The ones on Photobucket, I find a little hard to make out. I can guess at most of the words, but others just blur together too much.
There was a PDF before, wasn't there? I'm sure I had that, but I can't seem to find it. Did that include everything in the PB account?
EDIT; I found the PDF of the FFVII one. I'm still playing through FFVI so I don't really want to do that one, but if there's a PDF of FFIX...?
Not saying I'd do it fast, because I have other more pressing real life matters to deal with first. But a little now and then, I could manage.
EDIT2; I did Lucrecia's, anyway. I did my own translations of the dialogue because I cba looking up the English ones, but they probably that's that different:
Lucrecia Crescent
The woman who bore Sephiroth
[top image: "But after he was born, I've never once held him..."]
Personal Data
Sex: female
Blood type: B
Height: 163cm
Birthday: 22nd July
Location of appearance: Lucrecia's Shrine
Vincent's beloved, and Sephiroth's birth mother. She was a gifted scientist with the Shinra Company, and also took part in the Jenova Project. She gave the child she was carrying for use in experiments, but as a result in she, being the mother, was also effected by the Jenova cells, and this lead to her becoming unable to die. Unable to cope with the physical and mental changes, he removed herself from human society.
She rejected Vincent's proposal of marriage, then had a son, Sephiroth, with Hojo.
Impressive Words
"I wanted to disappear... I couldn't stay with everyone else... I wanted to die... But, the Jenova inside me won't let me die..."
-- Lucrecia's Shrine: reveals to Vincent that as a side effect from the experiments, she is now immortal.
"My child won't simply die either, just like me... Tell me, Vincent, is he...."
-- Lucrecia's Shrine: To Vincent, asking after her son Sephiroth