While it doesn’t seem that any of the swords have been otherwise given official names, the base sword the others attach to has been called the First Sword (Saisho no Ken in Japanese) by Nomura.
*Source: Staff commentary from Japanese Advent Pieces Limited edition of AC
This FAQ originally gave the sword’s name as First Tsurugi, which has
apparently been a common misunderstanding since the kanji for “sword” (剣can be read and pronounced both “ken” and “tsurugi.” The pronunciation Nomura actually used was “ken.”
This FAQ originally gave the sword’s name as First Tsurugi, which has
apparently been a common misunderstanding since the kanji for “sword” (剣can be read and pronounced both “ken” and “tsurugi.” The pronunciation Nomura actually used was “ken.”
This picture makes me feel good. It's like Cloud is turning back while you are playing the game. A representation of game <-> gamer connection.
I'm most likely far from alone on this, but I already pictured this scene in my head! Yuffie acts like a goof, much to the annoyance of Denzel who wants to pretend at being an adult.
Okay, we really need a general fanart thread...
Unlucky said:http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/018/5/3/Cloud_vs_Sephiroth_by_CitizenWolfie.jpg
This image speaks to me, both because of its immense beauty and because of the solitude of Aerith's quest as the last Cetra. The fact that no gameplay or prose has let us experience this segment from Aerith's perspective makes this excellent picture feel all the more emotionally relevant. This is now one of my favorite FFVII drawings.
Not sure, but I think that making a short game where you control Aerith from Bone Village all the way to the Water Altar in the hidden realm of the Forgotten City would make for an emotional experience. Showing her thoughts, her communication with ancient spirits etc would be a nice context to show her burden as the Last Cetra. This need not be diminished by the fact that she did not knowingly walk into death's grasp.