How would YOU do it?

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I know remake threads are most of the time just annoying, but I'm in a jovial mood and felt like making an interesting thread to generate a little activity.

So how would you remake FF7? What would you add/tweak/remove.

This is in reference to the soundtrack,gameplay, art direction, hell even the menu.

Just state what you would change or add to the game that would heighten the experience for you.

I'll check in with my thoughts later, so keep it civil plox peeps, no chastising people for their opinions or whatnot(not that this is even a problem here).

Cookie Monster

I cba to get into this completely, but one thing that bothered me is Sephiroth's Supernova attack. I would completely do away with it or at least make it more realistic. Having a planet eradicated and then suddenly reappearing purely fails, imho. :monster:
You beat me to it! I was planning to make an FFVII remake thread, but always stalled because I wanted to compile a text about the "history" of the remake. Anyway...

1) Include Modeheim ruins. Square COULD retcon things so that Cloud, after remembering Zack, sees some traces of Zack's and Genesis's activities there.

2) Make it impossible to breed chocobos that are either siblings or the other one's offspring. I know, would make things much more tedious but I want consistency dammit :monster:

3) One or more underwater areas to explore. Oh, and make submarine travel faster. Maybe it would make the area deserve a chocobo that can actually travel underwater? =D *recalls old rumours abuot such a chocobo*

4) Update the Gold Saucer in every way possible. Like, add a Pause function for the G-Bike minigame :duhard:
There are so many things they could do here, most of them very obvious. The Bike Chase minigame could be changed to godly levels with action commands, combos etc. In a way mimicking Cloud's AC scenes.

5) Let each character's stats for a certain LevelUp be a fixed value. The fact that HP and MP works the way they do in the original makes it difficult to achieve natural maximum values.

6) Make strategy a more integral part of gameplay. Boost the difficulty level to, at least, FFVI standard.
Difficulty settings for the entire game seems out of consideration, so maybe they could just add tons of more challenges for the Battle Square.

7) More useful and different limit breaks. Aeris was by far the one with the most unique limit breaks, yet their usage is limited for obvious reasons. More status inducements and stat boosts. Oh, and make Vincent controllable.

8 ) Costume changes, by will or not. At the very least let the characters dress in something more fitting when they traverse the Great Glacier. I hate just thinking being in Cloud's or Tifa's situation in that cold.

9) Less Nibelheim flashbacks. Just don't make it feel like a repetition of Last Order/Before Crisis/Crisis Core. Show however, or tell, how Cloud's outfit changed from the point of leaving Zack to joining AVALANCHE.

10) Make Aeris's death dramatic to Crisis Core levels or beyond. A great challenge since the impact of her death has decreased through both the years passed and the compilation.

Things NOT to change (which I think they would) :
1) The existence of the W-Item trick. I love that one!
2) Vincent's Hellmasker limit break. This one is even more of a parody limit than his Death Gigas form, but it should be there just for the weirdness of it. :monster:
3) Aeris's "This guy are sick line" should stay. Or even better, let her say her line, THEN correct herself. =D

And so on. I'll probably add more later.


This is how I'd do it:


Remains largely unchanged, with minor updates to the materia system and battle system etc.
Leave the basic principles, but add some extra awesomeness. I don't know about random encounters. I'd probably make it so that enemies would be somewhat visible and avoidable to a certain degree.
Transition to battle screen would probably still occur...though if it works without it (as in, normal field environments can be used for battle as well), so be it. Also, battles wouldn't be as static. I imagine something along the lines of FFX-2, where the characters didn't go back to their original positions after making their move but instead the positions of enemies and characters was ever changing.

Limit breaks stay the way they are although increasing the limit gauge by different means (as in FFX) would be a nice idea as well.

I'd handle the summons the same way as they were in the original.
No world map. Yes, you heard me. I'd use the world map for air travel and the submarine only, going by foot would have you wander through large and seamless areas (possibly by clever streaming technology or sth)
Those areas would be highly explorable and filled with monsters, sidequest and n00dz (wait, what? :monster: )
Menus would stay the same including sound effects except they would look a little crisper due to the HD graphics, duh. :duhard:

Designs would slightly be altered to fit the new compilation designs (like the SOLDIER emblem, Buster Sword etc.)

Music: Rearrangements of all original tracks would be done (possibly by Hamauzu, that'd be awesome) some of them as orchestral arrangements (like the opening, maybe include a couple of exclusive orchestra tracks for certain key cutscenes, new OWA arrangement (because using the old orchestra version like they did in Dissidia would just be lazy)).

Theme song? Don't think so. :monster:

Oh yeah, I'd also reduce FMVs to a minimum. We don't need that bullshit anymore, in-game cutscenes are just as pretty on the current console generation (yes, I said current, not next =P) and HD FMVs would use up immense amounts of storage.
Also, Cloud would always be alone on the field, whenever the game switches to a cutscene, the other party members would appear (and they'd ALL be included instead of only the ones you selected for your party)

Minigames! All of them would stay, except more awesome. I'd include extra attacks and other special moves for the motorbike chase especially. =D

A couple of references to other compilation games would also be included.

Uhm, what else...oh yeah, I'd make Vince and Yuffster mandatory characters. I mean, they are canon and I'd say that probably 99,9% of all FFVII fans get them everytime they play the game.

Also, Tifa's boobies would get a realistic bouncing physics engine. :duhard:

And I support the idea of the characters wearing appropriate clothes for the icy areas in the game. :monster:
I'd also include the Modeoheim ruins. Either as an optional area that can be discovered somehow or as a mandatory area that you have to pass through.
The Banora ruins would be included as well (minus the whole final CC area).
[quote author=Cookie Monster link=topic=261.msg6177#msg6177 date=1231203675]
I cba to get into this completely, but one thing that bothered me is Sephiroth's Supernova attack. I would completely do away with it or at least make it more realistic. Having a planet eradicated and then suddenly reappearing purely fails, imho. :monster:

Plus an attack that takes a minute during the final boss was really annoying.

I'd also have Vincent and Yuffie as mandatory. Maybe something like you can get them earlier the regular way, but they'll join up later if you don't. Then they can be in the end movie/other fmv cutscenes.


~The Other Side of Fear~
I cba to get into this completely, but one thing that bothered me is Sephiroth's Supernova attack. I would completely do away with it or at least make it more realistic. Having a planet eradicated and then suddenly reappearing purely fails, imho.

As much as I like Sephiroth I have to agree with this. It as so fucking lame partly because it was so long but also because it did pretty much squat for damage.

Lamest thing evar.

AS for me, I'd like to see an complete rework of the whole "Cloud's insane/not/maybeso/whoknows/gay" storyline. Although I liked the whole Zack thing, the way they developed was way of overexposed and overemphasied and during that whole "three Cloud" scene I wanted to pound on my TV--hard.

Um, more to come, yes, yes.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
It's not about what you would like to see, but what you personally would do were you in charge of the project.


Pro Adventurer
Havent played FF7 since the second time i beat it years ago so if i add something that was already there my bad :P

-1. I would make an option to make summons animation and spells animation last not as long (similar to FFX's summon animation cut option).

-2, add unlockable characters just for the hell of it.

-3 seperate branching stories but leave the original as canon.


[quote author=Gabe link=topic=261.msg6234#msg6234 date=1231231305]
-1. I would make an option to make summons animation and spells animation last not as long (similar to FFX's summon animation cut option).

-2, add unlockable characters just for the hell of it.

-3 seperate branching stories but leave the original as canon.

^ I'd have put the same as well as added more stuff to mess with when at the Gold Saucer. :P

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
I would remove the Aerith's ghost from the Sector 5's Church in Disk 3, because that would require some kind of cutscene and it's better no to make something reminiscent of AC.

I would keep the two children's comments, though.


Fiat Lux
[quote author=Dark and Divine link=topic=261.msg6252#msg6252 date=1231237742]
I would remove the Aerith's ghost from the Sector 5's Church in Disk 3, because that would require some kind of cutscene and it's better no to make something reminiscent of AC.[/quote]

Wasn't that a glitch anyway? You can see her ghost before she's even dead! ;D

* I'd put the battle system in real-time, and definitely give it an action RPG element.

* Multiple scenarios based on whatever party you have. Not just different dialogue, but using different strategies based on whoever's in your party. For example, utilizing Yuffie's ninja skillz, Red's wisdom of the Planet, Barret's 'act now, ask questions later' attitude etc. That would add some replay value and maximize the characters' potential.

* I'd like to incorporate the Summons into battle, but I don't have any ideas right now. I think a standard cinematic would be lazy for a next-gen title, which means I'm more inclined to have them replace your party members temporarily - FFXII-style.

* Vincent's Limits would be part of the story, showing how the stagnant mako is gradually mutating him to the point of Chaos.

* Allow wider access of Midgar but not too much.



Pro Adventurer
I would make Vincent and Yuffie mandatory characters.

And a lot of Compilation references, like: The ruins of Modeoheim and Banora, Vincent transforming in Chaos during the battle with Hojo(that was mentioned in DoC), references to the old Avalanche(Elfe's), etc.



I'd just turn AC (or a sequel to that) into a DMC-style action / platform game, only then moar epic and just. FFVII's fine as it is, and I don't really care about it, :monster:.

Although I'm fairly sure that, if there would be another compilation title, it would either be a remake of VII or a 'sequel' in the same (RGP / 'regular' FF) style, i.e. full title etc.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
1. Unaffected Gameplay
Respectfully at the top of my list because of several things:
I hate hate hate hate HATE with a firey passion the battle system of FFXII (No matter how many times an infinite number of people tell me it rocked). Square does not need to be super-awesome innovative bullcrap and remake VII with a new battle-system. Just...NO. Leave the battle mechanics the way they are. Turn-based is my friend. But of course you give the overall interface a 21st Century facelift...but I'll go into that later.

2. Multiple-console release.
You heard me. Make it available to the kids who don't have a sony console. Diversity is good. And they'll make more money...which is what they're after, right?

3. Graphics, glorious graphics.
I really don't mind if it would take five+ years to make. I would tell them to get down onto every little detail you could possibly imagine. Take the very best of Advent Children, Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus and roll it into one massive visual dooby. I want to see jaded graphics asshats to just explode. Make it realistic. Oh, and make Aerith bleed a little for us, please. At least make it look like Sephiroth injures her in some way. And this can apply to everyone. Take a battle sequence for example, as HP goes down, one might be able to see cuts and scrapes and bruises on them or something. I'm not talking blood and guts flying at the screen, but they don't need to be flawless, especially after having been in battle.

4. Extras, make them divine and make them many.
Has anyone every stuck around for the end of a pixar movie? Like when they have CG bloopers of characters messing up like they were actors? I would give my left kidney for Square to do something like that. Just for the sake of making the characters more human.
Also, high-definition screens would make me very happy too. Make them available to send to your computer and make your own graphics. Audio-visual goodies= Heartway's insta-love.

5. The music.
Crisis Core had a very acoustic sound, Dirge of Cerberus was more of a Dark Symphony with lots of precussion and Advent Children had a very computer-esque back to it. Each one had its versions of songs. As much as I adore the new rendidtions, I would have the music to the remake as close as possible to the original midis. Make way for a full orchestra and chorus when needed. No more of the reusing crap like in Dissidia. One-Winged Angel, the orchestrated version just seemed two-dimentional to me...

5. Background characters and their voices.
This isn't a problem in the Japanses versions, heavens no, but rather the English. Look long and hard for good actors. And make sure every damn character down to the smallest little extra gets a voice unique to them...I'm tired of clones. Take Dirge of Cerberus, there were three models for the entire WRO: the Black guy, the White guy and the White girl. Needs more individuality...

Make references back to Crisis Core and Before Crisis. Now that they exist, Square needs to at least throw in retrospects to them. And it would be good if they briefly showed characters from future and past games. Like seeing Denzel however briefly on the plate, or maybe catching a glimpse of Shalua walking around somewhere. Most importantly, we should learn the fates of Kunsel and Luxiere...

7. Post-game rewards
After you finish the game 100%, I dreamed up this option where you create your own FFVII character and make him/her a supporting character of the whole thing. While there's no real storyline for this mode, you yourself can interact with the main chracters and go fight with them and stuff for a little while and level and train your character to specialize in something. I thought it would perhaps stifle a fangirl's urge to write Mary-Sue fanfic and make the writing world a better place for everybody.

Long post is long indeed. Note the fact that I didn't incorporate finances or technolgical limiting. I am fully aware that most of my speculating is unrealistic. But if we're going to dream, we might as well dream big.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I'm curious, why leave an archaic, and ultimately boring/easy as hell battle system in a next gen game that would have to appeal to more than just the core audience of FF fans?


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I just can't think of anything that hasn't been used before and/or doesn't suck.

Dirge of Cerberus' gameplay was god-awful, and Crisis Core was always one-person. I'm afraid that if they create a new system for the remake, it won't work with the materia concept ( Where materia slots decide your spell and there is a balance that must be kept or the character suffers) and screw things up for the new players as well as the diehards...

But its just my opinion, and my opinions always suck.
Now I'm interested to hear your gameplay ideas.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I don't see what was wrong with XII's system, other than it was still not enough control over the characters. The gambit system however, is perfect for mapping character AI in battles. It should have been present in KH imo.

As for my ideas, I'll post it later.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
The gambit system was nifty, but the character control was what got me. I have a one-track mind like that.

I'll be waiting.

*notices sig*
xD Nice.


Personally I would leave it all be

-Upgrade the graphics.
-Enable voice animation. Add more dialogue.
-Explore more of the world.
-Redo the music (don't like midi's)

Tifa's boobs's got to be real...upskirt shots...uh no? >.> Lol.

[quote author=Kuraudo link=topic=261.msg7383#msg7383 date=1231713609]
Personally I would leave it all be

-Upgrade the graphics.
-Enable voice animation. Add more dialogue.
-Explore more of the world.
-Redo the music (don't like midi's)

Tifa's boobs's got to be real...upskirt shots...uh no? >.> Lol.


Personally, I would change Tifa's design so to make her look more...proper. Maybe just make her skirt longer, or do something more reminiscent of her FFVIIAC design. Why? Because her present look is just ridiculous, and would be so even more in modern graphics. Also on the agenda; decrease her boob size slightly and have little to no bouncing.

/perv-in-denial :monster:

The combat system should stay the same, with some minor tweaks to interactivity in battles and strategy requirements.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I laugh at how people complain about Tifa's original design. No thing ridiculous about it.

As for the panty shot BS, just put shorts underneath the skirt, problem solved.

Also, didn't look ridiculous at all in AC.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
If they render Tifa the way they did in this artwork, I don't think she'll look out of proportion.



Fiat Lux
Get out of here with your feminism!

Since Tifa is a fighter, her bust size makes her look bigger and curvier whilst complementing her femininity.
Her boobs are in no way disproportionate, unless you count some of the fanart. :monster:
Aerith is the sweet Mary Sue, and Yuffie is the loli, so they're obviously flat-chested.
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