FF Newbie Starting FF7 original

  • Thread starter Deleted member 13557
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Pro Adventurer
Me and my friend didn’t understand crap about the materia system or rpgs as kids. If we couldn’t bludgeon the Enemy to death by spamming attack and bolt, we weren’t beating it unless we grinded a crap load. Or flee from every battle until we had to face a boss and be totally under leveled and get annihilated.


Great Old One
Are you people insinuating that the story doesn't continue in Final Fantasy VIII?
hahahaha gais this had me laugh out loud :lol:

This is a great thread, good jerb @ThatGuyMikey :monster:

Deleted member 13557

I adore the materia system.

Apparently you can link SUMMONS? Didn't learn that until like 5 mins ago.

Double cut materia was a late-game love which I'm definitely gonna level to 4x-Cut on my next playthrough. Counter attack and cover rule too. Tend to find that purple and yellow materia kick ass in general.

Took someone's earlier advice of all + restore and yeah, definite life saver. Used all + time to haste everyone and all + barrier to... barrier everyone. These are most likely noob strats but they helped me regardless.

Beat the game with Cloud, Tifa and Barrett all at a measly lvl 61, and that was AFTER the Jenova•Synthesis boss.

Erotic Materia

I adore the materia system.

Apparently you can link SUMMONS? Didn't learn that until like 5 mins ago.

Double cut materia was a late-game love which I'm definitely gonna level to 4x-Cut on my next playthrough. Counter attack and cover rule too. Tend to find that purple and yellow materia kick ass in general.

Took someone's earlier advice of all + restore and yeah, definite life saver. Used all + time to haste everyone and all + barrier to... barrier everyone. These are most likely noob strats but they helped me regardless.

Beat the game with Cloud, Tifa and Barrett all at a measly lvl 61, and that was AFTER the Jenova•Synthesis boss.
61?! That's pretty damn respectable, my dude. I don't recall what my characters were at, but I don't think I've ever gotten anyone above 70.

I saw this trailer on a PS1 demo disc

My brother owned a PS1, I was an N64 kid. After this trailer I knew I had to get a PS1 as well. Shit blew my mind.
JEEEEEBUS, that trailer is LO-HO-HOADED with spoilers. Not least of which is the FMV after Aerith fucking dies.
As a seven year old in 1997, my friend jeff and I discovered FF7 in his Dad’s secret stash of “adult games” while he was away at work on night shift. We’d secretly play it while he was at work. The plot was so over my head at the time, but I fell in love with the characters, music, story, graphics, etc immediately. It took us I think three or four years to beat it. We had no strategy guide. And our other two friends josh and zac were competing with us to see who could beat it faster. I’ll never forget one time we stayed the night at zacs house and we let him start a new game. And he “accidentally” saved over our master file for his new game (we were at the huge materia quest). We were LIVID.
Dude. That is what we in the armchair legal community refer to as "justified homicide".


Pro Adventurer
@ThatGuyMikey Maximillian Dood is maybe my favorite person to listen to talk about FF7. He doesn’t have quite the lore knowledge that some people do, but his passion for the game is so obvious. I could listen to him talk FF7 for hours.

He actually met part of the dev team for remake including Yoshinori Kitase. They told him that they watched his reaction video of when remake was announced. They’d watch it when they were feeling down or in a dev rut, and it give them energy and helped them to try to make the best decisions for the remake. It was a cool story and max was getting choked up telling it.

Erotic Materia

@ThatGuyMikey Maximillian Dood is maybe my favorite person to listen to talk about FF7. He doesn’t have quite the lore knowledge that some people do, but his passion for the game is so obvious. I could listen to him talk FF7 for hours.

He actually met part of the dev team for remake including Yoshinori Kitase. They told him that they watched his reaction video of when remake was announced. They’d watch it when they were feeling down or in a dev rut, and it give them energy and helped them to try to make the best decisions for the remake. It was a cool story and max was getting choked up telling it.
Not only that, they let him play the game for a few hours, well before it was set to release. This was of course with standard SquareEnix NDAs out the ass, but even though he couldn't talk about anything in the game, you could see it in his eyes, Max was positively ecstatic.

This was particularly valuable to all of us, because outside of some leaks, bullshit rumors, etc., we didn't have a ton to go on, so it was deeply reassuring that someone who loved the OG so much had enjoyed the remake to such an extent.

Deleted member 13557

@ThatGuyMikey Maximillian Dood is maybe my favorite person to listen to talk about FF7. He doesn’t have quite the lore knowledge that some people do, but his passion for the game is so obvious. I could listen to him talk FF7 for hours.

He actually met part of the dev team for remake including Yoshinori Kitase. They told him that they watched his reaction video of when remake was announced. They’d watch it when they were feeling down or in a dev rut, and it give them energy and helped them to try to make the best decisions for the remake. It was a cool story and max was getting choked up telling it.
I'm such a huge fan of Max, man. He got me passionate about fighting games again AND got me into FF7.

Erotic Materia

Cloud is like, early 20's, as are Tifa, Aerith and Yuffie.
Barret is mid to late 30's.
Cid is late 20's to early 30's, as is Vincent.
Red XIII is 40 something because I remember him bringing it up.
...A-Are you a wizard? You're pretty damn close. Except Vincent, but that's a technicality (hibernating, immortality, etc). And Yuffie is 16.


Double Growth
This is by far, the most definitive and well done internet walkthrough of FFVII I've seen, and I highly recommend it.


Absolute Steve's FFVII walkthrough is like... Top rated for a reason lol

Surprised no one's HTML-ified this thing yet.

JEEEEEBUS, that trailer is LO-HO-HOADED with spoilers. Not least of which is the FMV after Aerith fucking dies.

Aerith's death scene was in the TV COMMERCIAL.
People were way less obsessive cultists about spoilers in the 90s. Also you don't have context for her being in the water and after you get there 20 hours later you probably forgot the trailer anyway :monster:
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