The Twilight Mexican
Ex-SeeD-ingly good
- TresDias
These are good points. To add to them, Hojo is explicitly an unreliable source when it comes to Cloud and some other matters.You know, Sephiroth's father could go either way without stretching things as far as people seem to think. I'm surprised other aspects of fatherhood besides biological relation haven't really been discussed. I completely understand Lic's frustration with people claiming Vincent's the father and Hojo's not based on relative hotness or lack thereof, seeing as it's a common source of frustration for me with shipping or the prevalence of the draco in leather pants trope. However, that's not the sole reason someone could headcanon Vincent as the father.
It's entirely possible that Hojo considers himself the father not due to being the contributor of Sephiroth's Y chromosome, but because he's the "brilliant mind" that made Sephiroth what he is, in a I am your creator, therefore your true father kind of way. There's also the fact that as Lucrecia's partner at the time and with Lucrecia herself out of the picture, Hojo would have sole custody of Sephiroth, making him his father in the legal sense, if not necessarily the biological one. This is without even getting into whether or not he mistakenly believes himself to be the biological father. Similarly, he may have genuinely considered Jenova Sephiroth's mother and not Lucrecia, rather than both or Lucrecia being the mother and Jenova a genetic donor of sorts (think transgenic organisms, where the organism the foreign genes come from isn't considered a parent). That still doesn't change the fact that Lucrecia is Sephiroth's mother, Jenova is not and Hojo had no qualms lying to Sephiroth about it. Knowing that, why should we trust his word on Sephiroth's paternity or assume that he means it in the biological sense?
("I have been waiting for the Reunion to start. Five years have passed, and now the Clones have begun to return. I thought the clones would begin to gather at Midgar where Jenova is stored. But my predictions were not entirely correct. Jenova itself began to move away from the Shinra Building")
(Rufus: "Who... was that?"; Hojo: "...He's a Sephiroth-clone I created after the real Sephiroth died five years ago. Jenova cells and Mako, with my knowledge and skills, have been combined with science and nature to bring him to life")
(Hojo: "Ha, ha, ha... this is perfect!!! It means that my experiment was a complete success. What number were you? Huh? Where is your tattoo?"; Cloud: "Professor Hojo... I don't have a number. You didn't give me one because you said I was a failed experiment."; Hojo: "What the--? You mean only a failure made it here?"; Cloud: "Professor... please give me a number. Please, Professor..."; Hojo: Shut up, miserable failure...")
(Cloud: "Hojo! Stop right there!!"; Hojo: "Oh... the failure."; Cloud: "At least remember my name! It's Cloud!"; Hojo: "Every time I see you, I... It pains me that I had so little scientific sense... I evaluated you as a failed project. But, you are the only one that succeeded as a Sephiroth-clone")
So, yeah, even if Hojo did check whether he was Seph's sanguine father, with him being so deranged as to look at another human being as someone who didn't exist until he got his deranged mitts on them for experimentation, it's not hard to fathom that he could have such a distorted point of view as to consider himself Sephiroth's father without being biologically related to him. Especially in light of his many oversights and his opinion that Jenova is Sephiroth's mother.
Starling said:Hojo seems to think of Sephiroth as a tool to fulfill his goals rather than as a person, so I never really interpreted what he said and did on the sister ray as genuine fatherly love for him so much as doing his part to get his ultimate creation to destroy the world so he'll have the satisfaction of saying he's the mind that made it possible. He's effectively treating Sephiroth's actions as an extension of his work, so his reasons for caring about Sephiroth and helping in that scene come across as pretty self-centered.
This is correct. Hojo even acknowledges it when Cloud initially interprets Hojo's actions at that time as being meant to make things up to Sephiroth for being a shitty father. The line mangled in translation as "I can't believe you're the one who did this... The illusionary crime against Sephiroth..." was essentially "I can't believe you're doing this to atone to Sephiroth" -- which Hojo promptly clarifies: "Heee, hee, hee, hee! No you're wrong! It's my desire as a scientist! Heee, hee, hee, hee!"
Starling said:While I'm at it, that scenario doesn't make Lucrecia a duplicitous bitch for not listening to Vincent. Like I said in the other thread, it's fairly reasonable given her scientific perspective and everyone thinking Jenova was a cetra that the experiment was supposed to be relatively safe for both her and her child.
That's a fair point. To clarify, though, I found her duplicitous because of her behavior toward Vincent himself rather than toward his advice.
Huh. I ... had never thought of that. It makes a lot of sense, though. Great point!Starling said:That's psychological, verbal and emotional abuse within a relationship. To add to that, there's a good chance Hojo had a hand in Lucrecia breaking up with Vincent in the first place, at least in the DoC version of things. There, Vincent walks into a room looking for Lucrecia only to find an open file about his father, then Lucrecia walks in and thinks he was snooping around about it, suggesting she may not have been the one who left it open. If that's the case, then it would mean Hojo was the one who left that file open for Vincent to find, making him the reason they had a falling out.