FF7 Web Series - What would you like to see?

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher

I am excited to bring you news that FFVII: The Web Series has succeeded in a coup to bring two of the best-known FFVII fanfiction writers together to collaborate on the project.

The screenplays for the entire first season will be co-written by myself and Mr. Ite!!!

Even more exciting announcements to come in the next week.
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Chloe Frazer
Is TLS is taking over the world that means we'll have more tentacles, cookie monsters and lesbians around which will definitely make the world a much better place.

OT: This is very exciting, I can't wait to see the finished product and I'm very happy you guys decided to keep The Wall Market scenario is one of my favorite parts of the game. I'm curious how much of Zack will be shown? If you don't mind me asking.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
My style and Ite's style are very different so we will challenge one another to constantly improve the quality of the screenplay. I'm very pro-Compilation and he's not so much. Hopefully we will strike the correct balance as a result.

Much of this series will be character driven and I would like to include Zack's influence on the appropriate characters. As for screen time, it's unlikely we will include a Zack (even in a flashback) until much further down the line.


Pro Adventurer
Nice suggestions, Novus the Newbie. Actually it would be cool to have different episodes told from different party member's points of view, filling in some of the stuff we don't see in the game.

:) I enjoy discussing stuff like this, its like working out a Sudoku.

My point about the helicopter was really about saving time and money, because the Tseng introduction and Aerith's kinap occur with two actors hanging out of a plane which is easily the most costly aspect to reproduce.
It can be done in less time, by having Elmyra explain do both (Tseng appears in the Elmyra flashbacks). Which just leaves Reno's escape and there are numerous ways around that.

I downloaded your E-book btw, SandG, I can see you're not a fan of the wire climb :D. So what's happening with the dungeons- mythril mine, Mt.Corel ect- are they all going in???

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Congrats guys!


Hmmm, I kind of like the helicopter scene because it shows Aerith's defiance and inner strength, spunk/spirit when she gets up after Tseng slap knocks her down to ensure she can tell/reassure Tifa that Marlene is safe and to tell everyone to get out of the tower safe :) Also going back to what Pixel said about getting more people to have more of an emotional connection to Aerith, well I think the game did a fine job there myself and people probably wouldn't have been so affected by what happened to her/she probably wouldn't be one of the most popular FF characters ever like in Japan, shown in that Square Enix poll recently where they said Lightning just narrowly beat out Aerith, but getting more people to feel it wouldn't be a bad thing if done right by spending more time with her or something, but I wouldn't want it to weaken her either by making her look like a total DiD or Mary Sue or fragile flower or w/e either :monster: I love Yuna but I wouldn't want it to kind of look like Aerith didn't go anywhere without her guardians or w/e, I just had a debate with someone over this recently who was basically saying Aerith was one of the biggest damsels in the FF series ever in terms of disc size/time active/times rescued ratio or something and Cloud and everyone basically spent 1/3 of the game/all disc one protecting/looking after Aerith where clearly Aerith would actually go off and doing her own thing each time the party split up and she didn't have to travel with Cloud's group, well I was trying to argue she was part of the team not being carried around by them :monster:

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Ite's "lol" gave it away :P

Actually, getting Ite on board is just part of it. I'm sure he did his best to hide his enthusiam.

My point about the helicopter was really about saving time and money, because the Tseng introduction and Aerith's kinap occur with two actors hanging out of a plane which is easily the most costly aspect to reproduce.
It can be done in less time, by having Elmyra explain do both (Tseng appears in the Elmyra flashbacks). Which just leaves Reno's escape and there are numerous ways around that.

I downloaded your E-book btw, SandG, I can see you're not a fan of the wire climb :D. So what's happening with the dungeons- mythril mine, Mt.Corel ect- are they all going in???

We'll have to incorporate the helicopter somehow as it is the reason Aerith and Marlene got out in time. It's also the reason they know Marlene isn't dead, otherwise why go to see Elmyra? It will be a challenge to compromise between progressing the story and what is financially effective.

As for my novel, the swinging down bit makes no sense. A) How long is the cable and B) Why is there still tension after the Plate collapses. I went for a slightly more realistic approach.

The dungeons will all be there. The second novel (albeit in desperate need of a revamp in places) can be found on fanfiction.net.

Hmmm, I kind of like the helicopter scene because it shows Aerith's defiance and inner strength, spunk/spirit when she gets up after Tseng slap knocks her down to ensure she can tell/reassure Tifa that Marlene is safe and to tell everyone to get out of the tower safe :) Also going back to what Pixel said about getting more people to have more of an emotional connection to Aerith, well I think the game did a fine job there myself and people probably wouldn't have been so affected by what happened to her/she probably wouldn't be one of the most popular FF characters ever like in Japan, shown in that Square Enix poll recently where they said Lightning just narrowly beat out Aerith, but getting more people to feel it wouldn't be a bad thing if done right by spending more time with her or something, but I wouldn't want it to weaken her either by making her look like a total DiD or Mary Sue or fragile flower or w/e either :monster: I love Yuna but I wouldn't want it to kind of look like Aerith didn't go anywhere without her guardians or w/e, I just had a debate with someone over this recently who was basically saying Aerith was one of the biggest damsels in the FF series ever in terms of disc size/time active/times rescued ratio or something and Cloud and everyone basically spent 1/3 of the game/all disc one protecting/looking after Aerith where clearly Aerith would actually go off and doing her own thing each time the party split up and she didn't have to travel with Cloud's group, well I was trying to argue she was part of the team not being carried around by them :monster:

Both Ite and I are keen to explore various character relationships by using scenes that are either original or only referenced during the game. We hope to use this as a way of better communicating information that often seems misplaced in the game.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
I actually meant the series. Are the dungeons in the web series?

Sorry, my mistake. We're pretty much focusing on the Midgar scenario for now so haven't given that a great deal of thought. Ite and I did, however, discuss the matter briefly on Skype. Early on, with the possible exception of the introduction of Elena, there is not a great deal of plot progression in the dungeons prior to arriving in Junon. I felt (and I think he agreed) that the best way to address the hike from Kalm to Junon would be to do it in a LoTR montage style of traversing various terrains. Beyond that, there has been little thought given to it.


Average Jiro
I'm sure Elena's character can be introduced later. You're going to be shot down for changing anything, but I think if you focus on constructing a coherent tale from source material then you should do a damn fine job and nobody with any sense will hold it against you. Just don't change too much :monster:

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
So, I'm going to announce this here as it will shortly be up on our Facebook page anyway.

Right, some of you may be wondering what the standard of this project is going to be like. Some of you may have your doubts about whether or not a non-profit fan-made incarnation will be anything other than shoddy.

I expect that over the next few weeks, we will be able to gradually ease those doubts.

Now, as you all know, both Ite and myself are collaborating on the screenplay which will hopefully bring much more quality than either of us working individually.

We have the exceptionally-talented Prateek Mathur on board as lead animator and VFX specialist, backed up by the brilliant Gina Zarco.

And we are receiving more and more emails from fans around the world offering to lend us their skills just to be part of this exciting project.

But, how about this:

We have the FULL backing of the team at OCReMix to use the music of the acclaimed fan-made Final Fantasy VII remix album, Voices of the Lifestream. In addition, discussions are underway with the site's owner, David Lloyd, and a number of respected artists for a whole new set of remixes which will form the exclusive SOUNDTRACK to the Final Fantasy VII: Web Series.

Watch this space as news develops.
Boy...that escalated quickly. The final product will surely be of high quality, thanks to all the brilliant minds working on this thing.


The Pixie King
One way to deal with the cross dressing part is to have them go to Don Corneo's place and are told "girl's only". Aerith looks at Cloud mischievously, and he looks back at her like "what?". Cut to Aerith returning "I brought my friend", Reveal Cloud in drag with a blank expression.


Pro Adventurer
Someday,you´ve got to hire ObstinateMelon for comedy writing in the Web series! I can´t get enough of his humorous and passionate take on the original game :D


Save your valediction (she/her)
One way to deal with the cross dressing part is to have them go to Don Corneo's place and are told "girl's only". Aerith looks at Cloud mischievously, and he looks back at her like "what?". Cut to Aerith returning "I brought my friend", Reveal Cloud in drag with a blank expression.

I just wrote exactly that Pixel. Great minds think alike.


Chloe Frazer
Please make Cloud be the one picked by Don Corneo, that's just too damn funny. :monster:


The Pixie King
Yeah, you should have him be picked, the girls get taken downstairs. Have a short creepy scene with corneo hitting on cloud, then cut to a shot of the door of the room the girls were taken to. The sound of men screaming in pain, and stuff being thrown around. Door opens and Tifa emerges, having just changed into her usual outfit, putting on her gloves, followed by Aerith, fixing her bow, saying something like "I'm definitely not going to mess with you." They walk away, leaving a shot through the open door of 4 guy beaten to a pulp.

They go upstairs and barge into corneo's room and find Cloud in a bit of an awkward position lol


Chloe Frazer
And then the Corneo balls threatening commences. :monster:

Just imagining Tifa in that blue dress has made my day. :awesome:

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Eyes on Final Fantasy have published an interview they did recently with myself, the director and our marketing director.

It may be an interesting read for anyone unfamiliar with the project. Unfortunately, it has been significantly edited by the interviewer so, despite my best efforts, there is only a single reference to Ite. Apologies, big guy.

Also, from Facebook:

In the next few weeks, we're going to be launching our very own, brand new, totally shiny, amazing....


You'll be able to get all the latest news and updates from the Final Fantasy VII Web Series directly from the mouths of the cast and crew, no matter where you are!

- Work
- Gym
- School (At lunch break, kids!)
- Your favorite legal activity

We'll have interviews and sit downs with our Director, Screenwriters, Music Director and composers, Artists, VFX specialists, and even a few special guests who'll stop by to chat with us!

What's more, we'll have a special segment where we will answer YOUR questions directly!

We'll also cover the latest Square-Enix news, and news from around the vast Final Fantasy communities!
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Lv. 1 Adventurer
I think it's important to stick to the original story and try not to change too much stuff around. Stick with the original personalities of the characters; Cloud is indifferent, cocky, and cold during much of the game, and that is why we love him.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher

We have been extremely busy of late. Our Kickstarter video is currently in production (including a guest appearance from everyone's favourite TLS audiobook narrator, Pixel), Ite and I are slaving away at the screenplay, our official website will soon be launched, we have the beginnings of our bi-weekly podcast, and will also shortly be announcing some very cool and very exciting additions to our team among many other things.

Can't wait until then? Why not head over to our official merchandise store on RedBubble to pick up some exclusive FF7 goodies and do your bit for the cause?
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