Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (gameplay/combat)


Pro Adventurer
I know this is a pipe-dream, since it doesn't look like all the enemies have limb-targeting aspects, but I really hope they add some Vagrant Story to this and it's not just a basic 'you cut off an arm and it can't attack with that arm'. In Vagrant Story the limbs you targeted had an overall compounding effect on your opponent. Chip away at the legs and it's actions / movements were slower. Attack the arms and it's physical attacks would be weaker. Attack the head and it would stagger / reduce it's magical ability.

Really hoping it has at least a layer of that within this.

I get the feeling this is going to be for extra large sized enemies as a way of getting them to drop to the floor so you can fully attack them.


Old Man in the Room
I thought that, but the only thing that seems to be moving during action in the trailer is the yellow bar. It looks like Barret's goes ever so slightly up during his "take the loooooad off ya shoulders" bit. Which would make me think the lower bar is MP.

Really wish we say them using more magic in this trailer. Then we could really pin it down.


Old Man in the Room
Actually, scratch all that. I am looking too hard at the bar and not the numbers above it. Maybe that IS a magic bar in lavender.


3x3 Eyes
I have to say, I am surprised (in general) about the combat. I might be mis-remembering, but I was pretty sure that they were adamant about pursuing an Advent Children style to the combat ... but there's been little to no flying around and supermaning.

Though having said that, they could be saving those for the WEAPON fights.


Double Growth
I don't remember them ever saying anything about pursuing Advent Children combat in this. Maybe in the first Dissidia game they said something like that?


3x3 Eyes
Had a search. I think this is what I was remembering:

"If the thought of something different-but-kinda-the-same brought to mind the 2005 film Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children, you're not too far off from Nomura's own thinking. Nomura stated that the team will be looking to the movie - which Nomura also directed - for visual references and inspiration, but that he and his team "don’t intend on utilising the 3D models of Advent Children as is because, well, it’s a different technology, and it’s actually been almost ten years since Advent Children was first released." "


"Instead, inspiration for the changes to combat will be drawn from Advent Children, the film that acted as a sequel to the game."


That could mostly be mistranslation ... but that's where the original thought I had came from. I'm pretty sure that there was also an interview during Advent Children as well where it was stated that this was really what the battles from the VII universe were like. This is why I thought they were taken the battles in this direction with the Remake.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Braver already includes a full front-flip. They aren’t going to need an airship.


Where is this analysis? I'd like to see it.
He's still editing it :monster:

Should be out tonight :) EDIT: tomorrow, I meant tomorrow *whistles*

Don't steal my thunder! >_<

I wouldn't worry too much, they're likely to be very different styles. Force and I go through frame-by-frame and discuss things as they come up, there's only minor editing so it had much more of a "presentation" type feel to any traditional video. It's about an hour long.

Feel free to hop on board with the team and make one of your own for the TLS channel though :P
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