Harbinger O Great Justice
- X
Now that I’ve made my way through 60 hours of FFXV, I wanted to make a thread about how some things (aside from the Midgar Zolom) might work/feel in FFVII:R.
• Trail of Blood: All of Chapter 13’s solo, powerless wandering through a quiet horror-like environment evokes feelings of the ShinRa HQ’s Trail of Blood and the talk of all the experiments on the Daemons really connects to the Hojo-like vibe that those moments in FFVII:R should feel like. It’s one of those creep-tastic moments from the game that I’ve been really nervous about, but XV gave me a lot of confidence that we’ll get a fantastic rendition of that atmosphere.
• Relatable Characters: XV delivered really solidly on making the characters feel relatable and more like real people rather than JRPG characters when they interacted. I’m curious how FFVII:R’s larger party size and variable party composition will affect this, but they’ve managed to nail the, “bring a Final Fantasy world to life” in XV, and not just because of the setting that slightly connects to the real world.
• Transportation: Walking, Driving, Chocobo-ing, & Flying all feel really good and different, and I think that FFVII:R will likely push that even further. I’m most curious about the Highwind, and if it’ll be one of those things where it’s a small version flying over a scaled version of the World Map, that you can go aboard, or Fast Travel places, because I can’t imagine the logistics of flying something that size around.
• Party Size: FFXV has you running everything from solo, to having your main character and 4 other supporting characters, and honestly… it’s VERY manageable. To add to that though, since you won’t have as much of a “key character with powers and his bros” dynamic in FFVII and each character has their own dedicated weapon sets, I think that the ability to swap which character you have control over in Combat would be incredibly important which means that sticking with the good ol’ Party of 3 might be better. Either way, I’m very open for that being whatever they decide now.
• Wait Mode: Wait Mode works really well. I’m really hoping to have that and the active combat. Depending on if you can swap characters, Wait Mode would be a really good way to swap between characters and manage slightly more hectic combat than XV gives – especially since it’s unlikely that the characters will all have an “instant-engage with ∆” function like Noctis’ Warp Strike.
• Magic: This is where I’d expect a HUGE departure from XV. XV’s magic is all about wide-range explosive magic of three core elements. Crisis Core managed to do Materia solidly, and its magic implementation ought to make FFVII:R Combat feel incredibly different.
• Huge Boss Battles: For things like the Weapons, this is where XV makes me a little nervous, because it has QTE-like things but they’re not really well executed. HOWEVER, CyberConnect2 made Asura’s Wrath an entire game that used QTEs the way that Crisis Core used the Reel system, so I have a feeling that their work on FFVII:R will VASTLY improve those elements from what XV had.
(I’m a bit busy, so I’ll probably poast more updates and edit this thread with more stuff as I think of it. Also, feel free to add in your own thoughts if you’re so inclined). Maybe I'll make an article or something out of this if I can get everything I want worked out with it? *shrugs*
***EDIT: MOAR***
• In-Battle Menu Usage: The ability to reconfigure or reequip your team on the fly based on the encounter you're in is something not in FFVII originally, and seems less "realistic" but it's something that I appreciated MASSIVELY in XV, so I hope that it stays around – especially if enemy's weaknesses, resistances, & absorption of various magic elements is wide and varied.
• MP Usage: MP in this game is really specifically tailored to Noctis' abilities, and with Magic being exceptionally different, it's to be expected that MP and Magic will be vastly different in FFVII:R. What with Materia-based magic generally being targeted (unless it's attached to an "All" materia), I don't really see any potential issue with letting the AI-controlled part member utilize their equipped Materia magic as they please.
• Max HP & HP/MP Regeneration: This is an aspect of FFXV that I thought was exceptionally well designed. It makes items still feel necessary in Combat, and reduces the overall list of Items to ones you care about in those scenarios. Additionally, it makes overworld or free-roam wandering feel less dangerous than closed-scenario (dungeon) wandering because your HP max doesn't regen in those settings. This is something I'd like to see, especially with other part members in FFVII:R having MP that they'll utilize actively.
• Food, Resting, & EXP/AP: Given that the "road trip bros" is a big part of the feel of XV, the mechanics for AP vs EXP, and resting and eating are notably significant components. That being said, FFVII:R doesn't have a need to have EXP not accrue automatically after each combat event, because there isn't an emphasis on day-by-day travel. That being said, I can see Limit Breaks and some other party sync features taking the form of am AP-like grid, though more likely focused on each character individually rather than focused on ability sets. Then that gets to whether or not the AP-like upgrades are best as a single large pool, or character-specific. I have a feeling this is where FFVII:R will feel significantly different from XV.
• Summons: Summons will already be different from the fickle L2 gods of XV. Having them being an MP-consuming Materia is likely something that will be tweaked as well that will set them apart from the original. If anything, I'd assume utilization of summons to be linked to an HP-consuming ability like the Armiger Weapons, so that you'd have to specifically control the character in order to cast it, since the AI would likely be able to use Materia Magic like normal attacks, but arbitrarily firing off Summons in Combat seems less ideal.
• Limit Breaks: I expect Limit Breaks to work somewhat like the Tech Bar system in XV, but where the abilities accrue on a character-by-character basis, and the L1 & Arrows menu can be used to quickly trigger that Limit Break at a target.
• Town, City, & Outpost Sizes/Population: The little roadstops have a good "waypoint" sized feel to them and manage to have their own personalities shine through even when they're somewhat generic. The bigger towns from Lestallum to Altissia have a really solid Kalm to Junon-sized feel to them that sells the sense of a realistic population. The difference is that in XV, you never really see a fully populated area like Midgar, as you're kept outside of Insomnia until it's a deadzone - same with Zegnatus (though Kingsglaive did deliver on that sense of scale). That being said, you get the sense that Lucis is a world that feels believably populated, even if the fringes are more abandoned (like we'll be feeling with the Mako Generator-drained regions of land in FFVII:R).
• Environments: Leide, Duscae, Cleigne, Altissia, Tenebrae, & Insomnia all manage to have really distinct feelings to them both environmentally & content-wise – even down to how the enemy types roam and where they exist. It'll be really interesting to see if this level of detail is retroactively applied to some of FFVII's more ridiculous and out there monsters to make the world of FFVII:R feel something that "works" from a functional standpoint, rather than a map populated with an enemy type because of reasons.
• "Seamless" Dungeons: Things like the One Eyed Behemoth and other locations that smoothly transition form the world map into a dungeon map do a really good job for quick transitions for unique areas sitting around the overworld (like I'd expect with the Ancient Forest). Because of the HP regen changes that dungeons have, amongst other things, I really like this mechanic as well as being able to do this for areas not explicitly designated as "dungeons" or similar locked-in pathways.
• Change of Scope: XV starts open, moves gradually through bigger and bigger towns, then moves onto trains to finally reach the creepy abandoned science place and then the big mega city – whereas VII starts in the big mega city on trains, reaches the creepy science place, breaks out into the open road and other towns, and then moves into the open world to confront and ever-growing threat. While XV is about Noctis' ever-approaching destiny closing out the rest of the world from him, VII is about Cloud's narrowed (and ultimately false) identity being opened up by his companions and exposure to the world. I've got high hopes for that sense of scale to be managed really well in FFVII:R given the precedent in XV.
• Train transportation: When XV hits its linear stride, you get a LOT of time on trains and wandering platforms, and while they're going to be different from the ones in Midgar in FFVII:R, the way that you feel free to wander, yet also confined was managed really well.
• Save Points: XV almost doesn't have Save Points, but they do. In the EX Dungeons (i.e. behind the locked vaults), on your way down the vast, un-mappable areas, you can encounter a Campsite on the way down that really gave a feeling of a Save Point for the only time in the game. Sure Campsite are OBVIOUSLY Save Points (since those are where you're allowed to use Tent items in FF Games), but designing them for FFVII:R would be neat to use a similar-but-different approach to them. I think that It'd be fine for FFVII:R to implement Save Points along its dungeon or locked-in paths, since there are so many of them early on, but limiting them to long regions of "inner mapped" areas that prevent Max HP Regen. Aside from an ability to save, it makes sense that other functions like PHS could be utilized there at them, which is a MUCH more important facet of FFVII:R given the size of the cast & size of the active party being vastly different. I do like the idea of Save Points being used as meeting points where the whole party can be present in a location and have a chance to chat about it since it'll be much less likely to have fluid party banter like XV does in all places given the aforementioned party/cast size. Those make a natural point to get little hints of things from the characters not in your party. Again – NO idea if they'll implement something like this, but given the way that they're treated, it makes sense to use them like that. Sure it's a little less realistic, but I think that it's something where the advantage outweighs that.
• Temp Characters: Having a team with Aranea or Iris is a blast in XV, and likewise, it'd be neat to have brief fixed sequences early on with Biggs, Jesse, & Wedge to make them feel much more like a core part of your party early on in the game – thus making their eventual fates hold more weight, and also giving a a juxtaposition for the loss of life that occurs around you early in the game to really hit hime with Aerith's death when a party member you've properly spent a good chunk of the game with gets taken from you.
X![Neo :neo: :neo:](/forums/images/smilies/neo.gif)
Now that I’ve made my way through 60 hours of FFXV, I wanted to make a thread about how some things (aside from the Midgar Zolom) might work/feel in FFVII:R.
• Trail of Blood: All of Chapter 13’s solo, powerless wandering through a quiet horror-like environment evokes feelings of the ShinRa HQ’s Trail of Blood and the talk of all the experiments on the Daemons really connects to the Hojo-like vibe that those moments in FFVII:R should feel like. It’s one of those creep-tastic moments from the game that I’ve been really nervous about, but XV gave me a lot of confidence that we’ll get a fantastic rendition of that atmosphere.
• Relatable Characters: XV delivered really solidly on making the characters feel relatable and more like real people rather than JRPG characters when they interacted. I’m curious how FFVII:R’s larger party size and variable party composition will affect this, but they’ve managed to nail the, “bring a Final Fantasy world to life” in XV, and not just because of the setting that slightly connects to the real world.
• Transportation: Walking, Driving, Chocobo-ing, & Flying all feel really good and different, and I think that FFVII:R will likely push that even further. I’m most curious about the Highwind, and if it’ll be one of those things where it’s a small version flying over a scaled version of the World Map, that you can go aboard, or Fast Travel places, because I can’t imagine the logistics of flying something that size around.
• Party Size: FFXV has you running everything from solo, to having your main character and 4 other supporting characters, and honestly… it’s VERY manageable. To add to that though, since you won’t have as much of a “key character with powers and his bros” dynamic in FFVII and each character has their own dedicated weapon sets, I think that the ability to swap which character you have control over in Combat would be incredibly important which means that sticking with the good ol’ Party of 3 might be better. Either way, I’m very open for that being whatever they decide now.
• Wait Mode: Wait Mode works really well. I’m really hoping to have that and the active combat. Depending on if you can swap characters, Wait Mode would be a really good way to swap between characters and manage slightly more hectic combat than XV gives – especially since it’s unlikely that the characters will all have an “instant-engage with ∆” function like Noctis’ Warp Strike.
• Magic: This is where I’d expect a HUGE departure from XV. XV’s magic is all about wide-range explosive magic of three core elements. Crisis Core managed to do Materia solidly, and its magic implementation ought to make FFVII:R Combat feel incredibly different.
• Huge Boss Battles: For things like the Weapons, this is where XV makes me a little nervous, because it has QTE-like things but they’re not really well executed. HOWEVER, CyberConnect2 made Asura’s Wrath an entire game that used QTEs the way that Crisis Core used the Reel system, so I have a feeling that their work on FFVII:R will VASTLY improve those elements from what XV had.
(I’m a bit busy, so I’ll probably poast more updates and edit this thread with more stuff as I think of it. Also, feel free to add in your own thoughts if you’re so inclined). Maybe I'll make an article or something out of this if I can get everything I want worked out with it? *shrugs*
***EDIT: MOAR***
• In-Battle Menu Usage: The ability to reconfigure or reequip your team on the fly based on the encounter you're in is something not in FFVII originally, and seems less "realistic" but it's something that I appreciated MASSIVELY in XV, so I hope that it stays around – especially if enemy's weaknesses, resistances, & absorption of various magic elements is wide and varied.
• MP Usage: MP in this game is really specifically tailored to Noctis' abilities, and with Magic being exceptionally different, it's to be expected that MP and Magic will be vastly different in FFVII:R. What with Materia-based magic generally being targeted (unless it's attached to an "All" materia), I don't really see any potential issue with letting the AI-controlled part member utilize their equipped Materia magic as they please.
• Max HP & HP/MP Regeneration: This is an aspect of FFXV that I thought was exceptionally well designed. It makes items still feel necessary in Combat, and reduces the overall list of Items to ones you care about in those scenarios. Additionally, it makes overworld or free-roam wandering feel less dangerous than closed-scenario (dungeon) wandering because your HP max doesn't regen in those settings. This is something I'd like to see, especially with other part members in FFVII:R having MP that they'll utilize actively.
• Food, Resting, & EXP/AP: Given that the "road trip bros" is a big part of the feel of XV, the mechanics for AP vs EXP, and resting and eating are notably significant components. That being said, FFVII:R doesn't have a need to have EXP not accrue automatically after each combat event, because there isn't an emphasis on day-by-day travel. That being said, I can see Limit Breaks and some other party sync features taking the form of am AP-like grid, though more likely focused on each character individually rather than focused on ability sets. Then that gets to whether or not the AP-like upgrades are best as a single large pool, or character-specific. I have a feeling this is where FFVII:R will feel significantly different from XV.
• Summons: Summons will already be different from the fickle L2 gods of XV. Having them being an MP-consuming Materia is likely something that will be tweaked as well that will set them apart from the original. If anything, I'd assume utilization of summons to be linked to an HP-consuming ability like the Armiger Weapons, so that you'd have to specifically control the character in order to cast it, since the AI would likely be able to use Materia Magic like normal attacks, but arbitrarily firing off Summons in Combat seems less ideal.
• Limit Breaks: I expect Limit Breaks to work somewhat like the Tech Bar system in XV, but where the abilities accrue on a character-by-character basis, and the L1 & Arrows menu can be used to quickly trigger that Limit Break at a target.
• Town, City, & Outpost Sizes/Population: The little roadstops have a good "waypoint" sized feel to them and manage to have their own personalities shine through even when they're somewhat generic. The bigger towns from Lestallum to Altissia have a really solid Kalm to Junon-sized feel to them that sells the sense of a realistic population. The difference is that in XV, you never really see a fully populated area like Midgar, as you're kept outside of Insomnia until it's a deadzone - same with Zegnatus (though Kingsglaive did deliver on that sense of scale). That being said, you get the sense that Lucis is a world that feels believably populated, even if the fringes are more abandoned (like we'll be feeling with the Mako Generator-drained regions of land in FFVII:R).
• Environments: Leide, Duscae, Cleigne, Altissia, Tenebrae, & Insomnia all manage to have really distinct feelings to them both environmentally & content-wise – even down to how the enemy types roam and where they exist. It'll be really interesting to see if this level of detail is retroactively applied to some of FFVII's more ridiculous and out there monsters to make the world of FFVII:R feel something that "works" from a functional standpoint, rather than a map populated with an enemy type because of reasons.
• "Seamless" Dungeons: Things like the One Eyed Behemoth and other locations that smoothly transition form the world map into a dungeon map do a really good job for quick transitions for unique areas sitting around the overworld (like I'd expect with the Ancient Forest). Because of the HP regen changes that dungeons have, amongst other things, I really like this mechanic as well as being able to do this for areas not explicitly designated as "dungeons" or similar locked-in pathways.
• Change of Scope: XV starts open, moves gradually through bigger and bigger towns, then moves onto trains to finally reach the creepy abandoned science place and then the big mega city – whereas VII starts in the big mega city on trains, reaches the creepy science place, breaks out into the open road and other towns, and then moves into the open world to confront and ever-growing threat. While XV is about Noctis' ever-approaching destiny closing out the rest of the world from him, VII is about Cloud's narrowed (and ultimately false) identity being opened up by his companions and exposure to the world. I've got high hopes for that sense of scale to be managed really well in FFVII:R given the precedent in XV.
• Train transportation: When XV hits its linear stride, you get a LOT of time on trains and wandering platforms, and while they're going to be different from the ones in Midgar in FFVII:R, the way that you feel free to wander, yet also confined was managed really well.
• Save Points: XV almost doesn't have Save Points, but they do. In the EX Dungeons (i.e. behind the locked vaults), on your way down the vast, un-mappable areas, you can encounter a Campsite on the way down that really gave a feeling of a Save Point for the only time in the game. Sure Campsite are OBVIOUSLY Save Points (since those are where you're allowed to use Tent items in FF Games), but designing them for FFVII:R would be neat to use a similar-but-different approach to them. I think that It'd be fine for FFVII:R to implement Save Points along its dungeon or locked-in paths, since there are so many of them early on, but limiting them to long regions of "inner mapped" areas that prevent Max HP Regen. Aside from an ability to save, it makes sense that other functions like PHS could be utilized there at them, which is a MUCH more important facet of FFVII:R given the size of the cast & size of the active party being vastly different. I do like the idea of Save Points being used as meeting points where the whole party can be present in a location and have a chance to chat about it since it'll be much less likely to have fluid party banter like XV does in all places given the aforementioned party/cast size. Those make a natural point to get little hints of things from the characters not in your party. Again – NO idea if they'll implement something like this, but given the way that they're treated, it makes sense to use them like that. Sure it's a little less realistic, but I think that it's something where the advantage outweighs that.
• Temp Characters: Having a team with Aranea or Iris is a blast in XV, and likewise, it'd be neat to have brief fixed sequences early on with Biggs, Jesse, & Wedge to make them feel much more like a core part of your party early on in the game – thus making their eventual fates hold more weight, and also giving a a juxtaposition for the loss of life that occurs around you early in the game to really hit hime with Aerith's death when a party member you've properly spent a good chunk of the game with gets taken from you.
![Neo :neo: :neo:](/forums/images/smilies/neo.gif)