Have a great day you awesome person you :awesome:
Octo KULT OF KERMITU AKA Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000 Jul 7, 2013 #1 Have a great day you awesome person you Spoiler
D Deleted member 546 Guest Jul 7, 2013 #2 Mmm, delicious muffin/cupcake/thingys. Happy birthday Vivi, wherever you are (don't recall seeing you around lately, could just be me though).
Mmm, delicious muffin/cupcake/thingys. Happy birthday Vivi, wherever you are (don't recall seeing you around lately, could just be me though).
LicoriceAllsorts Donator Jul 7, 2013 #6 Happy Birthday, Vivi! Many happy returns of the day. Look, Vivi's whole family has come to the party! Quina made the cake.
Happy Birthday, Vivi! Many happy returns of the day. Look, Vivi's whole family has come to the party! Quina made the cake.
Vivi Jump Rope Champion AKA Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani Jul 8, 2013 #10 Aw shucks, thanks everyone! It always makes me really happy when people on TLS remember my birthday. Midna said: (don't recall seeing you around lately, could just be me though). Click to expand... I haven't been posting very much lately. But I'm trying to fix that!
Aw shucks, thanks everyone! It always makes me really happy when people on TLS remember my birthday. Midna said: (don't recall seeing you around lately, could just be me though). Click to expand... I haven't been posting very much lately. But I'm trying to fix that!
Ghost X Moderator Jul 12, 2013 #14 Happy Birthday, Vivi. May it have been very vivaciously vivifying.