Cat Rage Room
Great Old One
- Mog
This Ep. of Before Crisis sort of...bothers me. How did Shinra get away with FORCING tons of people to join SOLDIER? I mean, I know how they got away with it (they're Shinra of course), but how can you FORCE someone to join your military and take orders for your cause when they really, really don't want to? Especially given when those same people are supersoldiers? Isn't that really stupid and a good way to sow the seeds of rebellion?
This Ep. of Before Crisis sort of...bothers me. How did Shinra get away with FORCING tons of people to join SOLDIER? I mean, I know how they got away with it (they're Shinra of course), but how can you FORCE someone to join your military and take orders for your cause when they really, really don't want to? Especially given when those same people are supersoldiers? Isn't that really stupid and a good way to sow the seeds of rebellion?