Final fantasy 8 disc help


Lv. 1 Adventurer


Lv. 1 Adventurer

My disc 3 on Final Fantasy 8 is not working so I am on ebay to buy the disc. I have found one for £3.50 which I am happy to buy. But mine is the platinum version without pictures on the top of the disc.. The one I am buying has pictures on the top of the disc

I am 100% sure its the same disc just with out the pictures but want confirmation. Will this work ok?

Ghost X

Not sure if bot, but if you want my amateur opinion, I dare say it would work. I'd be more concerned about the region code.


If they're both the same region they'll work. The only thing you need to be concerned about is the save file which is compatible with anything from the same region :). The only real differences between platinum and original is the artwork.
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