Forum Tutorials


There are folk on this ere forum (myself included) who are long-term members and still know nothing. :wacky:

Basically, if there's something you want to know about using the forum, be it customising your profile, basic user settings, user groups, etc, this is the place to request it.

FWIW, I only found out how to multiquote messages when we started on the 'Ask.......Anything' Q&A threads, so don't worry if it seems mundane or daft, there's probably half a dozen other members wondering the same thing.

If there's something you'd like to see as a tutorial, just nominate it here, I'll add it to the OP and one of our lovely staffers or contributors will take it in hand. ;) (okay Fangu, the floor's all yours now).

Tutorial Topics

Using [vBCode] tags
Customising your profile
Maek poast (including multi-quotes, lol)
Using webchat (the IRC I presume?)
Activating useful plugins
Inserting images and hotlinking and tags an' shit
Editing a title thread/poll
Making tutorials :monster:
(cheers Fangu)
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Great Old One
..........tags? Clearly I have something to learn too :lol:

Ooooh, wait you bean vBCode? Yeah that's very useful - there's a lot of them that aren't listed on the 'kitchen sink'. I learned about noparse just last year (thanks Road) :wacky:

Okay, from what I can recall, in addition to multi-quote, these are things where the tut convo has popped up:

  • Using the web chat (needs review)
  • Activating useful plugins (such as "Top 10 Stats")
  • Inserting images (basic info on hotlinking and how to work it into tags)
  • Editing a title thread/ poll ("go advanced" on first post)
Oh oh and
  • An easy way to make tutorials
Always ALWAYS teach the man to fish!! :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I approve of this thread :monster: It would be good to collate our tutorials in one place for easy reference, once they're all ready/updated.


Great Old One
Those are really tl;dr, and cover very basic, intuitive stuff as well. The point was to use screencaps to make highlights of a few very useful things.


Great Old One
Good thing you're looking after us though, Yop. It's important to make sure members don't strain themselves unnecessary.

The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
I just have one question that does not appear to be covered in the FAQ (unless I'm blind, which okay my eyesight is pretty bad but I am wearing my glasses but if I missed feel free to slap me in the right direction :monster:) which is: what does the "font class" option do?

Edit: is that maybe like bold, italic, etc?
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
No. It allows you to specify a predefined custom font style that is laid out in the cascading style sheet definitions. 99% of forum users won't have a use for it. If you want to specify bold, italic, etc., I can make a tutorial for those later, though.


After attempting to search for something now, I think a Tutorial on how on earth the search tool works would be most welcome. Sometimes I only want to find a thread containing a certain keyword, but even in advanced mode, I can't spot something to specify this. Is I just blind? It says "search threads", but it seems to still scan the posts and then just deliver the results as threads:lol:.

Edit: Derp, I just found it.


I own the place and have almost ten years of experience with vB by now, and even I don't know how to just search for threads by thread title, :monster:.


Pro Adventurer
Happy to help, boss:



Holy fuck that is neat (the demo, not the search function). Thanks wasn't enough there.


Great Old One
Nice! Did you use a Chrome plugin for that, Flint? I use Animated Gif Capture at work, it's really neat :D


Pro Adventurer
I used Kazam to capture an MP4, which I then converted online. That's probably why the quality isn't so great. I should look into that plugin. :)


I should probably look into the video tag and how to enable it for the forums, .gifs for videos are horrid, :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Well, there is the Youtube tag, but I wasn't going to upload that little video to Youtube. :P

Anyway, I was hoping I might win "best .gif reply" this year...


Yeah, plain old video tags (or .gifv, or giphy, or whatever they call the format nowadays) should be better / less tied to one video provider.
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