How aware was Lucrecia?


When you have something to contribute to the topic, let us know. If you've forgotten what the topic is, try reading the first page again.

If you only want to express your hatred for a character involved in the topic, go make your own thread about it. Or a diary.

Now stop derailing my thread. ><

Actually, I don't suppose the translation could be split from my original thread? As much as that topic fascinates me, it is a separate topic and I'd like both to have their place.

Thank you for the idea of a diary but I have a pillow book.

I do not hate Lucrecia and I am very sorry for messing up your thread I just read the title and presumbed what it was about. And for that I am very very sorry.


reality is a prison
Maya said:
I have got to say one thing about Lucrecia and that is BITCH!!! I hate her she was aware that what was going on. I do not care what anyone says she did not care what she was doing to Sephiroth. I mean she is WORSE than Hojo he is completly insane and does not have a humane bone in his body whereas she seems seen and morally right...

Did Lucrecia's appearance change or not? One thing I never understood from Doc is Lucrecia dead or not? Lastly what stupid bitch picks Vincent over that insane, no personality whatsoever, ugly fucker Hojo? Stupid cow.
Maya said:
I do not hate Lucrecia and I am very sorry for messing up your thread I just read the title and presumbed what it was about. And for that I am very very sorry.

Really? You don't hate her? Well that's good to know, but my question is how did you actually think "How aware was Lucrecia?" was a hate thread for her? I'm sorry and usually to figure out a topic you read what the topic is about! Just saying...

Now for my contributing factors to my post. :lol:

I always felt when Lucrecia was talking to Vincent, it was words she had said at a time, but the player or Vincent had not known but they are just coming into play now. Or even flashbacks, playing through Vincents head. Or somewhat like your second theory, such as it being Lucrecia communicating to Vincent. We all know, through Shelke we were learning things about Lucrecia and all, but maybe at the end all the memories made a new Lucrecia thought about what she was thinking. Idk, my own post confuses me, so do you guys sorta get what i'm saying? O:

And here is another contributing Lucrecia dead? I think not. She is sealed in the catacombs, but it was never stated actually she has passed on. I mean Vincent survived in the coffin, so i'm thinking he should just bust open the catacombs and be with her then.
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it's me in a labyrinth
spirit chaser
That actually would make sense if she sealed herself in the crystal after finding out Sephiroth is dead. That might have been her last hope, to meet him after all that time and form some sort of relationship. That would be interesting to say the least...

Doesn't make much sense to me.
Why would she leave for that cave if she was still able to function and continue to cure Vincent?
There is that scene when she says: "Im sorry. I cant... take it anymore. My body... My mind..."
Its obvious to me that she left and sealed herself inside the crystal because she was ill and simply couldnt continue living.

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Uh, that's not really the case, since she tried to commit suicide. She said the Jenova in her body wouldn't "let" her die. She made a decision to stop living.

Why would she leave for that cave if she was still able to function and continue to cure Vincent?
Despair. Desperation. Without understanding that, and what that feels like, and what that can drive a person to do, you can't really understand Lucrecia. She was weak, she gave in, and she gave up on Vincent. She had too much weighing her down and couldn't take it anymore&#8212; the loss of Vincent, the loss of her son, the loss of her health, Hojo, her career, possibly even her humanity. She lost everything and figured Vincent to be a lost cause at that point, so she gave up on him too.


it's me in a labyrinth
spirit chaser
I don't think Lucrecia ever gave up on Vincent.
If she indeed felt like everything was lost and there was no chance that Vince will live, she then wouldn't have left her data with all her feelings and thoughts.
Lucrecia had tried to save him and she did all that was in her power, but she couldn't continue because she was very ill with Jenova's cells.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
[Edited due to authoress derailing the topic with a long and useless rant.]
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Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
That's great but it doesn't answer the question that my OP and the topic is asking at all. Maybe you should make another thread about your general thoughts on Lucrecia if that's what you want to talk about, though it might also be worth mentioning that, while I agree with it, there's nothing new about what you've said here that hasn't been rehashed ad nauseam by the community anyway. What I want to know is whether or not the visions Vincent saw of her in the cave throughout DoC were visions or were actually her projecting herself to Vincent somehow, and if the actual Lucrecia was somehow aware of the events that were occurring throughout the game.

If we could actually get back to that topic I'd appreciate it, instead of a new post about everyone's general thoughts on Lucrecia being thrown onto the end of this thread every few weeks and derailing my topic further.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
That's great but it doesn't answer the question that my OP and the topic is asking at all. Maybe you should make another thread about your general thoughts on Lucrecia if that's what you want to talk about, though it might also be worth mentioning that, while I agree with it, there's nothing new about what you've said here that hasn't been rehashed ad nauseam by the community anyway. What I want to know is whether or not the visions Vincent saw of her in the cave throughout DoC were visions or were actually her projecting herself to Vincent somehow, and if the actual Lucrecia was somehow aware of the events that were occurring throughout the game.

If we could actually get back to that topic I'd appreciate it, instead of a new post about everyone's general thoughts on Lucrecia being thrown onto the end of this thread every few weeks and derailing my topic further.

I'm very sorry :puppy:.

For what I saw in the game, Lucrecia's spirit was sealed on that crystal cave. She herself said it was just her remaining data (calling "data" to what the rest of the world call "soul"). So I think that those visions were Lucrecia's memories and her way to try to communicate with Vincent. And for the "aware" part, I think she was. Remember that Shelke had uploaded Lucrecia's "data" on her mind. I think you could say that a part of Lucrecia lives inside Shelke, so it's very possible that she was aware of the events of DoC.

I hope I answered your question this time ;)


it's me in a labyrinth
spirit chaser
Glaurung, I agree with you. I always thought that Lucrecia knew what was going on through Shelke. Otherwise how would she know when Vincent needed her help so she could appear, etc.
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Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Glaurung, I agree with you. I always thought that Lucrecia knew what was going on through Shelke. Otherwise how would she know when Vincent needed her help so she could appear, etc.

Thanks, but right now I'm trying to raise my post count so I can edit the entry I made and erase it. Ravynne was right, I derailed the topic ^^;
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