Happy 2018 guys! I know for quite a few of us it's probably been a shitty year, but this was honestly the best year I can remember having in a while. I went to KupoCon and had fun in NYC, met a bunch of folks from TLS, went to a con in March and met Kari Wahlgren, got my degree in the spring (only an AA but still), applied for a full-time job, GOT THE JOB, went to EXPCon with Tenny and Tres where we surprised him with the gift of a lifetime, met all the chocobros and had them sign my ginormous poster (currently being framed), started my new job which despite some hiccups with coworkers I fucking LOVE IT, getting more money, had a GREAT but chill Christmas... I mean fuck. I don't know what else I can say. I fucking love all of you guys!!
Also, Season 7 of Game of Thrones and Zodiac Age get honorable mentions for making it best year ever. I suppose XV deserves some credit too.