Standing guard
- Johnny

I don't know a lick of Japanese, but I'm pretty sure this does not say "Suplex" because it's currently Sabin's turn, which means he hasn't put in a command yet. Also, even though the katakana of his name is blurred beyond recognition, I can at least tell that it's 4 characters, which I guess probably is マッシュ (Masshu). If it were "Sabin," then it'd be サビン. So, the Japanese script is keeping the Japanese names. I wonder if they'll still use Woolsey's names in the English version. I'm guessing they will...
Terra is ティナ (Te-i-na) here, too. Interestingly, they've never written it as "Ti-na." I can only guess what the reasons are for it, but I do know the character for "ti" (シ) in katakana is pronounced "chi". It's in the name "Masshu" above too, which makes me think it's some sort of odd phonetic device I don't know about. However, if it were spelt in katakana like we typically spell it in English (sometimes used as a shortening of "Christina") she would be [シーナ], which is closer to "Sheena*."
I wonder why Woolsey didn't just go with Teina. That's "fantasy-sounding" enough.
*Who is, as we all know, a punk rocker noooow ??
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