FFVII "Fan Creations" You Dream of Making But Probably Won't


Rookie Adventurer
I actually had a weirder one in mind xD

After the events of DoC, the world was thrown into chaos (the negative lifestream), reviving the souls that couldn't quite digest in it, resulting in Jenova using it to destroy the world. Aeris is revived by a new "God", with the mission of saving the souls (and all that Lightning crap). I actually started working on it a few months ago, and gave up with it:
Do you happen to have it still sitting around? That would be pretty fun to play, even if it's not complete.

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
I actually started working on it again last night. I wasn't planning on making it available to play, it was just a goof. But I guess if people want it I could finish a little demo when I get my stuff together :)


Rookie Adventurer
I've been toying with the idea of writing fanfiction exploring the more "mundane" details of the characters. What does Cloud do when he's not out doing deliveries? What's Barret's favorite food? Stuff like that. Just a slice of life sort of thing.

I never felt like the world and characters of the FF7 Compilation were fleshed out enough.
Oh dear. All the articles compiling and analyzing pre-release FFVII material. So much I will never get around to. To buy old Japanese gaming magazines and get all the juicy pre-release images.


Alex T
Oh I constantly toy with ideas in my head. There's my ever-elusive OTWtaS book I wish to complete (attached is a sample of my work). I would also like to write a review on AC for the front page of this site that focuses on the good and bad of its questionable narrative.


  • otwtas cover.jpg
    otwtas cover.jpg
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Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I've been working on drawing Vincent recently. And, of course, writing blurbs and drabbles which will be/would be part of my fanfiction.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
How about some prequel stories about Sephiroth's childhood and his time in the Wutai War.


Pro Adventurer
How about some prequel stories about Sephiroth's childhood and his time in the Wutai War.
I swear that joudama was working on a story like this at some point ... but it's been years since she posted the prologue, so I doubt it'll be picked up again.

I have a very large AU I want to write, but I don't think it'll ever coalesce given all my other obligations: Vincent takes Sephiroth when he's a child and flees to Wutai, where Sephiroth grows up and joins the Wutai war effort against the invading ShinRa forces (which, yes, include Genesis and Angeal). [Actually, after posting this, I started word-vomiting a oneshot. Whaddayaknow.)

Another fun thing that won't be written: Gilgamesh yoinks Seifer outta Time Compression, drops him in FF7 pre-CC, and charges him with the task of obtaining Masamune before he'll let him go home. Cue the clusterfuck.
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Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
How about a harem fanfiction that is partially based on Tenchi Muyo. Of course Cloud would be the harem lead and the girls who would be pining after him are Aerith, Tifa, Jessie, Yuffie, and female Sephiroth.

Another scenario is having an AU fiction that is based on "Ah My Goddess" with female Sephiroth taking the place of Bellandy and Cloud taking the place of Keiichi. Female Genesis would take the place of Urd while Female Angeal would take the place of Skuld.


How does Cloud go about with his delivery service? How much time does it take for Tifa to find the perfect bra? What are some of the craziest things Elena has done or thought of to catch Tseng's attention? Is Rufus a tea or a coffee person?

I really want fanfics answering such mundane questions because I'm too lazy to do it myself


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
A morning in the life of the Turks

Rufus- Tea person

Rude- Coffee person

Reno- Bourbon person

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
A VinLu AMV. I started to do one ages ago, actually. Maybe now that I'm actually skilled in AfterEffects I might pick it up again someday. Who knows. It was too big of an undertaking back when I knew nothing about animation/video editing.

That said, if you pitch me this FF7 video discussion idea, I might be willing to do it.

Aside from that, I'm also setting my sights high and going with "being chosen to the person in charge of the completion of the compilation." I'd end with another epic RPG that primarily resolves the Cloud/Sephiroth conflict but also all the other little conflicts, then a remake of FF7 with new graphics. Or maybe the remake first then the sequel.

...and not letting Redemption fall into this sad category. That's a goal.

And lots of other FFVII related fan art.

And there's also the FFVII cookbook project.

The reason is mainly lack of confidence and skill. I definitely would love to collaborate for projects, but even with enough people/ funds I just don't think I've reached the point where my art is worth all the investment.

Go for it, dude. I'll watch, if nothing else. And artistic skill means nothing next to passion and storytelling in the world of amateur fan comics, IMO.

I've been toying with the idea of writing fanfiction exploring the more "mundane" details of the characters. What does Cloud do when he's not out doing deliveries? What's Barret's favorite food? Stuff like that. Just a slice of life sort of thing.

I never felt like the world and characters of the FF7 Compilation were fleshed out enough.

Do this, too. I would read this.

(Sorry for multiple replies. Browsing on my phone atm and can't quote multiple posts otherwise. )

I swear that joudama was working on a story like this at some point ... but it's been years since she posted the prologue, so I doubt it'll be picked up again.

That's a popular recurring fan fiction plot. Even I started to write one around the turn of the millennium.
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