Hey now!


Pro Adventurer
Hello everyone. I know I've been on this forum for a while but I never introduced myself so I thought I'd say hey.

My favourite FF is without a doubt VII I have played up to X-2 and unfortatley that put me off the rest of the FF. I have played/watched the spin offs of VII except BC. I am also a big fan of anime.

I am 24 years old (old I know) I do mobile beauty and currently studying psychology at university.

Would love to know about everyone else.

So I thought I'd ask a totally inappropriate question. If you had to kiss/marry and throw a character of a cliff from FFVII who would it be? I would like reasons please. I'll start:

Kiss: Sane Sephirorth. Reason: He's cute.
Marry: Zack. Reason: him and Cloud are my favourite characters but he's more upbeat.
Throw off a cliff: Genesis

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Hey now, hey now, don't dream it's over/
Hey now, hey now, when the world comes in/
They come, they come to build a wall between us/
We know they won't win

Your thread title made me think of Crowded House. :monster:

Anyway, I've been enjoying your posts and your contributions to FFVII discussions. Welcome, officially.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Hey there welcome :)

To answer your question

Kiss: Cait Sith - hes a robot and so I wouldn't feel guilty.
Marry: Tseng - i'd want at least semi-regular sex from him.
Throw off a cliff: Genesis, because he's Genesis. :monster:


Welcome to TLS :monster: Be sure to post moar and often!

Kiss: Tifa.
Marry: Rufus. The moneyz, man.
Throw off a cliff: I'd like to throw off Genesis too, but then he might fly back to me with his single wing and recite LOVELESS before killing me off. So Idk, Scarlet I guess.


Pro Adventurer
Thank you so much everyone for you're kind posts and I'll make sure I post more often I just get worried sometimes that I'm just waffling on as I tend to do that.

Oh no I forgot about Tseng :(

I see a lot of people don't like Genesis either I'm glad that's not just me.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Welcome an' shit :monster:

I'll have to think about that question :monster:


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Welcome to the site! I'll answer the question, but with TLSers. :monster:

Kiss: Fangu
Marry: Yop
Kill: Carlie


Oi oi saveloy, as they say in Tamworth. :monster:

Interesting ponderance, my answers would have to be:
Kiss: Vincent (I confess, I shipped him way back when)
Marry: Tifa, she's hot and can cook. Since that sounds horribly sexist, she's also smart and kick-arse. What's not to like?
Throw off a cliff: Aeris, the shit-stirring prick tease. :monster:


Joe, Arcana
Hey now, hey now, don't dream it's over/
Hey now, hey now, when the world comes in/
They come, they come to build a wall between us/
We know they won't win
First thing that popped in my head too. :headbang:

Hurrow and glad you decided to make an introduction!

Cookie Monster

Welcome an' shit. :monster:

Kiss: Tifa. Obvious reasons.

Marry: Yuffie, if she were of proper age of course. Badass chick is badass.

Throw off a cliff: Tetsuya Nomura.


Pro Adventurer
As for the song I am not aware of it. I actually don't keep up with the "top 10" as it's not my kind of music.

Now if I could have a long chat with anyone of the FFVII characters it would have to be Hojo I would just love to see how his mind works and how a scientist could possibly think cross breeding a Lion thing with a Human/ancient would work...

So my question the marry scenario thing and if you could have a long hour discussion with who would it be?

Cait Sith

Ugh! As if!
Kiss: Cait Sith. Cuz I lurve him.
Marry: Cid. 'Cuz he's all bad ass and shit.
Throw Off A Cliff: Before death? Aeris. *Gasp!* I know. I'm horrible! She was useless.

EDIT: My sister always said that "Hey Now" was my very first favorite song lol
Last edited:


Chloe Frazer
Kill: Carlie

Would you like me to leave for 8 days again? :monster:

Welcome an' shit. :monster:

Kiss: Tifa Reason: That woman is flawless.
Marry: Zack Reason: Everything about him is perfect and I want to fuck him so bad.
Throw off a cliff: Post FFVII Cloud Reason: He's a fucking annoying emo and whiner.


Welcome :)

Kiss: Do I have to pick just one? Either Tifa or Vincent...because like Mage (Midna), I also have a soft spot for him.
Marry: Hm....Tifa, I guess.
Throw Off a Cliff: Sephiroth? Seems appropriate.

Ghost X

Welcome aboard. Most interesting you are studying psychology. Any field of it in particular? I'm about to study visual arts in university, but if I didn't do that, I'd probably study psychology or law, or something like that. Probably do it as an elective for sure.
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