Kain Strife
Some Kind of Animator
Now, a random topic I know, but I've been trying to brainstorm shorts for Final Fantasy, for the future when I finish the ones I have planned. Oddly enough, Most of the random ideas that came out featured IV.
One of the ideas I have won't really work unless people (generally) Have the same idea.
Now, the girls are.... Actually, I guess it's just Rosa and Rydia mostly, unless you like Parom or Palom (don't remember which was girl). Also, I'm going with FFIV, not After Years.
Personally, I thought Rosa was kinda dull, and really liked Rydia myself, especially when she rejoined the party...
One of the ideas I have won't really work unless people (generally) Have the same idea.
Now, the girls are.... Actually, I guess it's just Rosa and Rydia mostly, unless you like Parom or Palom (don't remember which was girl). Also, I'm going with FFIV, not After Years.
Personally, I thought Rosa was kinda dull, and really liked Rydia myself, especially when she rejoined the party...