SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
Anyone annoyed by the amount of bullshit scenes characters get away in the middle of a shooting, which could be easily justified with a Protect barrier?

I think it's time already for Magic to be featured more prominently in cutscenes as a "realistic" way to justify characters surviving in harsh situations, or floating in mid-air (Levitate?).


Kaiju Member
I mean it's the standard level of graphicness you can do with gunshot "wounds" and U.S.A. T ratings. That's hardly an issue unique to the Remake.


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
I mean it's the standard level of graphicness you can do with gunshot "wounds" and U.S.A. T ratings. That's hardly an issue unique to the Remake.
I meant the impossibility of not receiving a single shot, and that happens a lot here. If you put a Protect effect you dont need to feature gunshot wounds and the scenes will feel more believable; while its a problem in other games, FF has magic in its world so why not.


Kaiju Member
I meant the impossibility of not receiving a single shot, and that happens a lot here. If you put a Protect effect you dont need to feature gunshot wounds and the scenes will feel more believable; while its a problem in other games, FF has magic in its world so why not.
Eh, probably easier to do Stormtrooper bad aim shooting than having to create and animate an additional effect to show a Protect/Barrier spell is active.
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Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Something I find curious and a little funny is that nobody in Avalanche seems to have a phone. We know cellphones exist in that world since we see Heidegger use one multiple times. Surely there are cheap ones for sale in the slums. It's just kind of funny that the gang would go off on dangerous missions with no way to communicate with each other if they got separated. And then Cloud falls at Reactor 5. If they'd had phones, he could've just called and said something like:

"Not to worry, Tifa. I'm okay. Just landed in this weird flowerbed and this strange girl I just met's helping get back there after I do some jobs in Sector 5. So let Jessie know we'll have to have our pizza tomorrow instead of tonight. After I do a bit of crossdressing to find out what Don Corneo wants with Sector 7. And no, it's not for fun. It's. Just. A. Disguise. And don't tell the others I had to dance to get the outfit. Especially Jessie. You know I'll never hear the end of it if you do."

And neither Cloud nor Aerith never once thought to buy a phone in Sector 5 so he could call the 7th Heaven. Silly people... :mon:


Kaiju Member
I'm reminded of that bullshit moment in the first chapter to "Dirge of Cerberus" when Vincent stands out in the open with his gauntlet in front of just his face, blocking incoming bullets. And this is in a game that did utilize both a Barrier and Shield materia in cutscenes.
Though does that beat the ridiculousness of Cloud’s bullet resistant shades from Advent Children where Cloud get shot right in the face and only gets a scratch from the bullet?

As for cell phones perhaps it could be justified (besides the Doylisitc reason of the Remake being based on a story from the 90s when mobile phones were less widespread and common) by the economic stratification of people in the slums not being able to afford them? Or perhaps Shinra monitors the cellular waves, so they aren’t a secure messaging medium?


Pro Adventurer
Something I find curious and a little funny is that nobody in Avalanche seems to have a phone. We know cellphones exist in that world since we see Heidegger use one multiple times. Surely there are cheap ones for sale in the slums. It's just kind of funny that the gang would go off on dangerous missions with no way to communicate with each other if they got separated. And then Cloud falls at Reactor 5. If they'd had phones, he could've just called and said something like:

"Not to worry, Tifa. I'm okay. Just landed in this weird flowerbed and this strange girl I just met's helping get back there after I do some jobs in Sector 5. So let Jessie know we'll have to have our pizza tomorrow instead of tonight. After I do a bit of crossdressing to find out what Don Corneo wants with Sector 7. And no, it's not for fun. It's. Just. A. Disguise. And don't tell the others I had to dance to get the outfit. Especially Jessie. You know I'll never hear the end of it if you do."

And neither Cloud nor Aerith never once thought to buy a phone in Sector 5 so he could call the 7th Heaven. Silly people... :mon:
because video game lol


Alex T
I think it's time already for Magic to be featured more prominently in cutscenes as a "realistic" way to justify characters surviving in harsh situations, or floating in mid-air (Levitate?).

I always thought Cait Sith should've cast MBarrier on Cloud while Red XIII launched him towards Bahamut SIN in Advent Children. As it stands, Cait Sith is the only party member who doesn't really assist Cloud in his victory. I mean it'd be a great way to rationalize how Cloud could fly through Petaflare without so much as charring an eyebrow.


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
I think the issue with magic is that they probably wanna avoid having characters use spells in cutscenes that don't match what you have equipped in-game.
honestly there are so many things your character can only do in cutscenes and not on gameplay that it wouldn't bother me, but in this case, just put Protect as one of the initial materias on the player's inventory.


Alex T
I think the issue with magic is that they probably wanna avoid having characters use spells in cutscenes that don't match what you have equipped in-game.

In the ending's pre-rendered scenes, Cloud has a magic and support materia equipped to his Buster Sword's linked slots. However, in my first playthrough I had two command materia equipped there. My immersion was broken, but with time I've recovered.


Double Growth
In the ending's pre-rendered scenes, Cloud has a magic and support materia equipped to his Buster Sword's linked slots. However, in my first playthrough I had two command materia equipped there. My immersion was broken, but with time I've recovered.

Opposite for me. I had a magic and a support (Lighting and Elemental) in the Buster Sword and was blown away trying to figure out how they got my materia to show up in a prerendered cutscene! :O


I had a thought about Chadley (I know the spoiler about them)
What if (sorry if mentioned somewhere already) Chadley helps the party build an AI unit with Aerith's combat capabilities? That way you'll still be able to use Aerith's unique abilities, limit breaks etc (they could even come up with some reason for it, an area where physical force is required and the magical strength of the party is not enough? or something) Don't know if people would be more bothered by ghost in the shell or timey wimey change the course of events stuff :faint:
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