Final Fantasy XIII-2


Force, do you mean the scantron? I used him for a bit but changed pretty early on to one of those tiny bird looking things...oh why is the name escaping me? It's silver...not helping. Anyway.

I don't have a green chocobo (as can be understood from my previous post), so I used Cait Sith til I got a Flanitor, which does really well. I can't remember if I infused him with something that gave me the secondary ability that charges your feral link gauge faster or if he started with it, but that was super handy, especially in the later boss battles that actually gave me a challenge.


Double Growth
I just got Flanitor, and I was considering switching to him. And I mean my Zwerg...whatever he is

And now that you mention it, Splintered, I've been wondering what determines when Serah uses the bow or the sword? They don't do different damage, right? And it's not like you can't hit hovering enemies or anything...


The Zwerg Scantron :P

I didn't get the Flanitor til much later in the game. Geez, your play through especially makes me want to have another go at it and you're only 10 hours in.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
But I also was thinking about doing another playthrough just cause I love this game so much and oh lord I already clocked 80 hours hELP.

LOL. I'm so much worse than you. I was telling Sami that I used my discount plus the fact that it went on sale and bought the game for my xbox just because trophies and because i wanna play it again. :awesome: NO REGRETS.

I fucking love this game and everything about it. NOEL IS MY SPIRIT ANIMAL IT'S OFFICIAL. He's so precious and perfect and amazing and I just....want to smother him with love and hugs. ;o;



wangxian married
I'm 10 hours in, liking it so far. I got lucky and captured a Behemoth before you're "supposed" to, but maybe the game was jsut taking pity on the number of phoenix downs that battle took... Regardless, he's pretty awesome.

oh same in that part i had noel as a SEN and just had Serah attack it, it took fucking forever but i caught him and i was all YEAH BOIIII

I heard the flanitor is one of the best.

He really is. Ugly as fuck, but this dude can heal his ass off, and nothing beats hyper rescue.


wangxian married
NOEL IS MY SPIRIT ANIMAL IT'S OFFICIAL. He's so precious and perfect and amazing and I just....want to smother him with love and hugs. ;o;

i have so many maternal feelings towards noel it hurts omg

i tried the jihl fight

i cursed and screamed and cried i'm gonna try the strategy on the previous page although if you manage to kill all her minions she apparently takes some damage?? even though she respawns them later.....sfks;fkasf???/


Fiat Lux
Dude, autopilot is sitting my controller on the couch while I go eat lunch because the gambit system in XII literally makes it so that all the characters can fend for themselves. The AI even runs close to enemies in dungeons, so I can literally have them grind and clear floors without having to touch a single button.

So FFXIII/XIII-2 can't even get that right? At least FFXII allowed you to sidestep the drudgery of grinding with the right set-up, whereas in FFXIII/XIII-2, you're still required to button bash your way through repetitive battles. And before anyone says 'Well yes, but that happened in previous FFs,'... it isn't 1997 anymore, folks.

Even with the autobattle, you're still swapping roles, using items, y'know, generally being involved in some capacity in the battle. And it's not like the autobattle really makes things that much easier when it comes down to it, and certain roles (syn/sab/sen come to mind) it's actually better to input the commands manually.

In FFXII you're in total control of your party. You can define every character's role, and if you wanted to switch it up, you could edit the Gambits or switch control to that party member.

In FFXIII, you can't. Everything is limited to the Paradigm System and your party leader. If you want to change ONE CHARACTER'S action, you have to shuffle your whole frickin' formation. And since you only have six Paradigms to choose from at any one time, the game makes itself unnecessarily restrictive, since we're talking about completing the most basic elements of RPG gameplay here.

FFXII's battle system, although not perfect, was a step forward in the series and one that has been used in other popular RPG titles, such as Dragon Age. Squenix should have pushed on from that and refined a more challenging battle system, instead FFXIII/XIII-2 has taken the genre backwards.


Double Growth
I did not find XIII's battles to be cakewalks. And I was much more engaged than I ever was in XII's. Was it because you could "sidestep" the drudgery of grinding that 12 required so freaking much of it?

I've said it before, there is absolutely strategy in 13, its just a very different kind of strategy. And despite there being difficult battles, grinding was never the solution, ever. XIII allowed you to sidestep the drudgery of grinding by making strategy more important than your level.


Fiat Lux
I did not find XIII's battles to be cakewalks. And I was much more engaged than I ever was in XII's. Was it because you could "sidestep" the drudgery of grinding that 12 required so freaking much of it?

I've said it before, there is absolutely strategy in 13, its just a very different kind of strategy. And despite there being difficult battles, grinding was never the solution, ever. XIII allowed you to sidestep the drudgery of grinding by making strategy more important than your level.

I think the only time I actually had FFXII on 'autopilot' was when using the Negalmuur trick. In truth, I wasn't too sure what Zee was talking about, because once you clear an area, the characters won't wander by themselves in search of enemies. Not in my experience, at least. Even if they could, it would be retarded to leave the game alone as you're only one Rare game away from getting your ass handed to you.

If anything, 'grinding' was an absolute breeze in FFXII because battles were seamless and you could explore the vast, open landscapes whilst taking down enemies. It honestly didn't feel like hard work to me, and I surprised myself at the hours and levels I was clocking up.

As for FFXIII, you must have missed where I said the game does have strategy, but it was extremely sporadic and basically amounts to switching Paradigms, since you have so little control over the sum of your party.


Great Old One
One thing about FFX. You can't spam x in that game, but sometimes I wish I could. Because even though they're not all about attack attack attack, the battles still get dreadfully similar - and you have to actually "do stuff" at every battle. I actually prefer surfing the Internet while x'ing my way through a grinding area. But that's just me.

I haven't played FFXII though but now I'm curious about if I would like it.


wangxian married
My point, Masa, is that it's kinda funny that you'd complain about it autopilot system when XII has a system that basically puts you in autopilot. I mean yeah, there are rares and such, and there are some battles you have to actually get involved in, but any system that allows you to be on autopilot at any given time is just fundamentally flawed.

If anything, 'grinding' was an absolute breeze in FFXII because battles were seamless and you could explore the vast, open landscapes whilst taking down enemies.

Oh god okay we're gonna just have to agree to disagree on that one.

If you want to change ONE CHARACTER'S action, you have to shuffle your whole frickin' formation.

I mean, I understand what you're getting at here, but personally, I prefer paradigm changes that allow characters to focus on a single role at a time. XII's menu system just fucking irritated me, because you had your characters accessing all these abilities on this poorly thought out interface. But anyway.

The role shift just works for XIII, especially when the battles start moving quicker and getting harder, shifting through lists with the entirety of the spells/abilities your character can use all at once would be pretty overwhelming. And in a sense you are controlling the other party members by giving them a set of orders -- and in the sequel you can switch leader as much as you want to micro manage.

I found the increase in strategy and the faster pace the better direction for the series.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
I get where you're coming from, Masamune.

Personally, one of my favorite aspects of the Final Fantasy franchise was that they always managed to make the battle system different in each installment.

Some were harder than others and of course, there were ones I preferred, too. But truth be told, they were all fun and challenging.

I wasn't crazy about FF13's battle system, but it did give me a challenge. After a while, the challenge, to me, became more of a nuisance than something fun. But it did force you to focus more on strategy, that's for sure.

I really, really like FF13-2's battle system. I didn't find it easy and more often than not, button mashing never got me a five star rating. Which is no good if you want the monster's rare drops. I found myself having to be quick and strategic with what I needed to do next to take down a boss/monster. Especially the special monsters in the Steppe. I'd even have to alternate between Serah and Noel because they wouldn't cast what I needed them to cast when I just button mashed.

True, certain battles become a piece of cake with button mashing even on normal mode. And yeah, it definitely has it's limitations. But I dunno, I just sort of take it as part of this game?

It's hard to explain. I loved FF12 and I enjoyed that battle system a lot, too. But it belonged to FF12 and it suited it. I think I'd get bored of the FF franchise if they stuck to the same battle systems throughout and I'd rather they try something different and take a risk than stick with what worked best.


Double Growth
If anything, 'grinding' was an absolute breeze in FFXII because battles were seamless and you could explore the vast, open landscapes whilst taking down enemies.

I'm with Zee on this one. It doesn't take nearly as long to explore an area as it does to rack up the levels necessary to progress. (And I'm sure someone will say that it's not "necessary," but you know what I mean.)

As for FFXIII, you must have missed where I said the game does have strategy, but it was extremely sporadic and basically amounts to switching Paradigms, since you have so little control over the sum of your party.

Well there are absolutely battles that I had to issue individual commands to my characters. Especially whenever I was controlling a Synergist or a Medic. But yes, it does "basically amount a switching paradigms," but I don't know what what exactly you're trying to establish with that. I can say what every battle system in the series "basically" amounts to. If you want to succeed (i.e. 5-star battles), you have to change paradigms quickly and efficiently, and you have to plan ahead as to what you want to accomplish with each paradigm shift. The difficult battles in that game will turn crappy in a moment's notice and you have to be on top of it.

Also, I don't really get how FFXII's battle system was such a step forward for the series? (It is here I would like to remind everyone that I did enjoy FF12.) Just because it didn't have a separate battle instance? Because apart from that it doesn't strike me as all that different. I agree with the above that I don't want any battle system to become the system of the series, they should all be different, but XIII emphasizing strategy over level strikes me as much more of a progression for the series considering it's been much more dependant on level in FFs 1-12.

Because of XIII-2's nonlinearity, the difficulty can be inconsistent depending on the order you do things, but when I'm pressing forward, I do think it's tougher. At the very least it's hard to 5-star battles. I had a boss last night that I could not beat. He wasn't wiping me out, per se, but he was healing faster than I could injure him. I tried again and I didn't level at all, I just completely changed my approach to the battle was had a counter for everything he threw at me. That's the kinda stuff I like.

Meanwhile in XII I had to wander the Sandsea for a couple hours to get everyone up to like level 28 or something, then to avoid gridning later I got the Deathbringer sword early, but by the time I had to go to Archadia, it was once again time to grind. I didn't flee from battles, I fought everything that came my way, but every few hours, it seemed, everything greatly outclassed me again because I simply couldn't deal or heal enough damage.


Fiat Lux
I'm with Zee on this one. It doesn't take nearly as long to explore an area as it does to rack up the levels necessary to progress. (And I'm sure someone will say that it's not "necessary," but you know what I mean.)

Again, I had no problem with 'grinding' in FFXII, mostly due to two key factors. 1) the battle system, and 2) the sidequests. So given a choice between exploring expansive locales and taking on quests to level up, or fighting the same damn turtle for CP points, I'll take the former.

Well there are absolutely battles that I had to issue individual commands to my characters. Especially whenever I was controlling a Synergist or a Medic. But yes, it does "basically amount a switching paradigms," but I don't know what what exactly you're trying to establish with that. I can say what every battle system in the series "basically" amounts to. If you want to succeed (i.e. 5-star battles), you have to change paradigms quickly and efficiently, and you have to plan ahead as to what you want to accomplish with each paradigm shift. The difficult battles in that game will turn crappy in a moment's notice and you have to be on top of it.

So essentially, what you're saying is that because the game ties one hand behind your back with the Paradigm system and one playable character, it's therefore a challenging experience? I mean, that's really what your point boils down to, right?

That's because a lot of the so-called difficulty in FFXIII comes down to cheap handicaps, such as having to use Libra to work out enemy weaknesses, making it game over if your party leader is KO'ed, and of course, having zero control over your other party members. So yeah... it can be challenging, I guess, but it's a faux kind of challenge.

Also, I don't really get how FFXII's battle system was such a step forward for the series? (It is here I would like to remind everyone that I did enjoy FF12.) Just because it didn't have a separate battle instance? Because apart from that it doesn't strike me as all that different. I agree with the above that I don't want any battle system to become the system of the series, they should all be different, but XIII emphasizing strategy over level strikes me as much more of a progression for the series considering it's been much more dependant on level in FFs 1-12.

FFXII's ADB system was exactly what the series needed at the time. The previous battle systems had grown stale and FFXII now allowed players to fight seamlessly, control their characters in real time, and also allow you to choose where and when to pitch battles. I'm not sure where I've said that it should be the staple for the series? I'm saying that Squenix should have taken those elements and developed them. For example, Versus looks like a the kind of evolution in gameplay terms that we should have seen for this era, instead we got the watered-down, oversimplified systems of XIII/XIII-2.

And we can please stop emphasizing the word 'strategy' for this game? It's actually quite the opposite and quite risible. How on earth is FFXIII more 'strategic' than FFXII, when in FFXII you can organize every single party member however you want and form complex gambits, whilst still having to make custom commands in the heat of battle? I just don't get how that is somehow less strategic than pressing L1 and switching roles? Oh, and maybe picking a few custom buffs/debuffs here and there? Come on, people.


Double Growth
You didn't say FF12's battle system should be the staple for the series and I didn't say you did. I was merely emphasizing that I don't wnat XIII's to be the staple either since that's always what someone accuses me of when I say I like it.

Again, I had no problem with 'grinding' in FFXII, mostly due to two key factors. 1) the battle system, and 2) the sidequests. So given a choice between exploring expansive locales and taking on quests to level up, or fighting the same damn turtle for CP points, I'll take the former.

That's just the problem though. The sidequests in XII that were MOST suited to cover up grinding - the Hunts - DON'T give you EXP which is infuriating. Instead of giving me something fun to work toward to cover the fact that I'm grinding, I just end up having to grind to take down a mark who gives me no EXP for the task. What kind of sense does that make? Were the characters not present for the fight? How did they not learn how to become better fighters by a particularly tough battle?

Furthermore, you never have to fight the same damn turtle for CP points in 13. Ever. Only if you choose to max all your characters. XII more or less REQUIRES that you grind to progress. And you're still running around in circles, it just might be a slightly larger circle.

So essentially, what you're saying is that because the game ties one hand behind your back with the Paradigm system and one playable character, it's therefore a challenging experience?

No, what I'm saying is exactly what I said.

That's because a lot of the so-called difficulty in FFXIII comes down to cheap handicaps, such as having to use Libra to work out enemy weaknesses, making it game over if your party leader is KO'ed, and of course, having zero control over your other party members. So yeah... it can be challenging, I guess, but it's a faux kind of challenge.

As opposed to requiring you to have reached a certain level-range? You don't have to use Libra, you will figure it out by trying moves on enemies too, Libra's just the most efficient way to do it. And don't you have to do the same thing in XII? I don't get your point there.
And I can't think of one instance where I got a Game Over in XIII when I felt I didn't deserve one. I was usually well on my way to dying anyway. As opposed to an example like Persona 3 in which every freaking enemy uses insta-kill moves and then game over. I'm not crazy about the mechanic, but they countered it with the retry option and XIII-2 fixed it anyway.

FFXII's ADB system was exactly what the series needed at the time. The previous battle systems had grown stale and FFXII now allowed players to fight seamlessly, control their characters in real time, and also allow you to choose where and when to pitch battles.

FFX-2 already had you pretty much controlling your characters in real-time. Hell, I might say even moreso considering it rewards you for connecting strikes at the same time.
You are right about choosing where to fight your battles, that was cool, and scenarios where you would cast stop on encroaching enemies so you could handle the ones you started with were great. But I'd hardly go so far as to say it un-staled FF combat. It's not THAT different. Your movement has zero effect on the success or failure of strikes, for one thing. It was an MMO with an FF combat scheme.

And we can please stop emphasizing the word 'strategy' for this game? It's actually quite the opposite and quite risible. How on earth is FFXIII more 'strategic' than FFXII, when in FFXII you can organize every single party member however you want and form complex gambits, whilst still having to make custom commands in the heat of battle? I just don't get how that is somehow less strategic than pressing L1 and switching roles? Oh, and maybe picking a few custom buffs/debuffs here and there? Come on, people.

You are aware that there is more than one type of strategy, yes? Micromanagement does not mean 'strategy' to the exclusion of all else. Secondly, where did I say it was "more" strategic than FFXII? I explicitly said it's different strategy.

XII's strategy largely lies in planning in advance. As you describe, setting up exactly how you want a character to behave in advance, and tweaking things when something unexpected comes along. XIII's strategy, in addition to being higher-level, almost RTS in nature, is much more reactive. You plan your moves only a few moments before you make them based on what's happening. You said you're a completionist, so you fought Vercingotorex, yes? How could you have played that fight and tell me it's a simplistic system?

(EDIT: Looking over my last post, I'm assuming that maybe you took my comment about XIII emphasizing strategy over level as "XIII is more strategic than XII." That's not what I meant. I just mean that the strategy in XIII is more important than your level. Whereas in XII, if you have not grinded (ground?) enough for where you are in the game, almost no amount of strategy is going to help. Likewise, if you POWERLEVEL in FFXII, you will have no need for strategy. That's not really the case in XIII as it's rare that you completely and wholly outclass an enemy.)

Also we're officially off-topic now, shall I split this?
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I think the discussion could remain here. It's interesting and really not off-topic at all -- it's a discussion comparing the current battle system to its immediate predecessor.


Pro Adventurer
Does anybody else feel here that they like this game, though they sort of don't ? Or just feel extremely angry and disappointed with it ?

Because of the STUPID ending ?


The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Yes. Very much yes.

Overall gameplay is pretty impressive, especially with the DLC, and answers a lot of the disappointment in content most of us had with the first XIII. I'm not at all impressed with the story, though, and any good feeling I have about it is overshadowed by the ending.

I like Noel, though.


wangxian married
Does anybody else feel here that they like this game, though they sort of don't ? Or just feel extremely angry and disappointed with it ?

Because of the STUPID ending ?

I feel like I like this game, and then I curl up at night and cry because I actually love this game like a human child.


AI Researcher
But I also was thinking about doing another playthrough just cause I love this game so much and oh lord I already clocked 80 hours hELP.
add a one and two zeros on that and you've got yourself my playtime

Not really, but it's pretty redic.

I still need to get all the DLC though (except Omega which was free on the Japanese store when the game came out). And actually. Get Omega's crystal :sadpanda:


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
angry about the ending, but doesn't change my love for the rest of the game or anything else about it. :3
Pretty much exactly how I feel about it

Depending on how SE plans to officially end the FFXIII/XIII-2 storyline, I might get really pissed though.


wangxian married
^ that's about where i am?? i'm not really mad because i know the story isn't over so i'm saving any intense anger/relief for the conclusion.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.

Does anybody else feel here that they like this game, though they sort of don't ? Or just feel extremely angry and disappointed with it ?

Because of the STUPID ending ?

Definitely. I'm doing all I can to get the complete bestiary, so I can then get the last fragment. The stuff to do is pretty fun, and gives a sense of the time spent being worth while. After I do that though, and see this secret ending... I am not sure if I'm going to play this game again or not.

Not including DLC.

While everyone seems to rip the original XIII apart because of it's linearity (and I agree that does get boring after a while, especially when you're trying to get a certain item from drops), I find it to be the stronger game. The story made progressing through the game worth it.

Neither game is perfect, but I just feel that having a story-driven game is better than just a game that featured a lot of stuff to do held together by a weak story. I think this is why I also liked XII. The story component is very important to me, and XIII-2 lacks that for the most part.

the ending is indeed very disappointing.
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