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good girl =D
Hey it's MissSugar =) Some of you might know me from youtube^^ Well..I'm registered here for a couple of days but I was too shy to post :lol: Anyway I decided to be active now since I love this forum. Plus, I got so many information regarding ACC, CoT etc here..Thank you guys :joy:


Hiya! *waves* I'm actually MjOoPi from Youtube. o_o
Hehe.. I also love this forum. And you shouldn't be shy about posting! :3


Great Old One
Miss Sugar! :glomp: Have a good time at this forum, and don't be afraid to post. :) This is butterflybookmark/Ali from the Cloti forum by the way. :D


S U G A R . T I T S
What is this ACC that I been hearing of? (now feeling like I just asked a dumb question)

Anyways, welcome to the forums. Post often and remember to be my friend. :)


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Advent Children Complete. basically the new version of Advent Children, which is being released with improved quality for Blu-Ray because they didn't have time to include a lot of stuff they wanted to put on the original release. :monster:
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