FFVIII did it end well?


So, I've been thinking for a while now as to how FFVII has had so much attention in the past as far as compilation goes. I'm not complaining as VII was and still is my favorite game of the franchise. But what about VIII? To me the game ended with a lot of things unsolved for me. Either that or I was just sad that it ended. I guess I was hoping that one day they might bring something back like a movie as they did with VII. Granted the main villain was defeated in the game, but wasn't that also the case in VII? They still found a way to bring it back to life. So, why can't they do that with VIII? It's my second favorite FF game after all. Does anyone else agree with me on this matter?:salute:


unsavory tart
I was just sad that it ended
I was just sad that it ended
I was just sad that it ended

Celes Chere

Sorry, I can't say that I agree. Unless they made a game that revolved around the other characters who got BARELY any attention, then no... I would not be able to stand another VIII game.


Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
Sorry, I can't say that I agree. Unless they made a game that revolved around the other characters who got BARELY any attention, then no... I would not be able to stand another VIII game.
No kidding. I was actually expecting more out of the ending like I saw in previous Final fantasies. But I will be frank. Outside of the stunning graphics and character renditions, I didn't care much for the strict game play. Reminded me to much of FF10. Of course 10 was an excellent game mind you but the restricted game play wasn't the greatest. I would have loved to see FF13 it in the style of FF7 or FF12 in where you could explore the entire region you were in.


Sorry, I can't say that I agree. Unless they made a game that revolved around the other characters who got BARELY any attention, then no... I would not be able to stand another VIII game.
Okay, I agree with some of that. I mean, if they did another game that had more freedom to play, then perhaps it would be good. I'd like it to be better than DOC, maybe something like CC? I still thought the CG movie would be a good idea though. You know a follow up on everyone and maybe a Sorceress ressurection, a new enemy that spawned from the past, future or wherever, or just something creative that even I couldn't dream up. Squall was just too cool of a character for me to let it go ya know? I liked his attitude. I guess I just get tied up in the characters and end up wanting more.

Ghost X

I think the story was completed quite well, came full circle. I can't think of a way to justify another game in the same world.


Mr. Thou
I think Ghost summed it up pretty nicely. Remember, according to SE's commentary, VII was designed to make the player wonder and fill in the blanks, and VIII was intentionally made the opposite of VII. That's why there's no burning questions or unresolved threads in VIII, unlike VII where we were left wondering what the fuck just happened. It's a nice straight-forward love story with a happy ending, where we know exactly what the hero is thinking at all times. (God if only we didn't have to listen to Squall's whiny thoughts.) Not much left for another title without it being horribly contrived.

If there were another FF title I think deserved to be expanded, it would be FFVI. But after the shallow fanservice that is the FFVII compilation and FFIV: The After Years being a shitty rehash, I would just file this under "be careful what you wish for..."

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I think FFVIII's ship has sailed. FFVIII's world was among the most interesting for me, with all of the countries fleshed out, a setting ripe for political intrigue, finding out how countries resolve their problems, war, rebellion, treason, with a mercenary in the middle of it. At least that's how the game was shaping up to be.

But then Disk 1 ended and the game turned out to be about some loser kid with Aspergers, his helpless number one, some ladies who can do magic tricks, and his friends that the writers didn't care about.

If there were another FF title I think deserved to be expanded, it would be FFVI.

*punches you in the face*

I think FFVI is a seriously one shot thing. A game like Final Fantasy VI just cannot be replicated, especially with SE now. It ended just as it should; magic is gone, everyone is happy, the world rebuilds, the end.

Son Goku

It's my stomach, I'm hungry.
I would like a FFVIII game with Laguna as the main character. Should`ve been that way in the original game anyway.
And the lesser Squall appearances the better. dude is annoying!


Mr. Thou
*punches you in the face*

I think FFVI is a seriously one shot thing. A game like Final Fantasy VI just cannot be replicated, especially with SE now. It ended just as it should; magic is gone, everyone is happy, the world rebuilds, the end.

*kicks you in the man candy*

Every FF title should be open and shut. But if SE insists on expanding some of them, FFVI has a great world, great characters, a huge supportive fanbase, and basically the same situation as VII: the world is rebuilding and magic is no longer used. Certainly better to expand than VIII.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Final Fantasy VIII's ending made the game. The only reason I continued playing VIII after the "we're childhood friends whoops edea's our mom" debacle was because I'm one of the lucky few who actually enjoyed the junction system.

FFVIII's ending is simple incredible. Moreso than any other game it ties up all of its loose ends very neatly. The moment where Seifer is fishing in Balamb is one of my favourite moments of the game. You know, here he is, after all this, and he lets himself have this huge belly laugh with his friends. And then he sees his old family flying above him, and the look on his face... gives me chills, man.

What didn't you get about the ending?


Final Fantasy VIII's ending made the game. The only reason I continued playing VIII after the "we're childhood friends whoops edea's our mom" debacle was because I'm one of the lucky few who actually enjoyed the junction system.

FFVIII's ending is simple incredible. Moreso than any other game it ties up all of its loose ends very neatly. The moment where Seifer is fishing in Balamb is one of my favourite moments of the game. You know, here he is, after all this, and he lets himself have this huge belly laugh with his friends. And then he sees his old family flying above him, and the look on his face... gives me chills, man.

What didn't you get about the ending?
It did the same thing for me too. Like the Seifer seen? It was great. Like I said in a previous post. I think that all I really wanted was something new to play, watch or something that related to my favorite characters. I liked Squall and the others. It was kinda cool. I know it would be difficult to make something great come off of an ending like that, but it was just a wish that it could happen for someone who really enjoyed the world, the characters, and the story.


unsavory tart
I hated VIII, it's even-more-tedious-than-normal gameplay, it's convoluted plot that no one really cared to follow, and it's annoying, poorly written characters. However, for all its faults, it actually wrapped itself up pretty nicely. It circled around and concluded itself pretty firmly. Watching the ending party and seeing all the characters casually was pretty satisfying as well. And the whole playing-the-game-in-two-timelines was also pretty interesting.

FFVIII was a game full of potentially interesting but, in the end, poorly executed ideas. Not only was the game does not lend itself to a sequel, I wouldn't want to see it anyway.

The only thing that bugs me is the Lunar Cry. It's been forever so I might be wrong, but was anything ever really done about it, or all those monsters still wandering around in the city?


You're probably right there. I think if they made a CG movie or something with that idea in mind it might surprise you. But either way you can hate the idea or love it. But don't knock it until it happens. Then again I'm sure it won't happen.


Raijin: So Seifer ya know. How did you get here from Lunatic Pandora?
Seifer: Eh. Plot Hole.
Seifer: you said it sister.

Seriously, Square didn't even attempt a dramatic showdown with Seifer. Just an easy boss fight and then he's gone. Because by Disk 3, no one mattered except Squall and Rinoa.
But then he's in Balamb. Yay?

The best part of VIII's ending was the bit with Laguna and Raine. Such a Tear Jerker.

But yeah, there really wasn't much else to do with FF8's world. At least with FFX, the world was completely different. A thousand-year-old theocracy was overthrown. With FF8...uh..Galbadia ceased to exist? Or became a benevolent republic? There's a loose-end.
But the rest of the world is pretty much the same.
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Save your valediction (she/her)
Seifer survived Time Compression because him, Fujin and Raijin were bonded - that's why they arrived in Balamb after time straightened itself back out - because it was the place where their bond was the truest.

That's my pussy answer.


Pro Adventurer
I actually really like FF8.
it had its fair share of flaws but so does every FF or any game out there for that matter, if you go looking for them your going to find them. I just dont get why people in the FF community like to sit there and list them out in droves for this game. When the greats in the FF series had just as many issues as this game.

Ive noticed that people especially hate Squall and Tidus... but to be honest there the realest characters your going to get from SE representing there collective ages and given situations.

Squall whined, yeah he sure did but he was also a teenager going through some whacky ass shit. I know most of you have cried and thrown temper tantrums for alot less. So what does SE get when they throw a character who acts real at you? You hate him lol.
Imo Tidus was alot whinier then squall but thats just me.

Personally the world in FF8 was beautiful, the architecture was sweet. The nationalities and races were interesting and renting cars was a neato idea. And for jesus christ all mighty the ragnarok was the best airship/space ship to date hands down (potentially losing it for ever sucks ass though).

Honestly it would be amazing if SE made FF8 into a CGI movie or mini series, heck even anime. Some of the scenes being recreated would just be wonderful to see again in a new way. Squall saving rinoa in deep space? Heck yeah that would be cool. Seeing the lunar cry again ?Why not. The war between the seed ships? Amawgawd please, that was my favorite portion of the game running on squall as seeds are casting magic at each other in the background was epic.

The game cant have a sequel though, the ending was perfect its by far one of the best endings in FF imo. It gets so old getting a FF ending the equivalent of the lost ending, i like tied up ends and seeing the team i connected with happy for a change.


Ive noticed that people especially hate Squall and Tidus... but to be honest there the realest characters your going to get from SE representing there collective ages and given situations.

Squall whined, yeah he sure did but he was also a teenager going through some whacky ass shit. I know most of you have cried and thrown temper tantrums for alot less. So what does SE get when they throw a character who acts real at you? You hate him lol.
Imo Tidus was alot whinier then squall but thats just me.

I like Squall and Tidus too. Tidus really grew on me by the end of the game and I really appreciated his maturation.

Strangely enough though, I preferred Squall pre-Rinoa. It actually kind of irritated me that the rest of the cast treated his introversion as if it was something bad :/ Honestly, if people kept badgering me to cheer up and smile more (which is basically what the rest of the cast was doing) I'd probably act like a total douchewad too :monster: Granted it was unhealthy in his case, but the extent to which most of the cast knew that is incredibley vague...

Hell, I'd chalk up most of the crap writing in FFVIII to the whole orphanage/GF memory loss storyline.

And for jesus christ all mighty the ragnarok was the best airship/space ship to date hands down (potentially losing it for ever sucks ass though).

THIS so much.


Pro Adventurer
Honestly i think towards the end of the writing cycle the staff got lazy and were like "hey lets just slap them all in an orphanage and blame everything on the summons, they wont see that coming".

Herp derp we didnt it was a stupid idea. Everything else was awesome though x)


Well, I forgot what happened to Edea. Didn't she just return back to normal and live peacefully with the old headmaster? I really can't think of a new enemy or one still left that would make for a good antagonist, but the idea of having Squall in another game or a movie was what I really liked about the idea.

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer
Well, I forgot what happened to Edea. Didn't she just return back to normal and live peacefully with the old headmaster? I really can't think of a new enemy or one still left that would make for a good antagonist, but the idea of having Squall in another game or a movie was what I really liked about the idea.

Yeah, Edea went back with Cid in the end.

I don't how you could push the story of FF8 further. I felt the game pretty much tied up everything. The only way I could see the FF8 story continue is through spin-offs. I'm thinking either of Rinoa and/or Selphie going off on their own adventures. :joy:


Save your valediction (she/her)
FFVIII seems to lend itself more to a sequel than any other FF game.

With FFVIII, the characters were heartily underdeveloped (pun intended) and there are just a crapload of loose ends. Esthar - now that Ulty and Adel are gone, what's gonna happen? Galbadia, who is in control? What about Selphie's friends at Trabia - can that school be repaired? Can it fly? What about Zell's 'mother'? Are they famous? What is the role of Garden for the next thousand years? There are dozens of interesting places to take the characters that don't involve Ultimecia or Sorceresses at all.

The problem is how do you make the sequel BETTER than the original? I mean, these games were made to be long, epic, world-changing stories. You can't have massive shit happening all the time or you'd get the Compilation of FFVII, what with Meteor, Geostigma and Omega happening in the span of three years.

With sequels to epics as grand as pre-online Final Fantasy games, you start off losing. The only thing you can do is determine how big of an ass you make of yourself. If you're in it to win, you either have to rehash a crapload of plot devices from the last game (Advent Children excels at this) or make a bunch of new threats that come out of left field and are hated by half the fans (again, Advent Children). I mean, after goddamn Time Compression, some leather-clad jerk-off with an evil scheme will just be laughable, and if the heroes take it seriously they will just lose our respect (I think I've made my point about Advent Children).

On the other hand, if you go in ignoring fanservice and without trying to one-up the original game, it's an automatic disappointment because you aren't even trying to do anything that will impress anyone.

So I agree, I don't think any FF game lends itself to a sequel. Spin-offs? Sure. Fanfiction? Sure. A straight sequel that follows Squall or Rinoa is pointless, because Squall and Rinoa's story is done. Both characters have gone through life-changing arcs in which they've battled every obstacle on their road to happiness. They're done. Cid's still alive, so Squall won't be taking over as leader anytime soon. Unlike Yuna, Rinoa means shit all to the world. Rinoa and Squall are just a couple of decorated war heroes sent by SeeD to accomplish a mission. All that Rinoa/Sorceress stuff was developed to its full potential and there is nothing left to say. (unless she's ultimecia). They have no new ground to explore.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I don't really think a sequel would do FFVIII any good. I think a prequel would work much better, maybe focusing around the events leading to Adel being overthrown and Laguna becoming a president. Its been a while since I played the game, so maybe I'm mistaken, but I don't think it was ever explained exactly how all that went down.
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