FFVIII did it end well?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
It was, actually. There was an Adel resistance, Laguna joined, came up with the plan to beat her, and afterward, the resistance painted him as the big hero, so he ended up being president.


Yeah, Edea went back with Cid in the end.

I don't how you could push the story of FF8 further. I felt the game pretty much tied up everything. The only way I could see the FF8 story continue is through spin-offs. I'm thinking either of Rinoa and/or Selphie going off on their own adventures. :joy:
That could work. I mean, it might have the potential to make a spin off where Squall breaks it off with Rinoa and she goes ballistic and starts to kill everyone out of some kind of depression. And then Squall has to kill her. I'm just kidding, I'm running out of ideas though.


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
Yes it had a great ending and it was well done with the exception of 1 thing: Ultimecia 2, the one with a weird head who suddenly arrives as a final boss. I hated that. Also, from what I can gather the translation at that point was a disaster. Anyone confirm that?


Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
I don't really think a sequel would do FFVIII any good. I think a prequel would work much better, maybe focusing around the events leading to Adel being overthrown and Laguna becoming a president. Its been a while since I played the game, so maybe I'm mistaken, but I don't think it was ever explained exactly how all that went down.
This would be ideal. I haven't played the game for a while but I do remember that it seemed to leave you hanging a bit. Wanting to know more. The fact that at the end we see Squall and Rinoa make out at the end is evident what happens later.:awesome: But in thinking, (good lord) I bet it would be cool to see the rivalry with Siefer and how it came to be.


Pro Adventurer
They could make a game about Ultimecia's future, and her ascension to power. You could play as a nameless SeeD fighting her, or a descendant of Squall and Rinoa. Or you could play as the villain(Ultimecia) herself, similar to what was done in the Legacy of Kain games, where you play as the villain in one or two games of the series.

Yes it had a great ending and it was well done with the exception of 1 thing: Ultimecia 2, the one with a weird head who suddenly arrives as a final boss. I hated that. Also, from what I can gather the translation at that point was a disaster. Anyone confirm that?

I think you are confusing Ultimecia with Zemus. Ulti was there from the start. You only hear about her at the start of Disc 3, true, but it doesn't change the fact she was there all along, interacting and fighting you.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Daniel, Ulty's transformation there was a result of her absorbing the powers of other witches from across all eras of time and then beginning to absorb the entirety of all time and space via that new power.

The translation for that particular segment was fine, by the way.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
i don't reckon you could do a decent sequel whether it be game, film or anime to ff8 the story can stand by itself i think it was wrapped up pretty well to the end. or at least from the characters points of view. i mean squall and rinoa get some on the balcony, seifer is out from sorceress control andattempting living a normal life, zell is an underdeveloped character but i like to think thats library girl he's sitting with at the end and there's his happy ending, selphie and irvine seem to be together, cid and edea are back together, laguna's connection to squall is revealed and ellone is back with her guardian and as for quistis i think she could have been an npc as she has no real development throghout the whole game in my opinion.
i really enjoyed ff8 i think that it's one of the best worlds SE have created for the series. you get to know both past and present histories of the races and countries and the way it's built has connections to the real world in it's political intrigue and diplomatic problems between countries. fine there are unanswered questions at the end of the game as well but there always is in ff games but they tried to tie them up in ff8. they don't do that in ff6 or 7(OG) and thats fine as well as it has spawned some great fanfiction. theres some good ff8 fanfiction out there too but nothing i would say SE could build a new game around, it would just be to desperate i think.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
I've always thought that Final Fantasy 8, moreso than any of the other Final Fantasies, could use a reworking similar to Final Fantasy 13. Battle system, style and that level of character depth and presentation would work really well for FF8. I really hope it happens someday.
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