Good aspects of the Compilation

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Nobody that appreciates good films that is.

I might have cared more about that scene if the rest of the actual story minus fight scenes wasn't so mediocre.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal


Go bitch about ACC's weaksauce elsewhere.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Stop crying about my opinion and ignore it if it's causing you so much harm dear boy.

I am free to express my opinions about such subjects seeing as how I don't think they're very good. However, I have already mentioned the things I do think were good.

Also, no sir I will not partake in such a ludicrous action and rebuke all manner of negative intents you project upon me. Good day.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Its not your opinion I'm crying about. Its you putting it here in the place thats meant to be the thread where we appreciate WHAT WE LIKE ABOUT SAID COMPILATION.

There's so many places here to bitch about it. The whole point of this thread was to talk about what we liked. Not once more bitch about its numerous flaws here and shit.

Topic. Let's stay on it. :monster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Its not your opinion I'm crying about. Its you putting it here in the place thats meant to be the thread where we appreciate WHAT WE LIKE ABOUT SAID COMPILATION.

There's so many places here to bitch about it. The whole point of this thread was to talk about what we liked. Not once more bitch about its numerous flaws here and shit.

Topic. Let's stay on it. :monster:

I am on topic, I'm discussing your idea of what was good, not saying that the entirety of the compilation is trash.

I am allowed to dispute what is good and what is not.


unsavory tart
The best part of the compilation is how it will create the inevitable rage fight between Mako and Dacon.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
The best part of the compilation is how it will create the inevitable rage fight between Mako and Dacon.

When Mako and I have our duel the planet will surely meet its inevitable fate.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
New good thing about the Compilation: it may very well indirectly cause the apocalypse by getting Mako and Dacon to engage in a planet-busting duel to the death.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Nah, even without the compilation they would probably find something else to fight over.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
That's why I said "may very well" of course. Something else may set them off first. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Crisis Core was good for creating a new and decent villain, Genesis, while shedding a little light on Zack.

Dirge of Cerberus actually had a very interesting back story with Chaos and Omega. it was only the over the top melodrama which made it come off as cheesy and emo. Not to mention everytime Rosso the Crimson killed a WRO member I was like pfft, please. These guys are pansies.

Advent Children had very very good graphics at the time which still look great today, and it was cool seeing all the characters in high definition. The movie was kinda pointless, and it had Cloud overcoming a personality trait that didn't rear it's ugly head in the actually game. But something that I did was used ACC, cut out all of the characters gay/emo parts, added in some footage from Crisis Core CG, and the movie wasn't actually half bad.

One last thing, Vincent's boots really bug me when he's not a lego character. I mean, they could even stay pointed and golden, although I would prefer them to be like normal combat type boots, as long as they reduced the size. He looks like a Kingdom Hearts reject with feet that big.
I hate Vincent's whole outfit. It's like it's made of PVC. And his body isn't actually proportioned right. The boots are shiny, winkle-picker clown shoes and just make the rest of him look ridiculous(er). It's a shame because he could have been cool.

Is Genesis a villain? I thought he was a good guy now.

I actually love the Compilation. But there is no doubt it's not in the same league as the OG. Few things are. I think it all depends whether you feel that the OG has been spoiled/ diminshed by the Compilation, or whether you feel it can stand untouched.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
The scene at the beginning of ACC where the random guy in the alley with Geostigma was vomitting/staggering around/dying. That scene alone really got across just how terrible Geostigma is, something I felt was very lacking from AC.
Winkles are small molluscs. You can buy them, pickled, in jars, at horse races and other places (in England). A winkle-picker is something very sharp and pointy that you use to get them out of the jar. Also used to refer to very sharp pointy shoes.


Pro Adventurer
Winkle-picker LMAO

Genesis technically became good at the end of CC but I think they should add more to it, like his motives are twisted in some way. The only reason he came off as a good character IMO was that he was crazy, poem obsessed, and unpredictable while trying to make everyone be part of his little poem. Like the Junon fight scene, not necessarily evil, but shot his friend in the face with a fire ball because he thought he should be the hero. If they added him as part of the good cast, he'd be more like the girly, poem-reading guy that was more annoying than cool.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Genesis is often misinterpreted as a good guy because Squeenix doesn't know how to tell a fucking story anymore. It's all intentional Dracos in Leather Pants, and I hate to rain on this thread's parade but seven pages of "good aspects" is really giving credit where it is not due.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
No one fucking said he became good, what the hell...?

He regained his lost pride, and wants to protect the planet.

Since when did protecting the planet ever equate to good, in FFVII?


Pro Adventurer
AVALANCHE was protecting the planet too, and were labeled as good guys. But true, they did end up getting more people killed than helping anything. So it's more of he was implied to be changed to a good guy, but like I said if he were to be a good guy, which I doubt he would, he'd be pretty annoying IMO. Hopefully regaining his pride, protecting the planet, grabbing wiess's body, etc. means that there is actually a good plot set up for whatever he was going to do next.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
All that's implied by the print materials, is that Genesis wants to protect the planet. Fuhito wanted to protect the planet too. So that hardly qualifies as any guarantee or statement that Genesis's ideals or actions are beneficial to humanity, or won't run counter to whatever Cloud and the WRO have in store for the world as well. Their perspectives and goals could run very differently.

The fact he's cradling the body of one of the most dangerous DG SOLDIERs doesn't make me think he wants to bring him back for tea and cupcakes either.


Pro Adventurer
Actually, usually it turns out that anyone trying to "protect" the planet is usually against humanity, for most of them tend to think that humans are destroying the planet. So while they think their good, they're not to the general public, which I think fits Genesis very well. If he was "protecting" the planet, he'd probably be trying to wipe out humanity.

All in all, all of the events implies to me that he is going to be bad, especially the lack of deep ground soldiers having tea and cupcakes lol. Just, some people seem to take that as he is becoming good, which would make him a much worse character IMO.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I don't want Genesis to be completely evil, such as say, Sephiroth. I'd like him to be more ambiguous. It'd be much more interesting if he was more of a gray character, rather than the deep shade of black, Sephiroth was previously.


Genesis isn't just interested inn protecting the Planet, he refused to help Weiss because wanted to restore his SOLDIER honor. As compared to Sephiroth's views on that matter ("you ignorant traitor") I'd say we are save from him being complete chaotic evil like Sephiroth. Though he's still the guy that convinced whole bunch of Second and Third to defect, then turned them all into copies of himself, and Cloud probably has even less patience with him then Zack so plenty of opportunity for conflict.


Pro Adventurer
I'm with you there too, the complexity and unpredictability of Genesis is the only reason I liked him. It's the only reason why his poem quotes didn't annoy me very much. He's someone you don't know what to think when you saw him, whether he was going to attack one of the other characters. And he's not just a Sephiroth lackey like most of the other villains added from the Compilation are.

I thought that a gray area character that was unpredictable was a great addition to not only the story of the original game, but was also something that the Compilation was sorely missing. That's why IMO, he was one of the few good additions the Compilation made and better than Wiess.

Speaking of Wiess, does he fit into your black category as his personality portrayed through DoC or does he too fit in then gray because of the confusing plot twist involving Hojo controlling him? Sorry, haven't played DoC in a while so I need a little refreshing about the final motives of Wiess and Nero.


I'm with you there too, the complexity and unpredictability of Genesis is the only reason I liked him. It's the only reason why his poem quotes didn't annoy me very much. He's someone you don't know what to think when you saw him, whether he was going to attack one of the other characters. And he's not just a Sephiroth lackey like most of the other villains added from the Compilation are.

I thought that a gray area character that was unpredictable was a great addition to not only the story of the original game, but was also something that the Compilation was sorely missing. That's why IMO, he was one of the few good additions the Compilation made and better than Wiess.

Speaking of Wiess, does he fit into your black category as his personality portrayed through DoC or does he too fit in then gray because of the confusing plot twist involving Hojo controlling him? Sorry, haven't played DoC in a while so I need a little refreshing about the final motives of Wiess and Nero.

As far as Weiss goes he basically died after killing his hated enemies, the Restrictors and it was all Hojo in Dirge of Cerberus, though when Nero saved him he still followed through with the Omega plan for whatever reason. Chalk it up to a powerhigh I'd say.
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