FFVII Remake Play Arts Kai Figures


Mhhhhm. Lets face it, most FF worlds are a little half baked. But VII feels a bit more so because it tries to be so much more modern. I think only VIII is the one where immersion starts to break down when you consider these kind of things. The whole Garden idea is incredibly stupid.

Really? FFVIII had railways, roads, countries with borders rather then just seperate towns that we as fans decide up by continent. Did all the things to keep up with how detailed their gameworld were getting that FFVII left by the wayside.


Pro Adventurer
Mhhhhm. Lets face it, most FF worlds are a little half baked. But VII feels a bit more so because it tries to be so much more modern. I think only VIII is the one where immersion starts to break down when you consider these kind of things. The whole Garden idea is incredibly stupid.

Really? FFVIII had railways, roads, countries with borders rather then just seperate towns that we as fans decide up by continent. Did all the things to keep up with how detailed their gameworld were getting that FFVII left by the wayside.

The problem is it's too much advancement for a mostly unpopulated world. There's only one actual real military power, and two large scale cities actively engaging with the world, Galabadia and Timber. Fisherman Horizon is like the FF equivalent of Sweden, Esthar has been withdrawn for a decade or two, and everything like Balamb and Dollet are small fry towns. There are actually fewer populated locations all together than VII.

So it makes the idea of needing these mercenary schools that can somehow make its money hiring out it's members kind of silly, even by FF standards. The only reason Galabadia even has an army is because of the dispute with Esthar. I understand thats just a cover-up for their true purpose, but these schools have apparently been functional for about a decade at least..doing...what?

VII makes much more sense. It was originally a much more backwater world, but Mako energy jump started an entirely new era and economy. FFVIII just makes no sense to me on any level.


Shinra made it's money in the arms industry too. No military power still exists that benefitted from their business at all, even though they got rich enough from their business to take over the world. It's implied they all utterly disappeared in the span of President Shinra's adult life.

Alex Strife

Shinra rules the world from an economic point of view. They do not need to have military outposts since essentially 90% of the world depends on them and their technology. They already won wars before.

Interestingly enough, it's there, stated in the game. President Shinra ruled with money... Rufus wants to do it with fear. Ring a bell? It's all there! :)


Harbinger O Great Justice
Looks like Barret's figure is releasing today, so we should have some extra details to compare with what we got on Cloud's soon.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
Guess it couldn't hurt to post this here as well.

Review of PAK FFVIIR Cloud (in Japanese)



Some photos of Barret from twitter (the black specs appear to be an issue with this person's camera)






Pro Adventurer
^GodDAMN Barret's looking pretty damn fine :closedmonster:

I can't wait for the date scene at the Gold Saucer...

*Barret removes shades to view fireworks*
/The soft colorful glow highlights his hazel eyes/
*Cloud tries not to stare*



Save your valediction (she/her)
Yeah, his eyes are very soft. He's a beautiful man. His face is also much bigger on his head than it used to be. Perhaps it's another step away from the cartooniness of the OG, which I'm ambivalent about.

I mean,


Pro Adventurer

As unlikely as it is, I would REALLY love if they eventually released weapon sets for these PAKs. The remake's Ultima Weapon would look spectacular with this Cloud. Or how about Missing Score for Barret? Honestly, I'd even swap out the Buster Sword for the Nail Bat for some variations over the months of having these (and hopefully the rest of the FULL cast) on display.
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Phantom Lord
Ee up lads. Long time no post, but I recently got myself Cloud, and Barret's on his way as well. Got shafted quite majorly by Parcelforce's customs, but honestly Cloud's such a good looking figure that it barely registered. The headsculpt is absolutely fantastic and he's covered in detail.


Classic Pose


"It's not my problem."


Messed up the squat button presses


"The only thing I care about is finishin' this job before security and the Roboguards come."


It blows the AC PAK Cloud out of the water, and that was a pretty damn good figure. Nowhere near as many accessories, mind you, but overall a far, far better looking piece. It's weird that Square can get headsculpts like this and AC Tifa so spot-on, yet AC Cloud and so many others look so weird and doll-like in comparison.

I'll post photos of Barret when I get him, and a box bio shot if there's not one out already too. I'd love to see if they mention Dyne or Marlene, considering how Cloud's bio was so willing to freely namedrop Zack.


I've decided I'm going to get them both. They release in the UK in June and I just need to have them. I am so impressed by the Barret, it's insane. Going to get Cloud first though. Because Cloud.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
They could be hinting at Jenova's involvement in the creation of Sephiroth, the first SOLDIER.
I'm very curious to see whether they will return to the OG canon of Seph being the first SOLDIER, or if they will retain the new history of the organization established with the Compilation.
Well isn't the Wutai War basically over with by the time of the original game anyway? It's been quite a few years since I've played, so correct me if I'm wrong...

I don't think it's wrong to assume that there would have been outposts there at point. They would just abandoned by the time of the OG since Wutai got the shit kicked out of their asses. Although I admit, from a real world perspective, it would make sense for Shinra to at least keep a small contingency there to squash any attempts at forming a resistance.

Zack narrates how the Wutai war is over in CC, so I'm guessing 4 years before the original game. And pretty sure Wutai had the shit beat out of them. Look at them, they're reduced to a tourist country by the time the original game rolls around.

I also wouldn't expect an older game like that to show an abundance of military outposts, so I'm not surprised that the game doesn't have that stuff evident. I just chalk it up to an older game. :monster: Wouldn't be surprised if they added more military Shinra outposts to the Remake or something similar.
If FFXV is any indication, military outposts will definitely be a thing.


Pro Adventurer
Have seen video reviews popping up for Barret, however none of the English ones so far have shown the inside of the box. The only one I've seen that does is in Thai. Fortunately the text itself is in English and you can just about make out that it does indeed mention both Marlene and Dyne.

Probably best to wait until someone here has their hands on it and posts better pics because it really is difficult to read.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Thanks for posting that, Teioh. I actually find the text very easy to read. I just paused the screen and my eyes glided right across the text.


Pro Adventurer
It blurred most of the screen whenever I tried doing it and I had to piece it all together through multiple attempts.

I'm always that unlucky when it comes to timing when to pause, glad to know that it's just difficult for me :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Pointlessname, Pointer
Welp. It says that Barret founded Avalanche. Okay then.

Edit: Not that I'd expect this box for a figure to reconcile the two Avalanches or something like that, but whatever.
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Manual transcription of the text inside Barret's box, as seen in the video Teioh embedded.


The planet watches, while the battle rages on...

The Lifestream flows through the world, breathing life into the planet and all living things. Unchecked
by the government, the Shinra Company taps into the Lifestream, converting its energy into raw electric-
ity. But the extraction of the Lifestream is not without consequences. The planet is dying.
Fighting to save their planet, the resistance group Avalanche has waged ceaseless battle against the
forces of Shinra, but the struggle has taken its toll. On the verge of collapse, Avalanche pins its hopes on
one last, explosive attack. As they near a critical phase of their plan, they reach out to the most unlikely
of allies a former Shinra SOLDIER, Cloud.

Born out of vengeance. The fiery leader of Avalanche, a group sworn to take down the Shinra Company.

Barret lost his wife and his hometown of Corel all on the same day. It started with the explosion of a mako reactor built by Shinra Com-
pany against the will of Corel's residents. Shinra blamed the explosion on dissidents in the village, using that as an excuse to send in troops to
raze Corel to the ground. Though he had originally been in favor of the reactor, what Shinra did that day forever changed Barret. Soon after-
ward, he founded Avalanche to oppose the evil corporation. Revenge stokes Barret's rage, but he is also warm and caring, doting on Marlene,
the duaghter of his best friend Dyne, as if she were his own. Years later, when Barret meets Cloud, he distrusts him for being a former Shinra
SOLDIER, but as they fight at each other's side, Barret begins to have a change of heart.


Tragedy claimed Barret's wife and home, and as he fought to save his friend Dyne, he lost his right arm. In its place is the gun-arm he uses in
his battle against the Shinra Company. A versatile weapon, the gun-arm can accomodate anything from a chainsaw to a Gatling gun, launch-
ing grenades, raining a hail of bullets, or getting up close and personal to deliver a devastating punch.


Phantom Lord
I've decided I'm going to get them both. They release in the UK in June and I just need to have them. I am so impressed by the Barret, it's insane. Going to get Cloud first though. Because Cloud.

Definitely wait until the SE Europe store releases them, I thought I'd be a smartarse and ship them with AmiAmi but ended up paying close to £80 in shipping and customs all told. It's not worth it to have them a month or two earlier really. That being said, I'll end up doing the exact same for Tifa.

Cloud is just incredible though, I honestly can't get over the headsculpt. If the rest of them are on that level, and providing they actually bother releasing Cid this time, I could see myself getting the full squad.
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