FFVII in a Day


So since I'm back in the streaming-for-fun game and I've recently had the urge to scratch a VII itch, I want to play through it again. We did the race last year but this time I thought it would be fun to fire through the game start to finish in a day - not speedrunning (well kind of, just not using the old Tifa+Powersoul tactic - just playing through the game as I normally would) but getting through the game within about 14 - max 18 hours shouldn't be too hard.

Ideally I'd like to play my modded PC version but I'll see how well that streams. And I want to do it this week or weekend :monster:

I'll also commentate/ be on Skype if anyone wants to get in on it?

I should be finished with XII tomorrow or the day after. I planned to stream Dirge afterwards but I thought I'd play the original first, then maybe watch ACC THEN play Dirge. Then hopefully my itch will be scratched.


Double Growth
While I haven't been playing it with dedication, I have been picking up my modded PC version from time to time. I'm at the Gold Saucer. The mods do make it pretty enjoyable :)


Pro Adventurer
Amazingly, I might actually be free this weekend :monster: If I am, I'll definitely get in on this. I don't know if I'll have it in me to join you on Skype for 14-18 hours, but I could do a couple of shifts. As an idea, maybe you could have just one or two guests on at a time (until the end, at least, when everyone could join you), to prevent it from getting too confusing for anyone listening.


If I manage to get more than one or two people interested enough to be on Skype that is :monster:

But yay FLINTY TAIMU! I hope you're free, we've missed you <3. I'll be commentating throughout the day and hopefully people want to chat and stuff to make it less boring.

I'm not sure how I want to tackle it yet. I might grenade my way through Midgar like we did purely to get that part of the story out of the way.


More than likely Saturday. I was gonna say Friday (tomorrow) but I still haven't tested anything yet. I might still do tomorrow if I have enough time to check everything today :monster:


OK dudettes and dudes, I've set it up and it actually looks pretty good (if a bit laggy, might mess with the FPS since FFVII only runs in 15 FPS anyway). I even had it running in 720p, looking naisu.

So like, I know people have said, but does anyone want to join me on call? It should be a maximum of 2 or three people at a time I think (including me), obviously I'll be there all day so if people know what times they're going to be available then that would be ideal.

I kinda really want to do it tomorrow, but I should probably use that time to prepare for it. I plan to get Yuffie and Vincent (if I can manage it, Lost Numbers is a cunt even at high enough levels), so I should maybe use that time to set out a plan. Or I could plan a bit tonight and just start it tomorrow.

Thoughts, suggestions?

I've updated my channel page (scroll down underneath the video) to give a link to the site and a description of the video/ challenge.


Pro Adventurer
I beat Lost Number with solo level 27 Cloud using the following strategy: put him in the back row, give him sadness, and then make sure to expose the physical side by dealing damage with physical attacks - I used Deathblow - yourself. Do that with three characters and you should be fine. If you're still struggling, remember that you can poison the boss (and that won't affect which of his sides you have to fight for the second half of the battle), and that you can paralyse or stop him temporarily with moves like Cross-Slash, Seal Evil and Choco/Mog.

I'll join you for some commentary. I'll be free late this evening and all of tomorrow.


Consumed By Darkness
If I manage to get more than one or two people interested enough to be on Skype that is :monster:

But yay FLINTY TAIMU! I hope you're free, we've missed you <3. I'll be commentating throughout the day and hopefully people want to chat and stuff to make it less boring.

I'm not sure how I want to tackle it yet. I might grenade my way through Midgar like we did purely to get that part of the story out of the way.

you know I'll be up for most of it my friend as I am of this weekend <3


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I'll see about tomorrow night. Heading out to my cousin's 18th party, but it's at half 4 and I don't expect to get back stupidly late.


I'm definitely doing this tomorrow guys. Gonna get up, have some breakfast then fire on through. Using the speedrun strategies until about Corel prison-ish, since up til that point makes me want to gouge out my own eyeballs.

Pop on whenever you like, tell me you're there (flinty if you let me down I will be sad) but I'd love it if more people could make it (Tres, Ryu, Hito et al) if you guys cba.


Pro Adventurer
Two questions, related:

1. Any chance of an estimated timetable? A start time at least, but possibly also an expected finishing time and rough guesses of when you might be at certain points of the game (changing disc, for example)

2. Once we have that information, should we publicise this? Even if it doesn't merit a front page post, we should share it on our social media sites, I think :)


Consumed By Darkness
Yeah, that sounds good, i'll be tweeting about it also as you will be hearing my Geordie accent throughout most of the stream if Lex approves of course :monster:


If someone wants to publicise it, feel free. I would feel like a bit of a fraud self-promoting myself on the front page/ anywhere else affiliated with the site. Since I'm (miraculously) still on the FFVII Web Series facebook group, I'll probably post it there.

I intend to speedrun up to about just after corel prison, afterwards I'll still be playing fast but not speeding like we did in the race.

So let's say a 11am/12pm start, end midgar somewhere between 1:30pm and 3pm, hopefully finish disc 1 between 4 and 5pm? Or slightly after that for food breaks, depends on how food-prepared I am in the morning tbh. I intend to go for a shop beforehand to grab the day's meals, but I might need to break to eat them :D

Up to the end of disc 1 is the only real estimate I can give. I don't intend to "farm" or anything, but I don't want it to be as luck dependent as our race was. My main concerns are Materia Keeper, Demon's Gate and Carry Armour, I don't want to have to repeat them (too many times). I'm hoping the latest I'll be finished is 4/5am Sunday my time, so draw conclusions from that. The only real extra things I intend to do are get Yuffie and Vincent and the Turks fights. If I'm running low on time I'll skip the return to Midgar, but that's one of my favourite sequences so I'm hoping I won't have to, although it'd be cool to try the glitch for the first time.


Listen I just remembered, incase it gets busy (it usually does with a VII/Mod stream) I'm going to have to mod some of you in the chat.

The commands are:

/timeout username (temp ban)
/ban username
/unban username
/clear - clears chat history

That's kind of it, the rest are for setting/removing a time restriction on how often messages can be posted by the same user, and I don't think we'll need those :)


The Pixie King
If the sound is coming from the system sound, you could open the volume mixer and reduce the game sound, and keep other sound up


Pro Adventurer
Lex said that he tried that, but that the FFVII software kept resetting its own volume to max every time the song changed.


Great Old One
I updated the Happening Now bar, should probably put this back when this is over:
<a href="http://thelifestream.net/lifestream-projects/podcasts/22110/thelifestream-net-podcast-3-e3-edition/">Listen to our podcast team's reaction to all the developments at E3 in the latest episode</a>


Thanks to everyone who showed up and commentated on the stream with me, it wasn't so lonely that way.

I can't believe how popular it was. It kind of exploded not long after I'd started and just kinda grew into this beast, really chuffed with the number of people that showed up throughout the day and interacted within the chat. I have 20 new followers on Twitch, which is almost twice the number I had before so yeah, very pleased :monster:

I may have had a slight bitch fit and died at Schizo (and made a derp at materia keeper) but the rest went fine. I say fine, what I really mean is I came closer to dying with Carry Armour than I ever have with any other boss then miraculously recovered, and the same thing happened with Safer Sephiroth. I think everyone watching the stream (including me) were just grimacing waiting for the game over screen, then I managed to kill him :D.

I'm not sure how long it actually took me, what with technical issues etc. I'll need to check the video for the in-game timestamp. I started playing the PC version at 12:00pm and hit the final blow on the Playstation version at about 4:25am, so yeah, kinda shattered. I took one ten minute break after Midgar to fix some grpahical issues, then a 15 minute break after disc 1 to eat/ bathroom, and that was kind of it. I think I stopped for a minute once or twice to fix/ check something, but other than that it was solid playing. I started feeling tired at 4am when I hit Temple of the Ancients, but I think that's because I was absolutely dreading Demon's Gate.

It was fun, but I started getting stressed out when the chat wasn't being moderated so if I ever do anything like this again I'll need to set a timetable up or something. I actually banned two people from the chat because they were annoying everybody, but I don't exactly think I'm the best person to moderate when I'm stressed out trying to get through that game as quickly as possible :D.

If any of you popped in/ were watching and didn't mention it anywhere, thanks, I really appreciate it. The video itself at one point had about 40 concurrent viewers, I couldn't believe it.


PS: People need to look at what happened in my Carry Armour fight to believe it seriously. Same with Safer Sephiroth. Might make a YT vid :D.


Pro Adventurer
My internet connection started to crap out after about midnight my time, so I had to keep refreshing the page, which meant I couldn't keep up with the conversation well enough to moderate it. Sorry about that.

Still, I had fun for the ten hours I was with you, apart from maybe the first hour when you were just constantly resetting :P We should do more events like this, they're clearly popular!
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