Final Fantasy VI


~The Other Side of Fear~
I personally consider this one of the greatest games of all time. It had a slew of really spunky characters, an interesting plot (but not a mindfuck) and a good setting, menu system, etc.

And it has Kefka, one of my favorite villians :P



Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Best game in the series, and the game that got me into RPGs. In retrospect other Final Fantasy games had much more interesting battle systems, but in pretty much every other aspect with the possible exception of graphics it eclipses virtually every other RPG I've played, with the possible exception of Chrono Trigger.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
My favourite FF game, along with VII and IX.

I loved the plot, the characters, the battle sistem,the music...basically everything.

It had a lot of memorable moments, like the Opera Scene and the destruction of the world (That little cutscene with a space view of the planet with continents being teared apart is just breathtaking).

And it has one of my favourite themes of the series (Dancing Mad)

It also has my favourite FF female protagonist (Terra) and one of my three favourite characters of all media in general (Kefka).


I played the majority of the game on an emulator, but couldn't beat Atma so I never actually finished it, :/. I need to get a copy for my GBA or something.

I think I played it after playing the PS series of FF games, so I was very appreciative of there not being a single, obvious protagonist, but each character having its own personality and backstory, each with a roughly equal (and generous) amount of depth.

Also, Ultros is the moast epic boss in any FF game ever.

Also, thou?

Cookie Monster

Along with VII, this is probably one of my favorite RPGs. Even with its moderately sized fanbase, I believe VI to be one of the most underrated and unappreciated games in the series, and it has clearly been overshadowed by VII. :/


hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
I'm currently playing this game on my GBA and it's just beautiful. I recently fell head over heels for all of the characters, even Kefka's distinctive laugh and insane personality won me over. Awesome storyline, unique personalities, beautifully crafted cutscenes--man, I can't put this game down--gotta say that I'm glad I got it. ;D



~The Other Side of Fear~
What I really liked is the two new dungeons--Dragon's Den and The Soul Shrine. Both are insanely tough but incredibly fun. I highly recommend picking this verison up, even if they do make a DS verison. I suspect like the FF4 DS they won't have these extra dungeons in it, and, to me, they are worth the extra bucks.

Celes Chere

FFVI ties with FFIV for my favorite. Just like IV, this game never gets old for me. I think the story is so interesting, and there are so many like-able characters. (Some that could have had more said about them, imo!) I agree that it had a ton of memorable moments. My favorite scenes are the Opera one of course, and then the ghost train. I don't get why Sephiroth gets all of the attention with someone as great as Kefka around. ;)

playing this game on my GBA

But... They took out Kefka's "Son of a submariner!" line. :'(


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yeah, that pissed me off. As did the censorship, although there was less censorship in the GBA version than in the US one.


hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
Oh I hadn't even noticed that they censored so much stuff in the game. :monster:

I'm taking a break from it now to focus on my midterms (I hate taking these godforsaken mid-year exams so . . . long *cries*). But right now I'm just restarting a game due to the fact that I . . . well I lost my own airship and ended up getting stuck on the Overworld Map.

Darn I would've been pwning some Lvl 21 monsters in that floating evil continent of doom or whatever it's called. Darn . . . oh well, now I can really overlevel my characters right at the beginning of the game. :duhard:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I think they only censored two scenes in the GBA version: the one where Celes was chained to the wall and getting punched, and the scene where Kefka put the Slave Crown on Terra, which implied he would be using her in a sexual manner as well in the original Japanese script. Honestly, I think censoring things like that is borderline misogynistic; pretending that violence against women doesn't happen is rather stupid, and none of the characters who commits it in FFVI is painted in a remotely flattering light. (well, apart from the enemy characters who look like women I guess) Then again, apparently there were reports of copycat crimes in Japan because they're 'tards over there, but there's no reason to censor the U.S. version as well.


hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
Lol. Ah that's amusing mildly that they would censor that when it'll obviously happen in all parts of this world irregardless of whether it is shown or not. Perhaps they did it gor the sake of the "poor little children" that could see that imagery and get influenced by it . . . who really knows?

This is intriguing to me now. I wonder if I can see those unedited scenes on YouTube.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I don't think they really gave a shit about the kids this time since they didn't bother censoring the many sprites of scantily clad women like they did for the original SNES release.


Double Growth
A masterpiece of a game, for me, VII and Tactics beat it out, but Final Fantasy makes a conspicuous appearance on my list of favorite games :D

I complained in the XII topic about not caring about many of the characters, well VI has a HUGE cast and somehow made me care about nearly every one them.

6 and 7 exemplify the surprisingly appropriate humor during a dark situation that the series has seem to have lost a bit of lately. The production values for a super nintendo game are nothing short of mind-boggling. Kefka is the only Final Fantasy villain besides Sephiroth that I legitimately hated. I remember being shocked when he was able to kill General Leo so easily, and becoming genuinely upset when he began massacring the espers.

I hate (HATE HATE HAAAATE :P) that final dungeon, lol, but 6 is an incredibly good game and one more example of when a game story can rival what I've seen in any other medium.


Pro Adventurer
Not my favorite, but definitely in my top four. It's extremely well rounded and I loved the setting. Large cast that managed to be featured adequately, interesting and well-developed villain, etc..

I'm still a bit disappointed with the Advance version, it really didn't add nearly as much content as most of the other enhanced ports did, but I guess that's just a testament to how polished the original was.

I honestly don't want a DS port of FFVI. PSP, console, whatever, sure. If they're going to make a remake, I want to see it as more than just the original SD characters in 3D with camera work and voice acting. Dissidia constantly reminds me of how much better a FFIV remake could've been.

[quote author=Cookie Monster link=topic=284.msg7089#msg7089 date=1231586915]
Along with VII, this is probably one of my favorite RPGs. Even with its moderately sized fanbase, I believe VI to be one of the most underrated and unappreciated games in the series, and it has clearly been overshadowed by VII. :/
Man, this has been bugging me for a while, but what's with the victim act FFVI fans always put on? For every person who says FFVII is the best, it seems like there's always someone around to pop up and say it's overrated and that FFVI is really the best.

Seriously, you've gotta be kiddin' me. In almost every personal ranking I see, one or the other comes out on top. If one of them is overrated, so is the other, and both of them overshadow almost every other title in the franchise.

[quote author=V link=topic=284.msg12175#msg12175 date=1233186888]I don't think they really gave a shit about the kids this time since they didn't bother censoring the many sprites of scantily clad women like they did for the original SNES release.[/quote]
The reason for the original censoring is more on the part of Nintendo than Square. Back then, before the ESRB, Nintendo of America had a really strict policy regarding what content could and couldn't be allowed in games.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I've only ever seen FFVI come out on top in polls on small sites. On large sites like GameFAQs the representation for FFVI is drowned out by the representation for FFVII.

And yeah, Nintendo of America was absolutely paranoid about anything suggestive, or for that matter anything that had religious overtones as well.


~The Other Side of Fear~
I always did find the change to the story a bit absurd. I mean, I understand that they wanted to keep kids from seeing violence, particularly against women...but let's be honest here, a lot of kids already have, and it's best to be honest and straight with them rather than pretend it dosen't exist when they quite clearly realize it does. We don't need graphic detail or graphic images, but enough tto make a kid realize "no, this isn't right" and since FF6 never gave that impression at all (as was said) I hardly see the point in censoring it.

Of course, they were censoring almost *everything* back then, so that's probably why.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
It's odd though, they didn't censor Celes getting chained up and punched. Though she was scheduled to be executed the next day in the Japanese version, which they didn't include.

The censors had some strange priorities.

Celes Chere

It's odd though, they didn't censor Celes getting chained up and punched.

I was just thinking that, too. I think there's a clear secret hatred for Celes being shown. -glares-



I played the PS port of the game, and I think this is one of the games where I think everything (gameplay, music, story, characters, design) was executed to near perfection. FFVI and FFIX were imo, the two games of the series that were executed the best. My other favourites (FF7 and FFT) I thought were very good, but still could have been improved radically in some areas.

The thing I can complain about is in the PS port, was that I found the load times to be really irritating.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
wait, do Goddess and Chadarnook and the other enemies show up almost nude in the PSOne version? I definitely don't remember them retranslating it, which is why the new translation for the GBA version was such a big deal when it came out.

edit: oh wow, apparently they still did censor the GBA version a bit.


Japanese, US SNES, GBA.


Censorship is bullshit imo. Leave the games the way they are fucking meant to be. =/

And yes, the PSOne loading times were annoying. I think it's funny how the PS1 actually has more trouble with 2D stuff than with 3D. O.o

Celes Chere

WOW. Is it necessary to censor that? Especially when it's that un-noticeable? Why don't they start censoring Shiva then, if they're so bothered. >>
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