Its also fun seeing Zack interact with Cloud.Since Cloud in this story didn't absorb Zack's memories he keeps his original personality.The funniest part is the only sane man in the group is ironically Sephiroth who keeps his sugar and ice personality from Crisis Core.


~The Other Side of Fear~
omfg, I remember What's Beneath the Snowfields!

Talk about a walk down memory lane. I thought it was so incredibly well-written. I don't particularly care for Aerith x Vincent but it's not too bad of a ship. Both of them are kind of odd and misunderstood, after all.

I also remember's Frank's series and JenesisX series Irony of Fate. All such interesting stories. I never had quite the drive to write as they, so I was impressed by their dedication and creativity.


Angry Lesbian
O_O I didn't realize Snowfields actually FINISHED. Shit. I'm gonna have to go read the whole thing now. XD

Let's see, other nostalgia... Anyone read Guardian1's stuff? "Go Not Gently" was my absolute favorite of hers, but that was FFIX... "Sunshine in Winter" was also good though. :D


So does anyone have a Clack leaning? I'm asking for a friend.

I read this really good 30 chapter fic once, for a friend. This friend really liked it and she'd love to read a long epic fic that involves Clack in some way.

This friend also has that mean girls quote stuck in her head. "Say Clack again... Clack".
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