

Pro Adventurer
I'm kinda late to the party, but still - was there ever any explanation, either in- or out-of-universe, as to why the firearms in the FFVII universe have such a pitiful damage output, with exception of Barret's and Vincent's trick shots? (And Cloud's assault rifle in the cutscene of Crisis Core, where he managed to gun down a Griffon with one burst?)
I understand that it was done for gameplay reasons first and foremost, of course.
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Pro Adventurer
I'm actually more interested in possible technological explanations. Did Shinra not invent gunpowder and used some less potent substance to propel bullets, so that the only really lethal shooting things can't be carried by hand and are only installed onto robots and helicopters? Or, don't know, their bullets weren't metal, since all the best metal was used for manufacturing fancy swords? >_>

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I'm actually more interested in possible technological explanations. Did Shinra not invent gunpowder and used some less potent substance to propel bullets, so that the only really lethal shooting things can't be carried by hand and are only installed onto robots and helicopters?

A regular infantryman's machine gun still severed -- or at least mangled sufficiently enough to require amputation -- Barret and Dyne's arms.

And there's those guys Dyne shot at the Gold Saucer. And the dude hiding behind the couch that Barret shot in the prison.

And the literally hundreds of Deepground SOLDIERs, helicopters and other machines that Vincent took down.


Guns by normal definition require gunpowder however in ff7 what's to say guns aren't fired through the use of mako.
Barret using one throughout the whole original game. :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I mean, I'm not quite getting this.

Guns are nerfed? How? Compared to what exactly? The countless other fantasy inspired weapons and high end technology arms that are also featured?

Guns definitely kill and deal damage consistent with their class of weapon. Barret and Vincent's guns are not your average firearms.

And the characters getting shot, and surviving aren't your usual bullet targets. Sephiroth and any other Jenova creature just isn't gonna die to a bullet. Cloud isn't gonna die from a bullet.

Hell, Zack had to eat twice his weight in lead and get smacked with some air-to-surface missles before he shuffled off his mortal coil.

Mako and Jenova cells are a helluva drug.

Some people die to bullets faster than others.
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