

Pro Adventurer
So here I am. Kuroto, age 20, female, from Finland, nice to meet you all! :)

Now don't kill me, I haven't played Final Fantasy VII more than maybe 15min from the beginning. But I have played X and IX nearly to the end. Also I have started the games IV, V, VI and VII like I told you already. So far I've loved the games, especially X, it's my favourite so far.

My reason to join was actually the Final Fantasy VII playalong, so I guess in a short while I'll know what you people are talking about, and in the meanwhile I'll just agree with everything you say. :D

Feel free to ask about anything. I hope to see you around. ^^


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Hello~ welcome!

My reason to join was actually the Final Fantasy VII playalong, so I guess in a short while I'll know what you people are talking about, and in the meanwhile I'll just agree with everything you say. :D

oh my gosh, how exciting. a newbie playing FFVII. MAYBE I WILL JOIN THE PLAYTHROUGH NOW. ~inspired~


Tervehdys ja tervehdykset, sinä joka tihkuu Suomi, internet toivottaa sinut tähän paikkaan korruptiosta, jossa kaikki asiat ovat porno ja mikään ei ole pyhää. järjestelmällistämättömyydelläänsäkäänköhän saippuakippokukkakivikakkukoppikauppias joulujuhlapöytäliinakoriste epäjärjestelmällistyttämättömyydellänsäkään en varmaan ole mitään järkeä.

tl;dr: hi :monster:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
The Finnish invasion continues! :lol:

Also, squeeee Kate Bush avatar! :joy:

Welcome :)

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku

Alex Strife

Tervetuloa ja paska! (Customary "Welcome and shit" post; now in Finnish).

Enjoy the ride!

Excuse my mistakes, I know no Finnish at all.


Pro Adventurer
Thanks everyone. :) I feel so welcommed (and shit).

Yamcha: Thanks. :) I guess everyone else have played the game before. Oh well. :D Happy to be an inspiration!

Cthulhu: Kiitos, tervehdys sinullekin. ^^ I see you have an intrest for Finnish words, especially long ones, and which together make no sence. :D

Flintlock: Hello Finnish friend. :D I might know you from somewhere. :huh:

Someone named Octo: Thanks! :) I love Kate Bush, and I think this picture is so beautiful, I just had to have it as my avatar. And I'm happy to know that there's someone else who knows and (I presume) likes her too. ^^ I wonder how many Finnish people are here in this forum.

Don Draper: I prefer red. :neo: And thanks. :)

Cloche Leythal Pastalia: Thanks. And well, that's the rough translation, I'd say. :) And I don't presume people that aren't from Finland to know any Finnish. Or well, maybe you're just trying to make me think that you're not Finnish... :shifty:
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