Final Fantasy I

Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
FF1 was being discussed a lot towards the end of my "Alternate Plot Interpretation" thread in the Dissidia section (at least it appears to be dead), & I thought I'd separate it out into another topic.

Now, I know there's not really "much" of a story to FF1, but I'm interested in what is there, as well as how it links up with Dissidia.

First, a few things:

1. What does Astos tell you if you visit him before the Marsh Cave, that spurs you to go there?

2. I tried to find a game script in pursuit of the former point, but I couldn't. If anyone has one, that would be just great.

So, basically, this is a topic about the original Final Fantasy. My particular focus just happens to be the storyline.


FFI has no storyline.

Or I lost it while trying to figure out where the fuck I'm supposed to go to next :monster:.

Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
You have that problem too!?

So far, I've pulled out of my ass worked out a few things:

Bikke: Bikke was either scared straight by the Warriors of Light or he actually did have a change of heart upon realizing who they were. Either way, I figured he went into pirating because it was just easier in the screwed up world.

Astos: He probably stole the Crystal Eye because he was blind. I'm not sure what the crown is, but it's apparently extremely powerful. I don't know why he wants to conqueor the elves, other than the fact that he's a massive prick.

The line "renewing the crystals is the key to ridding the monsters who plague our world" seems to indicate to me that the monsters come from Chaos/the Fiends. Alternatively, they could BE the Fiends. I'm just not really sure how much the King of Cornelia knew about them.

Somewhat off-topic, I came up with something really crazy the other night. It's sort of off-topic, but what if there was an FFI-II? Something that went into the story of the origin of the WoL?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I've been thinking about that lately, after our conversation in the Dissidia thread. While I'm sure they have an actual origin within the fictional universe, I think the WsoL's origin is also intended to be metatextual -- they are the player.

I say this for two reasons:

1) One of the sages from the Circle of Sages comments that they came from "the true state of this world" (at least in that translation of the game; the GBA version says that "before you wandered into this land, time flowed properly for you" before time was screwed with). Now, obviously that refers to the non-timeloop state of FFI's world, but it could also be a pun referring to the real world/our world -- supported by the next point

2) The ending says "For you are the warrior who crossed time"

This was a classic RPG, after all, where the main characters were intended to be little more than avatars for the player, and you even got to name them yourself, as they had no default names within the story proper.

I'd like to see a new remake of FFI -- in graphics on par with Dissidia -- that would address such matters as the WsoL's origin and provide a final resolution with Garland. Whether we'll ever see that, though, I doubt.

At this point, I doubt they'd even want to touch trying to explain their origin in a way that was anything less than a complete mindfuck with no solid answers.

Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
I basically came to 2 conclusions:

1. They're similar to the Weapons in FFVII. They just awaken when the world is in trouble to kick some Fiend ass. They have no memories because they have nowhere to belong. It sounds crazy, but Garland turned out to be a science experiment, so yeah. Another analogy might be the Knights of Standard Practice, from South Park! :monster:

2. They're just normal people who decided they'd fulfill the prophecy & somehow ended up losing their memories, maybe by whatever process got them their crystals.

That's all I really have so far. It just hit me in looking at the ending of Dissidia: Why the fuck WOULD they make such a big deal out of WoL's memory? I came to the conclusion that there likely isn't any deep meaning to it, let alone a sequel hook, but it certainly would be a good one, unintentional or not.

Incidently, in toying with the idea of a remake, I thought about just how much I might want it to be messed with. I don't think I'd want it to turn into an action RPG, or anything, but it would be great if we could get monster attack animations & see Garland use that sword of his on the WsoL, possibly in a CG cutscene.
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SOLDIER Apprentice
I've been thinking on play some of the very first games of the FF series, specially now that I've also heard that a lot of new Portable or Network versions are seeing the light. If I begin with FF I, which would be your recomendation? To play the original NES version or something more recent in another gaming platform?


Save your valediction (she/her)
I'd recommend playing the NES version until your new-school ass fails so miserably that you move to the children's GBA version.

Ugh... did I just say that? Am I... am I becoming Dacon?

In all seriousness, the NES version is hard as hell, you can only save at the Inns, you have to buy items one-at-a-time, and you can't autopilot random battles. Some people (me) consider this 'a fun strategic challenge.' You may not, being used to breaking whatever magic system the game presents. The GBA version is more like the new FFs, and may be more your style.

Although, to be honest, if you aren't blinded by nostalgia, or looking objectively at an ancient relic of a game, FFI's story is just plain bad.


Mr. Thou
You can save anywhere on the map with a cottage IIRC.

Compared to its peers FF1 was pretty darn good in its heyday. Roughly equivalent to Dragon Quest 2 or 3, definitely better than the Ultima games. Most of the complaints I hear would apply to every NES classic-style RPG. Grinding was a fact of life and wandering around with no clue where to go was normal.

Having said that, today FF1 is an unrewarding time sink. Don't play it unless you want to remind yourself of how much you take for granted in modern RPGs.


SOLDIER Apprentice
Poor FF 1

Wow. I thought that at least it would have an interesting plot or something that still today would make it an attractive game to be played by new generations looking for retro RPG's... :O

Anyway, thanks for the advise. :lol:

Best regards.


Mr. Thou
There is a plot but it's very primitive and static. Restore power to the four orbs (crystals) by defeating the evil elemental Fiends. The real plot: find a town, right a wrong, defeat the local pest, buy the latest gear, rinse and repeat. There's no story development or twists. Your party is full of silent heroes with no personality.

There's some nebulous time-loop story but it doesn't come into play until the very last dungeon, and then a half-baked explanation in the ending. :loopy:

Basically it's worthy of an Angry Nintendo Nerd episode. If you're gonna play it, I recommend using an emulator with a fast-forward feature.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
There is a plot but it's very primitive and static. Restore power to the four orbs (crystals) by defeating the evil elemental Fiends. The real plot: find a town, right a wrong, defeat the local pest, buy the latest gear, rinse and repeat. There's no story development or twists. Your party is full of silent heroes with no personality.

There's some nebulous time-loop story but it doesn't come into play until the very last dungeon, and then a half-baked explanation in the ending. :loopy:

Plot sounds just as good as Dirge of Cerberus's to me. Talk about ahead of its time.


SOLDIER Apprentice
A waste of time

Well... so play FF 1 is a complete waste of time... One less on the list. :(

Thanks to everybody for the answers.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Well... so play FF 1 is a complete waste of time... One less on the list. :(

I wouldn't say as much.

Yes, FFI's story is almost non-existant and you'll get lost easily, but I had fun playing it.

But then again, I played the PSP version, wich had a few extra dungeons to play with. :monster:


SOLDIER Apprentice
I'll take a look

You sound so sad dood. Why not just try it and decide for yourself?

I'll do it!! :lol:

At least I'll take a look. But being so old and simple in many attributes, I'd like to employ time playing something more grateful and modern.

Best regards.


The Killer of Kefka
Somebody at Fan Fiction tried to explain the timeloop in his own way to make it less confusing:

"This was important. As the men at Crescent Lake told you, this is a disaster." Air shook her head. "And we still don't have enough memory back to know what we were thinking back then. That was what we were mostly working on, without much luck. About all we got was that Garland didn't go alone. He took one Blessed minion from each of the Fiends with him."
"Weird." Luke [Knight] frowned. "Any idea why?"
"Yes." Air nodded grimly. "The blessing involves infusing the minion with some of the Fiend's essence. By taking back the essence of the Fiend from this time, and then having the Fiend of the past absorb it…" She broke off, seeing the glazed look in Luke's eyes. "Well, to get to the point, the Fiends back then will remember everything that happened to the ones you killed. They'll know all about, and be expecting, you when you come."
"Swell." Luke sighed. "And you won't be able to come with us, I imagine?"
"We and our opposites cannot exist at the same time." Air confirmed. "And even once you kill the Fiends then, the corruption in the Temple at that time was so strong, our consciousnesses will be unable to remain there for long. It'll all be up to you, I'm afraid."


Save your valediction (she/her)
I never found the time loop particularly hard to understand. It's a closed time loop.

Prince Roxas

I Wanna Fly High
Kuki, Truten Prower
FFI was really like the old 80s RPGs of the time where there wasn't much plot, character development and you had to go off and find out what to do yourself. Dragon Quest and Phantasy Star games released around this time were like that to, you were never told what to do you had to figure it out. And of course monsters who were always extremely powerful so if you went somewhere before you were "supposed to be there" you'd be dead. :lol:

I love old school RPGs cause I played the Phantasy Star series as a young kid so personally I think I is awesome.


Pro Adventurer
Although I usually prefer playing games with more of a plot, I really loved playing FF1. All of November last year I was constantly playing it until I got to the bit where you had to avoid the dragons. That bit was too hard for me :( .


I tried playing FFI on my iPhone...and didn't get very far. I had no idea where to go/what to do next,'s just been sitting there. When I bought it (oh jeez, it was a while ago now) I had no idea that it wasn't really story driven (in a way that made it easy to figure out what to do), and as simple minded as it might make me sound, I kind of need to be led through games in order to get anywhere. Maybe that's one of the reasons I really didn't mind the linear story/gameplay of XIII. But anyway. It's not that I didn't enjoy it while I played it, I just have absolutely no freaking idea of what I can do next, haha.


Rookie Adventurer
I loved FFI. Way more than FFII that's for sure. (I've been stalling on it more than every other FF game EVER!)I was soo baffled when I found out that The endless time loop had to be stopped by you, but in doing that is what made the loop go for infinity. It's weird how some people think it actually fixes the time loop. Yuo are constanstly going back in time over and over again and you have no memory of doing it. Atleast that is how i understood it. I may be wrong.


~The Other Side of Fear~
Of course FF1 is pretty basic in everything. This was back when the capabilities of gaming systems were extremely limiting so whatever they could fit, they did. I rather enjoyed it myself, but I'm an old-school gamer. For it's time it was a good game but doesn't stand up in today's standards...but what games do? Not a lot.

Also I would go apeshit happy if they remade it with an actual story and graphics update (not just improvement) but I rather doubt they would and I'm not sure it's financially feasible. SE is not in the business of granting wishes though how happy I would be if they were. xD
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