How do you pronounce Nibelheim?

I always pronounced it in my head as Nibbleheim, as this would seem to be the correct pronunciation in German, and it seems like German word.

But I hear it pronounced (by North Americans) as Neebleheim, which grates on my ears.

If it were pronounced Neebleheim, it ought to be spelled Niebelheim.

I don't know how it's spelled in Japanese.

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
I think TLS has a video on youtube regarding pronunciation some of FFVII's characters, places, creatures, etc. etc... basically a pronunciation guide.

I'll try to find it.


Yup, I found it. Nibelheim is at around 2:15.



I always pronounced it in my head as Nibbleheim, as this would seem to be the correct pronunciation in German, and it seems like German word.

But I hear it pronounced (by North Americans) as Neebleheim, which grates on my ears.

If it were pronounced Neebleheim, it ought to be spelled Niebelheim.

No, if it were Nibbleheim, it would be spelled Nibbelheim :monster:
No German would say "nibble".


Great Old One
I pretty much pronounce it the way the Japanese voice does it in that video (around 2:35) except I prolong the u a bit more.

Also lmao the comment section on that video xD xD


Save your valediction (she/her)
Eh why not, here’s everything I say, regardless of accuracy:

Midgar - MID-gar
Mako - MAY-ko
Barret - BEAR-it
Tifa - TEE-fa
Aerith - AIR-iss (like Heiress)
Reno - REE-no
Tseng - TSENG (almost like “sang”)
Kalm - KALM (like California)
Mythril - MYTH-rill (as in myth like legend)
Junon - joo-NON
Corel - ko-REL
Gongaga - gone-GAH-gah
Bugenhagen - BOO-gun-HAA-gun
Yuffie- YUFF-ee (like tough-ee)
Wutai - WOO-tie
Cetra - SEET-ra
Materia - ma-TEE-ree-ah
Mideel - mid-EEL
Shera - SHEE-ra
Cait Sith - kate-SITH (I know, I know)
Jenova - je-NO-va
Sephiroth - SEF-ih-ROTH
Midgar - MID-gar. same
Mako - MAY-ko. same
Barret - BEAR-it. Bah-ret
Tifa - TEE-fa. same
Aerith - AIR-iss (like Heiress). AIR-ith
Reno - REE-no. same
Tseng - TSENG (almost like “sang”). Sung
Kalm - KALM (like California) same
Mythril - MYTH-rill (as in myth like legend). same
Junon - joo-NON. JOO-non
Corel - ko-REL. same
Gongaga - gone-GAH-gah. same
Bugenhagen - BOO-gun-HAA-gun. same
Yuffie- YUFF-ee (like tough-ee). same. (I don't understand YOO-fee at all)
Wutai - WOO-tie. same
Cetra - SEET-ra. same
Materia - ma-TEE-ree-ah same
Mideel - mid-EEL same
Shera - SHEE-ra. SHARE-ah
Cait Sith - kate-SITH (I know, I know). same
Jenova - je-NO-va same
Sephiroth - SEF-ih-ROTH. same


Great Old One
I'm having a very productive day at work :P

It's based on how I talk about VII with my boyfriend (who speaks the same language than me.) Any person that's talked with me on Skype etc would know some of these I pronounce differently when speaking English. But saying 'Barret' or 'Aerith' with a rolling r just sounds so wrong :monster:

Edit: I'm actually saying 'Materia' wrong in this. IRL I actually choose the rolling r. I'm languageistically confused :monster:
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Pro Adventurer
Guess I'm different, because I pronounce it "Nigh-bull-highm" (naɪbʊlhaɪm). And "Junon" "like Jun[cti]on" (d͡ʒʌnən) -- similar flow to the word "cannon"


Double Growth
But I hear it pronounced (by North Americans) as Neebleheim, which grates on my ears.

I don't think any North Americans said "neebleheim" until the Compilation started saying it that way, and that was probably more because of how it's said in Japanese than German.
I said nibble-heim growing up (but Mt. Nih-BELL). I have mostly altered it to neebleheim now though.

I think I've adjusted to most of the "official" English pronunciations by now, but if I'm not paying attention, Aeris, Mayko, and Yuffie-like-fluffy are the ones most liable to slip through.

Barret - BEAR-it - Ba(as in apple)-ret
Tseng - TSENG - yeah I said "seng," but I was never married to this one for whatever reason, so "sung" was an easy enough change.
Kalm - KALM (like California) - not like "Calm?" interesting
Junon - joo-NON - With Lic on this one, JOO-non
Corel - ko-REL - like coral
Bugenhagen - BOO-gun-HAA-gun - As a kid I had read it BYOO-ghin-HAY-ghin. But as I assume what you've written is the correct way, I've altered this.
Yuffie- YUFF-ee (like tough-ee) - I certainly agree this is how it should be said as it was written. In my last playthrough I renamed her "Yufi" :monster:
Cetra - SEET-ra - short E, SEH-truh
Shera - SHEE-ra - and again, more like SHARE-a

Erotic Materia

Ooh, now I wanna try this!

@Mr. Ite we are very similar in our head-pronunciation, for the most part.

My internal pronunciations:

Aerith - AIR-iss, fight me
Tifa - TEE-fuh (note: this is a recent change; for the longest time it was "TIFF-uh")
Barret - BEAR-it
Cloud - DA-DDY
Cait Sith - KATE sith
Hojo - HO-jo (duh)
Sephiroth - SEFF-ee-roth
Rufus - ROO-fuss
Corneo - kor-NAY-oh (*I used to say it "KOR-nee-oh")
Cetra - SETT-ruh
Yuffie - Yuff-ee
Junon - JOO-nun (hmmm... Jew Nun? Is that a thing? :mon:)
Wutai - WOO-tie
Mideel - mih-DEEL
Midgar - MID-gar
Mako - MAY-ko
Bugenhagen - BYOO-gen-HAY-gen
Seto - SEE-toh
Jenova - juh-NOH-vuh
Lucrecia - loo-KREE-shuh
Elena - Uh-LAY-nuh
Tseng - Sung
Corel - koh-RELL
Mythril - MEE-thrill (probably due to LotR)
Masamune - MA-suh-myoon (A like in "apple")
Nibelheim - NEE-bull-hime (used to be "nibble-hime")

Hm.... that's all I got for now.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
The official pronunciations of half the locales fucking kill me. Largely because they just don't sound like how I think people would really pronounce them. "Joo-non" would have become "Joo-nun" right quick, and "Nee-bell-hyme" wouldn't have lasted a decade. Hello, "Nibble-hyme."

Don't get even me started on "Gone-gah-gah!" That's fucking "Gone-guh-guh." Partly because they're country folk too fucking tired from working hard to care about drawing out their vowels, and partly because it's a tendency of speech patterns to look for ways to shortcut vowels in the proper nouns everyone recognizes. That's how we get from something like "Charles Town" to "Charlestown" to "Charleston."

And excuse me, "Modeoheim"? That shit wouldn't have made it past committee.
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