Final Fantasy VI Discussion Thread

Celes Chere

The hardest fight in the second half was the one against that evil painting, because it possessed Celes, who was pretty much invincible to everything and it took me ten minutes to kill her. It was a bit of a challenge when I had to split up my 4 main guys (Celes, Sabin, Edgar, Locke) for the final dungeon, but once I stopped caring about the other people in my party and just let them stay dead it was a breeze.

Omg, the painting! Wasn't that just crazy random? <XD I really liked that boss because it was fun and kinda difficult. X_x I had the same problem as you, pretty much. :monster: Splitting up towards the end is more annoying than difficult, I also pretty much ignored the other party.

The thing about this game is it had so many characters I didn't give a shit about half of them. That said, CELES IS POSSIBLY THE BEST THING EVER

I'm quite the opposite, I liked almost every character, even the minor ones. c: But I will agree that Celes is the best thing ever. :awesome: Locke and Setzer are also my two other favorites, Edgar following after them. I take it you didn't like him? xD I find it surprising that I even liked Gao. O_O Anyway, I noticed that GoGo wasn't on your list, did you not get him? Understandable since it's your first playthrough or - did you simply not like him? (Though technically, he's an it...) Like Quina, just more badass. xP

The Opera is probably my favourite FF scene of all time

YES. Even with how the graphics are, you can still see the beauty in that whole entire portion of the game. I think that's astounding. And the music.. *A*

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
I'm quite the opposite, I liked almost every character, even the minor ones. c: But I will agree that Celes is the best thing ever. :awesome: Locke and Setzer are also my two other favorites, Edgar following after them. I take it you didn't like him? xD I find it surprising that I even liked Gao. O_O Anyway, I noticed that GoGo wasn't on your list, did you not get him? Understandable since it's your first playthrough or - did you simply not like him? (Though technically, he's an it...) Like Quina, just more badass. xP

Oh, I got all the characters (I used a walkthrough for parts so I didn't miss out on any of the important stuff like extra characters), I just didn't mention any of the ones I didn't care about, Gogo included XD - though Mimic is always a fun ability to play with.

Edgar is tied with Locke and Setzer for my second favourite, he's fantastic <3


Aerina, Elle
A friend lent me his copy of the PS1 version a while back. I didn't get too far (only up to the part where Locke and Celes are escaping the town where she was imprisoned?) but I was having a lot of fun playing it. Unfortunately I had to return it to him after that & i've never played it since. It's a shame copies are either hard to find or expensive now :( (Yes, laugh at my lack of emulator skillz)

I wasn't overly thrilled with the battle system or anything, it was definitely the story and the characters that kept me playing.

I actually found the soundtrack going quite cheap on ebay the other day & snagged it. I wouldn't usually buy a soundtrack for a game I haven't had much experiance with, but y'know it's FF & this game in particular has some gorgeous music <3

*winges about how she wants to play VI again*

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
You should just download an emulator and play it on that. ZSNES is the one I played it on.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I bought Final Fantasy VI (as III) for the SNES but I found it a lot more fun playing it on an emulator. First of all, grinding becomes almost fun because you can speed up your frame rate to make everything go 2-10 times faster, plus you can mute that sh*t and play iTunes for fifteen minutes and have an hour or two of grinding under your belt.

Even if you're not a power leveler, I prefer keyboards to controllers anyway.

I second Yaccy's vote for ZSNES, it's clean and user-friendly.


Aerina, Elle
If I had any kind of emulator expertise I totally would download it but yeah...I have zilch experience in that field :desu:

I'm sure i'll get around to trying one day, i'll keep the ZSNES is mind ;)

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
ZSNES is extremely easy to use - you just download it plus any roms you want, then run it and pretty much hit File > Open and you're good to go. If you end up downloading it and ever need help setting it up feel free to ask here. :)

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I almost forgot, I actually have this rom and figured out how to make three button combos work during my most recent Chrono Trigger fest! I could finally play this game successfully!


I think I might give this a shot, finally.


You should! I guess I'm not really much of one to talk, though, as I never finished my first play through (try to level up your characters kind of evenly, even the ones you're not the biggest fan me), but I really did enjoy playing it. I have a bad habit of getting stuck in a game and then kind of avoiding it for awhile...but I do want to finish this one sometime.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
(try to level up your characters kind of evenly, even the ones you're not the biggest fan me)

For the part I assume you're referring to personally I just levelled my 4 favourites throughout the game and then split them up when necessary because they were so overpowered they could pretty well solo everything. :monster:


For the part I assume you're referring to personally I just levelled my 4 favourites throughout the game and then split them up when necessary because they were so overpowered they could pretty well solo everything. :monster:

Yeah, if I had been any smarter about it, I probably would have just gone out and leveled up my four favorites a little more, so perhaps they would have had a chance at carrying the rest of the characters, but as it were, I hopelessly tried to grind my way to respectable levels with the rest of the party, and it took too damn long, then I died again anyway....and that was the end of that for several months, now. :sigh:

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Yeah, if I had been any smarter about it, I probably would have just gone out and leveled up my four favorites a little more, so perhaps they would have had a chance at carrying the rest of the characters, but as it were, I hopelessly tried to grind my way to respectable levels with the rest of the party, and it took too damn long, then I died again anyway....and that was the end of that for several months, now. :sigh:

>: that sucks. You should give it another shot, right from the beginning. It's totally worth beating it. :)


I know, I should. My main problem right now is actually committing the time to the task. A few weeks ago the hard drive in my PS3 failed, which resulted in losing all of my data, and there are so many games that I need to go through and beat again, but I almost don't have the heart to do so right now, haha. It's so daunting! I was in the middle of a few games, had beaten several more several times over, and now...nothin'. I did, however, beat Uncharted 3 over the weekend, but that's different. It was a new game. But anyway! The only thing that that really has anything to do with playing VI is that I have so much to do for all of my games. I really hope I find the time to give it another go, though. Like I said, I really enjoyed it. Most of the characters were really intriguing and I liked the game play. I think I read in some other thread something about people having difficulties with old graphics, but I kind of really like them, actually. They're...quaint, haha.


Double Growth
I just grinded enough to give most every character the Ultima spell and then spammed my way through the dungeon. :whistle:


Great Old One
About emulators - if you have a PS3, there is an easy way to use the PS3 controller on your computer via USB. I can find linkage to the programs I use to get the PS3 controller to work if anyone is interested. Or, you can buy universal controllers, I don't think they cost that much.

I can't stand using the keyboard for games. The keyboard is for TYPING! :P


So we're playing the Anthology version right now, which is pretty flippin' sweet because you can have two players controlling your characters during the battle sequences. When we first started, it was a little odd, trying to figure out how to best work together without having to completely spell out every turn ("cast this/use this item", etc), but now it's becoming more intuitive, especially as we're both learning the ins and outs of the characters. My favorites to control are probably Sabin, Celes or Terra, and Edgar. We haven't gotten around to using Relm, Strago, or Mog much yet, and at this point in the game I don't feel comfortable enough using Shadow's throw ability (I can't remember which equipment is old/new so I am too afraid to use Throw). We got to Umaro, but didn't have Mog in our party so he didn't come with us. The first time I played through VI I didn't know about Gogo, so I'm interested in getting him this time through. Last night we attempted to go through the Phoenix Cave, but got wrecked (our first party was doing alright, but our second, and admittedly weaker, party just got their asses handed to them), so we're going to head somewhere else first and leave that for a bit later. We've been trying to level everyone up evenly, but that seems to be leaving everyone at a lower level than what the walkthroughs we've been using seem to think we should be at. Guess we'll still have some grinding to do.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I just played through IX in the same way. It was fun as hell -- I can see VI being even more fun, with the amount of party switching that happens and the wide cast of characters to choose from. Sweet.


Mr. Thou
Yeah be careful with Shadow and Throw, especially in the Colosseum. He chucked my Illumina one time. Fucker.
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