FF song bracket: Round 1, Group 7

Which of these songs do you like best? Choose up to four.

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Pro Adventurer
Pick your four favourite songs from the selection above!

If you can't decide on just four, you can vote for as many as you want, but only in one poll of the 20 in the first round. The full list of upcoming polls can be found here.

You can listen to the songs in the playlist below.

This poll will be open for three days, and at least four songs will qualify for the next round.

Other popular names for these songs include:

Into the Darkness - "Dungeon"
Sorrow and Loss - "Theme of Sorrow"
Main Theme of FINAL FANTASY V - "Ahead On Our Way"
The Veldt - "Wild West"
Silver Dragon - "Assault of the Silver Dragons"
Launch - "Takeoff"
Besaid - "Besaid Island"
Chocobos of Pulse - "Pulse de Chocobo"

For more information on this event, visit the discussion thread.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
This was actually hard to find a total of four. I gave the nod to the Veldt, but I could have been fine with just Cosmo Canyon, Besaid (x-@) and Snows theme


'Launch' was a close-call, but I can save a vote like that for when 'Assault' appears, considering their similarities (and in my view, superiority of the latter)

Ghost X

Difficult, indeed, but here's what I selected.

- Into the Darkness (FFIV)
- Main Theme of Final Fantasy V (FFV)
- Cosmo Canyon (FFVII)
- Remnants (FFT)

Second and third ones being stand outs.


Veldt, Cosmo Canyon and Into the Darkness were shoe-in. Went with Besaid for the last one. Considered Sorrow and Loss but pretty easy group all things considered.


Main Theme of FFV
The Veldt
Snow's Theme
Fallen Angel


Knew cosmo was going to be overvoted so it didn't get mine, of all of the tracks on this list I think Fallen Angel is objectively the best one. It's the first song in years to actually get a reaction out of me while physically playing a game, so there's that too. FFV's main theme is one of my all time favourites and it upsets me that it doesn't have more votes.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Snow's Theme

Your affinity with Jason Tandro has increased!

I love this song so much, and like most of the tracks in Lightning Returns is gets overlooked.

trash panda

Into the Darkness
Cosmo Canyon
Silver Dragon
FFXII Boss Battle

I really wanted to vote for Veldt but I was stuck between that and Silver Dragon...Silver Dragon won. :|


Pro Adventurer
Sorrow and Loss - I first heard this song when playing the chocobo dungeon/tales on the DS, and for some reason it gave me a huge feeling of deja vu, like I'd heard it before, but I've never played IV before in that time. This strange feeling is somewhat less now than when I first heard it, but it still moves me all the same whenever I listen to it.
Cosmo Canyon - Er, a given for me. I'd actually heard the piano version first before the OG's version, and I love the piano one. Lovely song, perfectly matches the place where all that knowledge is stored and where Nanaki was born and grew up.
Silver Dragon
Snow's Theme - Final Words

Easy but also a kind of tough one, because most of these songs are just mild for me. Nothing really stood out.


Pro Adventurer
The poll will close in a little over 24 hours.

My top pick is the Main Theme of Final Fantasy V. You guys, we have to get this into the top 100. Just a couple more votes will do it! It is such an awesome piece, one of my top 10 for the entire series for sure. Right from the start, it's got that "we're going on an adventure" feel to it, with staccato strings as well as Final Fantasy V's signature bass guitar, which I love. Then it progresses into a really pretty, flowing melody before looping back to the exciting part, giving a nice contrast. What's not to like?

My other votes are for Sorrow and Loss, Silver Dragon and Besaid.

An honourable mention to Cosmo Canyon, which isn't as good as the Great Warrior, but is still a nice tune. It's going to qualify even without my vote, so I'm not worried about going for my other four favourites. :)


Pro Adventurer
Wait for me! I like to spend a long time listening to each song carefully before I vote and post, so I feel like I'm being left behind by the pace of this competition.

This group is polarising for me. I think my top 4 is composed of superb songs, and there are a couple of worthy honourable mentions (see below), but the rest don't really do anything for me.

Veldt I don't know how to describe the beat of the percussion from a musical perspective, but its earthiness goes past my ears and through my body. I like how the song builds into the dramatic minor string part and then drops back to just the beat.

Cosmo Canyon Another song that's more than just an impressive soundscape. The percussion with the mournful flute hits me deep. The part from 1:26 to 1:40 is my favourite. The regular percussion line drops and a drum beat builds while the flute part is layered with a harmonic string accompaniment. It almost makes me well up.

Besaid More splendid percussion. The piano arrangement is gorgeous and performed expertly. This song is soaked in a leisurely island spirit.

Chocobos of Pulse Hell yes. I'm so glad somebody nominated this. This is my favourite chocobo theme of all time. The brass arrangement is ingenious and I love when the melody drops out and the drum solo comes in. That just blows me away. This song is cool.

Honourable mentions:
  • Into The Darkness
  • Main Theme of FINAL FANTASY V Sorry, big bruffa. Like you say, it's imbibed with that spirit of adventure, and I do like it for that... But it's not good enough to make my top four.
  • Launch I agree with RedWolfFF that this is similar to Assault and the inferior of the two songs. It pains me slightly not to vote for it, especially as it was my nomination, but there are better songs here. Having said that, I'd like to praise it for bubbling away and raising my level of excitement and anticipation without it becoming too grand or over the top.
  • Snow's Theme I've only just heard this for the first time, but I've got to say that the guitar arrangement is great. I think this song is let down by the plodding piano accompaniment. That throws me off.


Pro Adventurer
Now I have to admit, I went a bit tactical on this group. I had five songs and I was so torn that I had to do it so I wouldn't lose my sleep over this.

Main Theme of FFV - I absolutely love this theme and it's definitely one of my favourite FF themes. I just love the melody of the second part/chorus what ever you want to call it. And like Flint I also love the bass in it. It's just great.

Veldt - I almost felt like I had to vote for this one. It is so much fun to try to recreate this song with friends. One of my favourite pieces in FFVI I have to admit.

Besaid - Very nearly didn't vote for this one because of Cosmo Canyon. I just really like Besaid themes for their calm, upbeat yet a bit melancholy nature.

Chocobo of Pulse - I'm really disappointed that this one has got so few votes. This piece was really competing for the top spot with FFV. I'm not sure which one won. :awesome: Anyway, I think this might actually be my favourite Chocobo theme. It's so energetic and so fun. Another great air drumming piece. And for the record even though air drumming seems to be my thing (with air keyboarding) I still don't know how to play drums. :monster:

My honorable mention goes to no other than Cosmo Canyon. I was so torn over my decision to leave either this or Besaid out that I had to go see the voting situation, before making my decision. I'm glad I did, because Cosmo Canyon didn't need my vote at all, where as Besaid is more likely to go through now. I also kinda hope that nobody votes after me because FFV is going through at the moment but might not if somebody decides to vote for something else. ^^'

Also a honorable mention to Remnants. In any other group I might have voted for this one, but this group was too tough. There better be a tougher group after this or I might regret not using it in this one.

Wait for me! I like to spend a long time listening to each song carefully before I vote and post, so I feel like I'm being left behind by the pace of this competition.

No worries, I'm the same. And so far I've always voted after you and it's not likely to change anytime soon. :monster:
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Pro Adventurer
I actually have a quick question to ask. Is the Besaid theme here only for the one from X-2, like you say in the title? Or does it encompass X's theme as well? Because if it's supposed to encompass them both, then I would like to change one of my votes for it since I love X's Besaid theme, but X-2's is just okay to me.
Sorry, I can't watch the videos you post here Flint because it's too long for my internet, so I don't know which one you have playing in there.


X-2 is playing in the vid and it's in the poll. X's Besaid Island is an entirely different song.


Pro Adventurer
Oh great! Thanks guys! Okay all good then. I'll wait 'til 17 to cast my vote for it. :)


Pro Adventurer
This poll is now closed. The songs which have definitely made it into the top 100 are:

The Veldt
Cosmo Canyon
Silver Dragon

If your favourite song isn't on this list, don't despair! It might still get in as one of the best runners-up. The songs with the best chance of qualifying in this manner are:

Into the Darkness
Boss Battle

Thanks for voting!


Crap!! I've been so bad at internetting lately that I totally missed my chance to vote for Assault of the Silver Dragons :(
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