FF7Tools lzss unclear syntax.

NERV Agent

Eva Unit 01
I extracted "MOVIE/OPENING.BIN" from an FF7 PSX disc. I used "unbinlz" to decompress it, and managed to edit one of the ".data" files that came out to my liking.

But how exactly do I compress all those data files back into "OPENING.BIN"?

The README says this:

lzss / unlzss

Usage: lzss [OPTION...] <fromfile> <tofile>
-V, --version Display version information and exit
-?, --help Show this help message

Usage: unlzss [OPTION...] <fromfile> <tofile>
-V, --version Display version information and exit
-?, --help Show this help message

The 'lzss' and 'unlzss' tools compress and decompress individual files
compressed with the game's version of the LZSS algorithm.

Examples for such files are the field maps (FIELD/*.DAT) and all files
having the .LZS extension.
The command line seems to specify a single file, and not a bunch of files (or a whole directory). How do I compress all the ".data" files back into "OPENING.BIN"?

I tried doing this, but got this:

>python lzss OPENING_00.data + OPENING_01.data + OPENING_02.data + OPENING_03
.data + OPENING_04.data + OPENING_05.data + OPENING_06.data + OPENING_07.data +
OPENING_08.data + OPENING_09.data + OPENING_10.data + OPENING_11.data + OPENING_
12.data + OPENING_13.data + OPENING_14.data + OPENING_15.data + OPENING_16.data
+ OPENING_17.data + OPENING_18.data + OPENING_19.data + OPENING_20.data + OPENIN
G_21.data + OPENING_22.data + OPENING_7472_0.data OPENING.BIN
Usage: lzss [OPTION...] <fromfile> <tofile>
-V, --version Display version information and exit
-?, --help Show this help message

Error: Unexpected extra argument 'OPENING_01.data'

So I try putting it in brackets, and got this:

>python lzss <OPENING_00.data + OPENING_01.data + OPENING_02.data + OPENING_0
3.data + OPENING_04.data + OPENING_05.data + OPENING_06.data + OPENING_07.data +
OPENING_08.data + OPENING_09.data + OPENING_10.data + OPENING_11.data + OPENING
_12.data + OPENING_13.data + OPENING_14.data + OPENING_15.data + OPENING_16.data
+ OPENING_17.data + OPENING_18.data + OPENING_19.data + OPENING_20.data + OPENI
NG_21.data + OPENING_22.data + OPENING_7472_0.data> <OPENING.BIN>
< was unexpected at this time.

I scoured Google and there is no information on the command line syntax for this program. It can't be unknown. How do you use this thing?!?


You'd be better asking that question on Qhimm, which is where I'm sure the tool comes from.

However, I'm pretty sure it's as simple as just putting the files into a folder, then doing lzss [folder name]. That's how it works for lgp tools anyway.

NERV Agent

Eva Unit 01
I posted on Qhimm, and it seems that even they don't know.

Also, I tried what you mentioned and it still didn't work. :(

FF7 hacking is quite the mystery it seems (for a beginner, anyway).

Thanks, though.
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It's pretty horrendous when you're starting out tbf, but this is really just zipping/unzipping a file format. Maybe the tool is just shit? XD

NERV Agent

Eva Unit 01
It's possible that it is shit.

Someone in Qhimm just told me that the program might only be able to compress one file at a time. But that makes no sense. It's like putting only one file in a .zip file when one would usually put a bunch. It makes no logistical sense to make such a program....
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