Ooooh Salty!
- roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
@Red, Yea I've gotta agree, doing all the extra content very well takes longer than a run through of the game.
I've been playing IX, but with X I stopped at the level grinding, and playing blitzball. I know I killed Dark Valefor pretty easily, but I have a lot more level grinding and blitzball playing to do.
Honestly I wish there wasn't a cap of 99 regarding spheres because you can go through a stack of mana spheres so quickly and then you need to refarm them.
Sphere Grid grinding seems to be the one thing that will take the most time. And I also wish I chose the expert sphere grid because I now also need to find a way to fill in all the empty nodes.
@Kuja - Even getting 1/8 of the stats needed to max makes the final 3 boss fights ridiculous easy.
I one shotted BFA's first form and three hit killed his second form. I've been doing the AP trick for my current team.