Final Fantasy VII: The Race


Pro Adventurer
This is a copy of an article from the TLS front page (except without any fancy graphics, so take a look).

If you thought Final Fantasy VII was only a single-player game, think again. This weekend on The Lifestream, two of our members will play the game head to head as they race from “New Game” to “The End”.

There is a dedicated page for this race , which contains both players’ streams, so you can watch their progress, and a chat room for discussion. Both players will be in the chat room and will be able to field questions during their breaks.

The playing sessions will take place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 14:00 to 21:00 UTC each day. That time includes one 15-minute break, one 30-minute break, and a further 15 minutes at the end to answer questions.

The rules are straightforward: both players must start a new Final Fantasy VII game at the same time, after which they will race in real time to reach the end. Real time means that if one player gets a Game Over, for example, the other player can keep playing and pull ahead (or catch up). The first player can’t do anything except reload their game and try again. In that way, it’s not the in-game clock that matters, but the real-life one. That brings up all sorts of strategical decisions which have to be made. Is it worth taking thirty seconds to save the game ahead of a boss, or is it a small enough risk to not save? Is it worth fighting random battles to gain EXP, AP, items and Gil, to make the game easier, or should they just be escaped?

In this case, neither player has done any speed running before, but they both know the game of Final Fantasy VII inside and out. They are:

Flintlock (that’s me!)
24 years old, from Finland
TLS member since January 2012

Prince Lex
22 years old, from Scotland
TLS member since June 2009

There will be a bot in the IRC channel, known as Sephibot, who will be responsible for timekeeping. He will tell us when to start, when to take breaks, and when to stop. At the end of each day, we will keep playing until we reach the next save point which would normally come up in the game. If we’re in a town, for example, we don’t have to run outside to save on the world map immediately; instead we can continue until we have done everything we want to do in the town. It’s inevitable that one player will have to make their final save for the day slightly before the other, so the following morning they will be given a head-start of equal length to compensate for it.

One final note: we may not need all the available time on Sunday, depending on how long it takes us to complete the game.

We hope you’ll be able to join us!

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Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Is this like the Amazing Race but set in the world of FFVII? Because I would be interested in following this if it were the case.


Pro Adventurer
Time for a write-up of the first day. It had its ups and downs; unfortunately, more of the second category.

I was incredible nervous at the start and then led to some poor running, which in turn led to battles in places I never usually get them, and indeed extra battles. Despite that, I still somehow managed to reach Air Buster without getting a Limit Break for either Cloud OR Barret, which is probably the first time that's ever happened to me. Because of that, the battle took about four times as long as it should.

I then lost some time against Lex in Wall Market by playing it safe and getting only the necessary items, while he got the best items. I knew his method had the potential to be quicker, but I was worried about messing it up, as I was still feeling nervous. I think that was the first time he got ahead of me.

The rest of Midgar continued to be annoying because of the battles in weird places. I did, however, manage to make it onto the swinging pole and past the Shinra Building guards both on the first try, which I don't always manage. The bosses all went down as planned, though.

I then began to get a few unnecessary items, thinking it would help me later. They included Ethers from Kalm (to sell) and Long Range materia from the Mythril Mines. That didn't seem to cost me too much time, though, as I closed right up on Lex in Junon. I got 51% on the marching, netting me 5000 gil, and 60 points in the send-off (which seemed much longer than usual - does it vary, or is it just my imagination?) for the HP Plus materia. Jenova was not difficult but it did take a frustratingly long time, as both her castings of Stop hit their targets. Still, heading into the second continent, I felt pretty happy.

Things began to go seriously wrong in Corel. I needed to steal five Right Arms from bombs, and that took me a very, very long time. I ended up with six of them, and the surplus one came in handy later. Then, as I was meant to buy some tranquilisers, my mind went completely blank on how many I needed, so I wasted another twenty seconds in the shop menu. Things got worse in the Desert Prison. I planned to learn Laser from a Death Claw, but I had to soft reset once as a) I realised I didn't have the Enemy Skill materia equipped, and b) The Bullmotor's Matra Magic was killing me. That cost me at least three minutes. I also accidentally got Ester's Chocobo racing explanation, when I should have skipped it.

Right around the time of the second break (four hours of playing), I was trying to learn Frog Song from the Touch Mes in the Gongaga Area forest. When I have played before, I have usually got into a battle with them on the first or second attempt, even in the jungle near Cosmo Canyon (which still counts as Gongaga Area). This time, I went through six battles without encountering them, just getting Yuffie (twice) and loads of useless Gagighandis. It was a calculated risk, because I could have skipped it and hoped for a couple of M-Tentacles from battles in the Cave of the Gi, but I never expected it to take as long as it did. I ended up with only one M-Tentacle, by the way. Cosmo Canyon went well otherwise.

Mt. Nibel gave me the first brick wall of the challenge. I just could not defeat Materia Keeper. I got five Game Overs (some of which were self-inflicted when I could see the battle was going badly) before I finally won. The first couple of times were bad luck - for example, two Trines in a row, which wipes everyone out - then I changed my setup for the next couple of attempts and stupidly forgot to put Poison materia back on, so they were my fault, then I got unlucky again with the fifth fight and eventually managed it on the sixth try. Even then, I had to use up my extra Right Arm. Lex, meanwhile, had a much better strategy and got past it first time (as he will probably describe himself in this thread), which meant he was able to massively extend his lead.

I was a bit flustered by the time I got to Rocket Town, and I forgot which places I needed to visit in which order. That cost me even more time. Palmer was also a bit more annoying than he needed to be. When I finally got the Tiny Bronco, I went to the Gold Saucer and back without problem, but then, idiotically (this was my worst mistake for the whole day), I forgot to pick up Deathblow on the way to the Temple of the Ancients. Luckily I saved outside, so when I realised, I could soft reset and then backtrack. Another few minutes down the drain.

Inside the Temple, it was pretty straightforward until Red Dragon, who made me use up most of my Phoenix Downs by repeatedly attacking the person who I had just revived, and refusing to be paralysed by Cross-Slash. I think I have about three left now ahead of Demon's Gate.

That's where I am now, at the save point before one of the hardest bosses in the game. I've already tried three times and not succeeded. I don't need everything to go perfectly, but I do need him not to attack Tifa twice in a row, as he did on the second try, killing her and basically giving me no way back. I'm going to have nightmares about that boss tonight, because that's the first thing I have to face tomorrow when we continue :(

I'm not giving up hope yet. Everything can change, but even if it doesn't, I'm going to play to the end to see what my time is.
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Race Day One​

So that was intense. I'm going to struggle to remember most of everything now ^_^


I picked up the two potions at the very start (you never know when these are going to be useful). I thought about shortening the character's names so the dialogue goes quicker, but I've read that over the entire game it literally only saves you seconds so I didn't bother. I'm likely to make a mistake while doing so anyway, so it was a quick case of [Start - Circle] for each instance of naming.

Got far more encounters in that first reactor than I'm used to. Guard Scorpion went very well. Had limits at the end of the fight in preparation for air buster (woooo).

I made sure to pick up the all materia in the training hall for quick healing purposes.

Didn't really encounter any issues until I hit the train (on the way to the second reactor mission), cocked up massively. Got stuck behind people a few times, spoke to people accidentally. Stressful times.

Managed to get the button push in the reactor on the first try, which is a rarity. Air buster went down very quickly.

Bought a ton of grenades near Aeris's house (though not enough... I ran out during Motor Ball). First save at Aeris's house.

Wall Market

Picked up all the best items for Cloud but didn't go to Honeybee. Overall this saves time because if corneo doesn't pick Cloud you have to fight 2 inescapable battles. On low levels it's quite easy to die there also, and no thank you.

Picking the second option twice with Corneo results in less dialogue (and funnier dialogue), though the time saved is negligible.

Sewers/ Train Graveyard

I just grenaded Aps to death. Sewer Tsunami can be a pain in the hoop if you're not quick enough. Picked up steal (very important for later!) and picked up all the items in my way through the train graveyard.

Reno went down quickly enough. He pyramid'd Cloud but went down after a few grenades.

Shinra HQ

Managed to climb that wire and make the jump onto the pole on the first attempt, yay.

Went in the front door because it's quicker and I sorely needed the EXP. I got really bad luck in the elevator because I got 5 battles (which is the most you can get) and didn't get the scared little man once. This is also where I used too many grenades. I bought more than I initially needed so I lost track of how many I should have left and just started throwing them at everything. Bad idea.

Got elemental materia from Domino.

No problems with H0512, but I had to wait for him to attack Cloud quite a lot because Cloud needed to have a limit for Dark Nation. Killed with grenades.

Fucked up quite a lot in the who do I talk to first and movement department. Cost me some time.

Grenaded Hundred to death, healed with Healing Wind, used limits and grenades on Heli. I forgot to put Red XIII in the back row so I was left with the rather huge problem of him being dead (Hundred kept attacking him and only him, I was really unlucky) and therefore not getting the EXP.

Braver on Dark Nation, Grenades on Rufus. I was left with 3 grenades at the end of this battle, and it was at this point I felt the terror of not having enough grenades left.

I did well on the motorbike minigame (spam attack so the red bikes don't come near you hahaha), and was really near the end of it when the first break came. Thank fudge for the first break, srsly. Although it did cause me to lose some HP in the minigame, because it can't be paused.

Motorball - I had 3 grenades. I used them and then spammed bolt and healed. It's a good thing I took the time to equip Barret with Cure - All because I would have definitely died otherwise.

Beyond Midgar

I thought about getting Matra Magic, but I hadn't planned to level up so I decided only to get it if I happened upon the custom sweepers, which never happens. Lo and behold, it didn't happen.


No problems here that I can remember. Quick in and out. I forgot to pick up the Elixir in the wardrobe, so that might cause me some problems later on.

I got my first game over with the Misgar Zolom. He was at a really unfortunate position in the marshes, and caught me at the last possible moment before I pressed the triangle button. Had to reset because he Killed Tifa before I could escape. LUCKILY I had JUST SAVED before the marshes. I reloaded, ran halfway across, saved, reloaded, and got the full way across. Not the best of luck.

No problems in the Mythril Mines, picked up the weapon in the chest to sell it later. Very glad I did.


Got to Junon without issues. Then made a major mistake (and this is funny because Flint did this in the community playthrough while we were Skyping) - I FORGOT TO BUY MORE GRENADES AND HAD TO SOFT RESET. Luckily (again) I had just saved right outside Junon.

Accidentally had the guard repeat the procedure in Junon. Also, screwed up the marching minigame (and I needed that 5000Gil) and got 6 Potions instead, which was a huge bummer. If I had gotten 6 Ethers I could have sold them.

Intentionally got 60 points with Heidegger for the HP Plus materia.

Cargo Ship

Nothing special. Jenova went down with the last of my grenades and a Braver.

I picked up all the items in the villa basement then left (needed those to sell now because I failed at the marching minigame).


FUCKING NIGHTMARE. I got more random battles than I can ever consciously recall getting here. Ever. Around 20 I think. Escaped from most of them. Intentionally got a battle on the railway bridge and the normal bridge so I could steal Right Arms from the bombs. Lucked out and got a few on the first attempt then fled. I had 5 by the time I got to Corel.

I also had to pick up the transform materia to sell since I failed the minigame in Junon.

Nothing special at the Gold Saucer.

Corel Prison went smoothly until Dyne. I killed Dyne once and then the game or emulator glitched out on me and I had to fight him again. Nightmare. Reloaded the emulator as I had just saved in Corel Prison.'

I died again in the desert trying to get Aqualung, and the second time I got it Tifa died and I had no Phoenix Downs. Didn't really matter anyway, since they get healed at...

Cosmo Canyon

Got Death Sentence for Tifa. Managed to get a bit of EXP here fighting the Sneaky Steps (is that what they're called?) since I had Aqualung they went down without me having to waste Right Arms. Woo.

Killed Gi Nattak with an Elixir.

Nibelheim/ Rocket Town

Died on the bridge on the way to materia keeper. Got pincer attacked by those slashy things, they killed my party in one hit per member. I had to start again from the World Map.

Materia Keeper - I just poisoned him and then cured/ defended until he went down. He used trine, woo.

Palmer almost killed me a few times (I don't remember him being that fast). I used Cross Slash on him once but it didn't hold him for very long. I think I should have set the ATB to Wait for this battle.

Date/ Temple of the Ancients

I stole a few T/S Bombs from the Harpy's in the gold saucer area for later use, just headed straight for gold saucer. Escaped the battle arena match in the normal way, got a date with Aeris (booooo) then left.

Picked up Deathblow from Gongaga.

Temple of the Ancients was really annoying, as expected. Picked up the Luck Plus materia (though I don't know if it actually helps with the success rate of deathblow).

Red Dragon kept killing Tifa, it was incredibly annoying. And deathblow kept missing. Demon's gate was equally annoying, though I got really lucky in that I think only Cloud died twice and Tifa was left with 5HP. Deathblow kept missing again, but I used the last of my Right Arms on him and then a Molotov took him down.

Bone Village/ Ancient City

Got the Lunar Harp first try (it's always in the same place), bought some more Phoenix downs (I wasted so much on Tifa and Cloud) picked up the water ring. I levelled up quite a bit here because the enemies just before the city give decent EXP, arrive in large groups and are immediately killed by Trine. Beautiful.

Picked up the second enemy skill materia.

Jenova-LIFE was an absolute nightmare, and cost me loads of time. Luckily Cid had the water ring, but she killed Cloud and Tifa with Aqualung and other attacks (I think I used 7 phoenix downs) so ending the battle was a nightmare because deathblow kept missing.

Coral Valley Cave

Picked up the Bolt Ring and Magic Plus. Saved as soon as I left, and that was the end of the first day ^_^.
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Waiting for something
wow, I'm sorry I missed it tonight, think I really would have enjoyed the race, I'm gonna try and watch some on Sunday.

Flint looks like you have some catching up to do but it's amazing just how different things can go, even with some similar strategies in place. I love how you guys point things out like noticing differences in length of battles, encounters and mini-games. I dunno if the Junon one is longer, sometimes it feels that way. I've never been able to successfully do the march, so nice one Flint for getting 5000 gil :D

Good luck for tomorrow again :)


Great Old One
Excellent job gaiz. It's been a great first day. The chat was filled with tactics talk, people finding the streams told other people who also joined, new and awesome people signed up for TLS, just a great FFVII day because of your effort.

I'll join in the first couple of hours tomorrow, but then I have stuff to attend (sadly!)


Higher Further Faster
haha, This is all most excellent, you guys. Can't wait for more. :)

I think it would be fun if you posted your summaries on the front page, too. :)
I think it would be fun if you posted your summaries on the front page, too. :)

I agree with this. Plus, it would be good for archiving purposes. An archive page specifically for "TLS Events" is planned (for after the front page redesign) and things like this FFVII Race definitely deserve to be there.


Pro Adventurer
Would it be alright if we did that after the whole thing is finished? At that point we'll know which events were really significant in the race, and which just felt like they were at the time.

I'm glad everyone is enjoying this! I wish I could say I was :lol: No I am, really. It's just that I didn't get much sleep last night because I was thinking about the game so much. I had to put some talk radio on just to distract myself, and even then I kept waking up. It may have had something to do with over-exposure to a computer screen during the day as well.

I might be up for doing this again with some other games, but not for quite a while. I'd love to watch some other people doing it though!
Would it be alright if we did that after the whole thing is finished? At that point we'll know which events were really significant in the race, and which just felt like they were at the time.
Sounds excellent. The important part is that we have the event documented.

Mog is in charge of the "TLS Events" section (though I've created the foundation for it) and I believe to complete this archive he'll need to dig through old forum history, as not all entries in for example "Mog’s Fantastic Journey: All of the Towns and Cities of FFVII And What I Think of Them" reached the front page.

Anyway, I hope you catch up with Prince Lex, Flintlock. The closer in time frame you both are, the more exciting this will be.

You know what, some smaller scale FFVII gaming event might also be possible to make. Say, having peeps play the Speed Square constantly for 1-2 hours and see which one ends up with the best score. Or the same with Snowboarding. Just brainstorming here. Though admittedly these two examples may be a bit boring and too repetitive.


Pro Adventurer
Expanding that idea a bit, we could all load up a disc three game where we have loads of Gil and then go to the Gold Saucer at the same time. We'd then go around every game and see who gets the best scores/GP :) That would include the Motorbike game, the Snowboarding game, Speed Square etc.


It's still quite close. Flint has a boss, an FMV and an easy boss to catch up with me, that's all. Which is quite remarkable, considering I was on my way to Temple of the Ancients when he successfully beat Materia Keeper.

This race is far from over ^_^


Pro Adventurer
The race is over. It wasn't much of a race by the end, as Lex was so far ahead. He was winning the final battles while I was still losing against Carry Armour.

Before I get into my write-up, I'd like to repeat my congratulations to Lex, who I think played fantastically and more than deserved to win. There aren't many nicer guys to lose to :)

Now, let's mosey.

I started the day off between Red Dragon and Demon's Gate. I had already tried fighting the latter three times the previous day without success. In fact, I hadn't even been close. So I decided to level up in the room with the murals. I had specifically acquired the enemy skill Laser in anticipation of this, as it can kill gravity-weak Ark Dragons in one hit. I ran away from the less profitable Doorbulls, but got caught in a side attack by them once, at which point I was glad I had learned Frog Song, even though it had cost me a lot of time on day one.

After gaining a couple of levels I tried Demon's Gate again, four times. No luck. In the very first one, he wiped me out before I even made a move. If he had started any of those battles by waving his arms, I could have won, but he always managed to kill someone in either one or two hits, making it an impossible task. I went back for one more level up and tried a few more times, still without success. One more level and then I got it on either the first or second attempt. I just know it was the twelfth attempt in total. He opened the battle by dropping a rock on Aeris, but thanks to her extra levels and HP, she survived it this time, and from there I could win the battle. I still needed Big Guard, which you shouldn't really need.

So, after already being half an hour down at the end of the first day, I was now a further half an hour down thanks to one boss, who Lex had managed to beat by the skin of his teeth on the first attempt. Of my eleven unsuccessful attempts, I would say two were down to me overlooking or forgetting something, but the others were completely down to bad luck. I couldn't even take much encouragement from my extra levels, as I knew Lex had levelled up in Corral Valley already.

I ploughed on, though, through Bone Village and the Sleeping Forest into the Forgotten Capital. I knew I could survive Jenova LIFE's Aqualung if I managed to get Big Guard up in time, but on my first attempt, she used it straight away. That would still not have been a problem if Tifa's Deathblow had found its target with any decent level of accuracy, but out of the six (ish) times I used it on the boss, it only hit once, so she died from her Death Sentence and I had to go through the whole gloves-on-gloves-off sequence again (you know what I'm talking about). The second time was still quite slow, but I learnt Aqualung and everyone survived.

Things then went fine until the snowboarding, which I am terrible at. It took me about four and a half minutes; it can be done in two and a half. I know very few people who say they are good at that game, actually. I like the idea of it but it's very poorly executed. Turning is pretty much impossible.

At the Great Glacier, I had to run around getting into about five random battles before I met a Snow, from whom I could steal a Circlet. Of course, it took many stealing attempts before I actually got one. Otherwise that area was fine. Gaea's Cliff went pretty smoothly as well, except that, stupidly, I had taken OFF the second Enemy Skill materia and forgotten to put it back on again. That meant I only learnt Magic Breath on one materia. The Stilva I encountered didn't use Trine, but had it done, I would have liked to have had that on the second materia as well. I realised my mistake at the time but I was already so far behind that I didn't want to stick around looking for another Stilva. I only needed one attempt to defeat Schizo, whom I had feared facing, but it started off very badly. Continuing my vein of bad luck, the ice head always attacked Tifa, who was set up to nullify fire, while the fire head always attacked Cait Sith, who was set up to nullify ice. That meant that Tifa died before I could start dealing damage with her Deathblow, and I lost a lot of time reviving her, casting Death Sentence again, and healing Cait. At least I didn't get any Game Overs though.

Jenova DEATH was as easy as it always is, thanks to fireproof equipment. Once again it seemed to take longer than it should have done, though, because too many Deathblows missed.

After all the FMVs and whatnot at the Northern Crater, it was back to Junon. My only mistake there was forgetting which path to take to the airport with Barret and Cait; I guessed randomly and got it wrong twice before finally getting it right.

Once I had the Highwind I headed to Mideel, then Corel, where I got into a couple of side attack battles on the railtracks, which can't be easily escaped. The train sequence was horrible, though. After the first Gas Ducter went down easily, one of the next pair gave Cait silence, which meant he couldn't use Magic Breath. He also died shortly afterwards, and in fact I came pretty close to losing the whole battle. That was the time I could have done with a second copy of Magic Breath. I needed Aqualung, the one and only ability on my other Enemy Skill materia, and lots of Molotovs and physical attacks to deal with them, losing time. Wolfmeister should have been easy with Laser, but I only remembered it after a couple of Magic Breaths and an Aqualung, wasting MP. Red and Cait both died in that battle and I was left with a very low HP Cid attacking to end the battle. Eagle Gun went down easily but slowly. I should have used a T/S bomb alongside Laser, but I forgot. I was starting to worry about the time I had left - only two minutes. When the timer disappeared for the train stopping FMV, it showed only 00:53, by far the worst time I have ever got there. The whole train sequence was my worst and most embarrassing moment over the whole race, and at one point I tried to soft reset but couldn't because I was in a battle.

After that I went to Fort Condor, which required three or four attempts to get right using the cheap method of putting fighters as near to the bottom of the screen as possible to defeat the first enemy that appears there. I had to soft reset each time. That wasn't bad luck, just poor playing by me.

Back at Mideel, however, I had some terrible luck. I needed to steal a Cursed Ring from Ultimate Weapon, and in each battle with him, I had time for three attempts. I was at level 28, which means I had a 6.25% chance of getting it with any single attempt. I had eight battles without getting it, and of course I had to soft reset after each one. Mathematically, I had a four-in-five chance of getting it within those 24 steals, which is just another example of how luck was not on my side today. After getting fed up, I decided to level up in the Mideel forest to see if I could make it any easier for myself. I could have got the other Cursed Ring by doing a little side quest in the town, but by that point I knew the race was lost and I thought I'd rather have an extra level. At 29, with a chance of 7.81% per attempt, I went in for another battle and got it on my second steal. It felt like salt in my wounds.

The lifestream sequence was all fine, but the Underwater Reactor gave me an expected stumbling block: Carry Armour. I believe it took me four tries. I believe that in the first two, Tifa was at high HP, but he didn't attack her. In the third, she was at low HP, but she died, while the other characters were grabbed by the boss' arms. For the fourth try, I got her HP low in one of the earlier battles, then went back and saved just to save myself the time in case I needed to reset again. I didn't.

It was while fighting Carry Armour that I heard that Lex had beaten the game. I was so far behind it was embarrassing. I decided to keep going, though, to finish it that day. Things didn't pick up, though. I forgot the submarine controls and had to soft reset there. On the second try it took me about a minute. On a normal playthrough I can do it in ten seconds, but I guess I was trying to rush it too much or something.

Rocket Town and the space events went fine. I may have wasted some time getting the Huge Materia from the rocket, which I think is optional, but Cid told me "not this way" when I headed for the exit so I went to get it anyway. Luckily I remembered the password.

What was next? Cosmo Canyon, Forgotten Capital, then Diamond Weapon. As Lex was finished and watching my stream, I asked for his advice, as I didn't really have a strategy in my mind for this fight. I died on my first attempt but got it on the second after one Diamond Flash. I should have used the Wait trick, which I use all the time on a normal game (I usually stick with the Wait mode, because I like time to plan - that's why FFX has my favourite battle system), but I forgot to. That's just what happens when I try to rush.

Midgar went very well, for a change. Not too many random battles, and I managed to use the glitch to avoid the Turks battle (which didn't save me any time, as Lex used it too). Proud Clod went down easily on the first attempt, and triple-Hojo was probably the best battle overall in the whole race for me.

I took a little break before going into the Northern Crater. Again, I didn't have any particular strategy for beating the final bosses, but I figured that as I had done it with no materia before, it shouldn't be too hard. Lex told me about the W-Magic+Ultima method, though, to go with the Deathblow+Added Cut+Cursed Ring+Mystile combination I had already been using. I escaped all the battles in the crater and didn't get caught in any side attacks or anything, which was nice. I even found some Movers, who I decided to fight. I'm not sure if the AP gave me anything new, but at least I got three Turbo Ethers.

I plopped my save crystal down at the last possible point, before the Jenova sequence. I seemed to get pretty unlucky with battles, which only have a 25% chance of happening on each rock. In the second screen I got a battle on something like all but one of the rocks. Jenova SYNTHESIS went down easily, as did Bizarro Sephiroth, but as I had accidentally Deathblow'ed (Deathblown?) his torso rather than his core, he managed to get in the archetypal I'm-a-big-bad-guy-I'm-going-to-bring-you-all-down-to-1-HP attack. I just had to use a Megalixir, which I had picked up in Corral Valley, at the start of Safer Sephy. That was going just about perfectly until he killed Cait Sith with Shadow Flare and then confused Tifa with Supernova. She killed herself and it was Game Over once again. Back to the save point... this time I got far fewer battles, Jenova was just as easy and Bizarro was even easier as I remembered to attack the Core. Safer proceeded in a nearly identical fashion to before (as it often does, because his attacks are just a sequence), with Cait Sith getting knocked out by Shadow Flare. It then went even worse than before: a critical physical attack killed Cloud, after which Pale Horse killed Cait again (who had been revived). Cloud and Tifa took the hit from Supernova again, and I thought "surely Tifa won't be confused this time". But she was. And so was Cloud, who also got silence (he was my main magic caster). I thought the battle was lost, but Heartless Angel got rid of their confusion on the next turn. Luckily, the only things that had happened during the confusion were: Phoenix Down on Sephiroth (lol), physical attack from Cloud (couldn't reach) and a counter-attack from Tifa (which, strangely, did reach). Another Phoenix Down, this time for Cait Sith, followed by a Megalixir and I was up and running once again. His next attack was Deen; Tifa countered it and that was the final blow. Phew. I chose to let Cloud counter Sephiroth's attack in the one-on-one battle because it's faster than Omnislash - as if it mattered at this point.

The in-game time of my final save was 10:27, after which it took me about 18 minutes to beat the third Sephiroth form, so I'm calling it 10:45. That's by far the quickest I've ever completed the game - my previous best was about 24 hours - but I've never really tried to be quick about it before. That showed, too. I made a lot of mistakes, on top of my bad luck. I had tried to think about my own strategies and largely play it safe, but I still got stuck against a few bosses: Materia Keeper, Demon's Gate, Ultima Weapon (stealing, I mean - surviving the battle is easy) and, to a lesser extent, Carry Armour. After Materia Keeper I kept telling myself "maybe Lex will have a hard time against one of those", but from what I could make out in the chat room, he didn't have too much trouble. Mind you, he had time to level up to make them less luck-reliant, which I should not have given him. My actual, real life time was 12:55:06, which meant I lost well over two hours to Game Overs and soft resets. Two and a half hours was my deficit to Lex, which just goes to show... something.

That was exhausting (and I don't just mean the write-up), but also great fun, and I'm really glad I did it. It would have been nice to have had more players and/or a closer race, but it wasn't to be. There has already been talk in the IRC channel about other races, including FFVIII and SMB3, which I think I will really enjoy - as a spectator! Thanks to everyone who joined in :)
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Day Two

Icy Places

Got caught in 2 pincer attacks in a row starting off today, which is never a good thing. Almost died - luckily, didn't. This wasn't the first double pincer attack of the day either.

Icicle Inn went totally normally, there isn't really much to do there unless you're exploring. Snowboarding didn't go awfully. I fell a few times at the start but did very well at not bumping into the snowballs and stuff, which was awesome.

Went right, then left. This is the quickest way to the exit and also puts you near the hot springs. I wanted to steal a circlet from a Snow but didn't manage to find one properly so had to waste time going to the one with the Alexander materia. For the first time ever, I had problems with finding her after touching the hot springs. I got to the big annoying "let's-make-you-plant-poles" bit and accidentally went to Holzoff, then came back and accidentally went south again. It took me another try to find the cave and go east. Got there in the end ^_^ - stole a Circlet.

Gaea's Cliffs presented no issues whatsoever. I picked up Magic Breath from Stilva and levelled up fighting her and the Icicles. I was scared of Schizo but using the awesome Powersoul-Death Sentence-CriticalHP-Deathblow amazingness, I took down the Ice head quite easily. After that, since both Tifa and Cid were immune/absorbed fire, it was a breeze. I just had to make sure I healed before the final attack, which isn't too bad if you're in the back row with sadness (always when you're underlevelled!).

Northern Crater

Having two characters who either absorb or are immune to fire also means you cannot lose against Jenova-DEATH, however she's a fucking bitch and kept dodging deathblow. Took a while to take her down. Picked up some items to sell.

I usually don't have problems crossing while the wind is calm, but the 3rd time I had to fight the Aps wannabe twice and it almost killed me with Aero 3 (where the hell are Aero 1 and 2 in this game I ask you!?). Luckily I made it through with Magic Breath or Deathblow and gained a level or two.

Junon/Mideel (1)

It's quicker to lose against Scarlet, but I couldn't handle her bitchslapping Tifa, so I just had to win. Woo.

Tifa was the party leader for all of 30 seconds before I went to Mideel. There I bought some HP and MP pluses which made the rest of the ordeal a bit easier. I also picked up a Destruct for use against Safer Sephiroth (y'know, when the bugger casts wall).

Cid-run Huge Materia Missions

Corel presented no issues. It took me longer to fight the Eagle Gun in the train sequence than it should have due to demi missing multiple times. Other than that, I stopped the train and got Ultima.

Used the quick end trick on the Fort Condor minigame but screwed it up quite a bit. Usually if you're quick enough you only have to kill one enemy and the game is over, you win, tra la la. I had to kill around 5, and I did consider soft resetting. Managed to kill them before more came and it ended quickly enough.

Mideel (2)

Had to steal the cursed ring from Ultima Weapon (for automatic Death Sentence on Tifa and amazing stat boosts) - managed it on my first attempt. You only get 3 chances so I was lucky here, though my characters were still a little higher in level than they normally would be. I think this is because I used Cid as the stealer and I had been using him in my main party beforehand - I know Flint had to level up a bit before he could get it. The fight itself with ultima is easy as long as at least one character is fully healed for the final attack. Because there's no EXP reward it doesn't matter if two members are dead.

Piecing together Cloud's past is such an awesome moment in the game. The epic parts being the Tifa moment near the end when "On the Other Side of the Mountain" plays (so emotional!) and that final moment when you realise Cloud actually is a real person. Love it so much.

Underwater Reactor

Woo we have Cloud back. There are a good few mandatory battles in here, all of which can be ended with Magic Breath. I did waste a bit of time trying deathblow first to save MP, a good few of them missed.

Amazingly, I won first time against Carry Armour. Someone in the IRC actually said "wow". I can't remember if he managed to get out one or two Lapis Lasers, but using the glorious wait trick ended the battle really quickly. He did manage to pick up Cid, but luckily he had already done his duty by casting Magic Breath. One of Tifa's deathblows missed, the rest connected. He was down within around 1 minute or so if memory serves. Most definitely the biggest stroke of luck I had in the entire run, and I was grateful because I was totally dreading it.

Submarine minigame was easy as always, but I read the manual before I did it to refresh my memory on the controls. It's been a long long time since I played that minigame.

At this point I also went to pick up the "Key to the Ancients" since thats the only point you actually need to be in the submarine.

I'm also just realising now that I didn't go back to Junon to watch the military plane take off for Rocket Town. I had no idea that was an unnecessary cutscene.

Rocket Town

Tifa was still critical from the battle with Carry Armour, and the first deathblow connected so Rude went down immediately. You don't actually have to go up to get the Huge Materia from the rocket but I thought I might have a use for Bahamut ZERO so I did it anyway.

Ancient City/ Diamond Weapon

Jumped to Cosmo Canyon to get Bugen, back to City to watch the cutscene, cut to Diamond WEAPON. This battle can be really tricky if you're not familiar with it - luckily his attacks aren't all that damaging unless he gets to the end of the countdown (which he shouldn't).

For me, he did. He has to start using countdown before you can damage him, so its a case of using 2 limits then waiting until he starts his countdown before using Deathblow, then Magic breath, repeat. If all the Deathblows hit, he's dead right away. But all the deathblows rarely hit. The only member that died was Tifa, so I Phoenix Downed her and the last deathblow killed him.

Return to Midgar

Scarily easy. The Turks battle is skippable, which both me and Flint did. If you walk on the raised section of the train tunnel, the cutscene doesn't trigger and you don't have to do it.

Proud Clod killed Tifa once I think. Other than that it went very smoothly.

Then I got the Mystile from the chest - Deathblow never misses with this equipped, which means smooth sailing through all 3 Hojo battles (in theory). Helletic Hojo killed Tifa twice with combo. I had Cloud cast Ultima and Tifa deathblow their way to victory. End of Disc 2.

The Northern Crater

Ran into serious issues in the up/left path (which has some useful items) in that I was pincer attacked by Ahriman's TWICE IN A ROW. Having the Mystile equipped allowed me to deathblow my way out of it then run, but Tifa died in the second battle.

I picked up double magic for the inevitable spamming of Ultima. Cloud had W-Magic, MP Turbo paired with Ultima, all the MP Pluses, the Circlet and the Wizard bracelet so he enjoyed a great magic boost.

Jenova Synthesis - Cloud W-Magic Ultima, Tifa Deathblow til it dies. The wait trick works well here. Unfortunately, I forgot to set my ATB to wait. I still got through it.

Bizarro Sephiroth did not go as planned. I killed his parts with W-Magic and Ultima, then Deathblow'd the core, then another W-Magic Ultima, then a few more deathblows. This didn't work as well as it could have, and he used Heartless Angel on me RIGHT at the end of the battle.

This meant all my characters had 1HP (yay) going into the Safer Sephiroth Battle. The first turn was wasted (instead of a deathblow) using a megalixir because I was too scared to risk an attack. I had also forgotten to give a character the destruct materia so I had to work with him having a barrier and a magic barrier. This allowed him time to use Supernova and Heartless Angel AGAIN. I used Ultima around 10 times as well as deathblow, he went down in the end. It was a very close shave, and a few characters died and had to be revived.

So I finished the race on the second day (woo). Flint calculated my real life time at 10:25:34 (this does not include breaks and the weird Dyne glitch). My last in-game save was 09:57 just before the mosey.

It's been so much fun. Incredibly stressful at some points and frustrating at others. When I completed the game today I was genuinely sad that it was over, but felt better when Flint finished aswell. I couldn't have asked for a better guy to compete with ^_^. I had good luck in most of the right places, as well as getting an early lead and being able to level up a bit.

I'd definitely do it again, but far far far away into the future. There's been talk of people doing a Final Fantasy VIII race in IRC, and I'd thoroughly enjoy watching it. A crowd of new folk wandered into IRC (these are the ones interested in a FFVIII race!) and some of them became forum members also, so hopefully we'll see them posting and being active!

It's awesome, give it a go people! ^_^
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Sorry for the double post, just wanted to say I'm happy for my summaries to be posted on the front page, or whatever is going to be happening with this front-page wise. Now goodnight... *collapses*
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Double Growth
I'm amazed at how quickly that game could be beaten. Never having been into the whole speed-run thing, I never looked into it. My "record" was 28 hours, but I wasn't trying to rush through the game, I just took a straight shot through it.

Very impressive, and it was neat to see. And if it got some new members in, all the better. Great job guys :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Sorry for the double post, just wanted to say I'm happy for my summaries to be posted on the front page, or whatever is going to be happening with this front-page wise. Now goodnight... *collapses*
I'll be writing a front-page report sometime soon, and I'll be using quotes from both of our write-ups. I think it would be too long if we included all of them :lol:


Pro Adventurer
This was a lot of fun. Thanks, you guys!

I'll probably call on you for the race "model" if and when a FFVIII race goes ahead, if you don't mind!


Pro Adventurer
This was a lot of fun. Thanks, you guys!

I'll probably call on you for the race "model" if and when a FFVIII race goes ahead, if you don't mind!
Not at all :) As Lex said in the channel yesterday, the 90-minute session format was much nicer than the two-hour session format. We just had to learn that the hard way ^_^


Waiting for something
Wow, again I'm sorry I missed the entire thing, but well done to both of you sounds like it was pretty epic :)


And epic it was my dear! Looking forward to chatting to you on the next community playthrough.


Great Old One
Yes, I'm looking forward to it as well :joy:
Let's find a decent time in the Playthrough thread!


Pro Adventurer
"Never again", I probably said at some point after last year's race. It was pretty stressful, after all. But looking back, it was probably the most enjoyable thing I've done since I joined TLS. It felt like a real community event; the IRC channel was packed with people, watching the streams and chatting away. Some of them were new to TLS, and ended up joining the forum as a result. That was probably because of how unique the event was - although I got the idea because I heard about someone else trying it offline, I'm 100% sure that we were the first to do it online.

I take back what I said. Let's do it again. Better yet, let's make it a TLS tradition by doing it every year. Let's get even more people involved this time. Let's recreate that wonderful buzz in our community, even if only for a few days. Let's spread the word. Let's build on our reputation as the premier Final Fantasy VII destination on the internet by being "the guys who run that crazy, awesome FFVII race".

Who's in?
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