Hello! Hello!


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Rubia Ryu
I'm Rubia Ryu the Top Pomeranian!

I've been an FFVII fan since the original game when I was very young and a long-time lurker of this site since 2007 during the days of Crisis Core hype and have come and gone given all the useful resources that are on this site. I have regularly helped share and promote its resources whenever I got the chance over the years.

I'm honestly surprised I took this long to make an account, since I've been active on another forum site for the Ace Attorney fandom since 2013. That site has mostly died down in recent years, though.

I'm a volunteer Japanese/English translator best known for my Ace Attorney localization differences blog where I also include a lot of general Japanese culture facts and trivia. This blog has been on hiatus for a couple of years now that I've returned full force to this fandom. Nowadays, I write fanfiction and geek out.

Happy to be here! Now, let's mosey.


Hi! I also love Ace Attorney, and I might have seen some of your translation differences in the wild if they're on tumblr! I'm not sure if we have an AA thread but maybe we should? Great Ace Attorney brought me right back to the fandom when it came out in English and I've been slowly playing through them all ever since. Welcome!


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Rubia Ryu
Hi! I also love Ace Attorney, and I might have seen some of your translation differences in the wild if they're on tumblr! I'm not sure if we have an AA thread but maybe we should? Great Ace Attorney brought me right back to the fandom when it came out in English and I've been slowly playing through them all ever since. Welcome!
If there is an AA thread, I'll be happy to geek all over it with you, lol! I run the gyakutengagotoku tumblr, which was formerly known as gyakutensaibanvsaceattorney, if that's what you were referring to? Though, these days I've been focused on my side blog rubiaryutheroyal where I cover a bunch of other video games aside from AA.

And thank you! What a warm reception from everyone. I was nervous for no reason.
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