How would YOU do it?


You know, I would probably add more cut scenes with the "Highwind." Plus I would seriously work on the background, to give it such a powerful look, to know the area's are real and not just painted on. Maybe get objects to work in the background as well (weather environment, depth in the ground, shadowing, etc).

Probably include Cloud in carrying his Buster Sword all the time. Not magically appear like some keyblade lol.

Countess Ariadne

Pro Adventurer
[quote author=Kuraudo link=topic=261.msg16814#msg16814 date=1234312285]
Probably include Cloud in carrying his Buster Sword all the time. Not magically appear like some keyblade lol.

I'd like that too, and I also want them to explain how it just hangs there on his back. It's been bothering me for a while.


[quote author=The Notorious M.O.G. link=topic=261.msg16858#msg16858 date=1234317924]
That's already been explained I believe; magnetic strips in standard SOLDIER uniforms.

Quoted for the Truth.

In a article a while back for Crisis Core, they finally explained that about Angeal, Zack, and Cloud. Which makes quite a bit of sense...and for the love of God SE, don't make his Buster Sword sit like Zack...I like the reverse position myself.


Fenrir/Cerberus in another closed thread said:
Although there has been no big FFVII Remake buzz since the secret ending in Crisis Core, I thought this would be an interesting topic. I'm either for a completely new battle system, the new battle system from FFXIII, or the new battle system from Dissidia. I don't want a freaking exact copy of the battle system from the original. Part of a remake is the modernization of it. The ATB system is mega-outdated. The FFXIII and Dissidia battle system are capable of portaying mindblowing battle synamatics. Also it should be pretty freeroaming. Kinda like Zelda Ocarina of Time except on a far grander scale. If the game is anything like an action RPG, you should be allowed to play as whatever character you want like in FFXII as long as Cloud's in the party. Meaning you could play as Vincent, Barrett, Tifa, and yes, Cait Sith.

The last one isn't as quaint, actually, and was already implemented in pre-PS FF games (if I recall correctly). Although dialogs would have to be tweaked a bit to not be bound to any 'main' character. But in any case, it's more of a visual change than any practical one.

As for the battle system, the ATB system (or whatever) works fine, they'd just have to remove or vastly improve the random encounter thingy and speed up the battle intro / outro (or hell, remove it altogether). Victory themes / dances are neat, but only once. Same for statistic screens, they can easily be incorporated in either the battle screen or in the regular game after a battle.


ACF Refugee
One thing apparently noone seems to mention is the characters themselves. In FFVII all the characters were very much like a 90s adolescent. I'd like to see how the characters would change 10 years later, today.
[quote author=Fenrir/Cerberus link=topic=261.msg17307#msg17307 date=1234445491]
One thing apparently noone seems to mention is the characters themselves. In FFVII all the characters were very much like a 90s adolescent. I'd like to see how the characters would change 10 years later, today.
In what fashion were they like 90's adolescents? I can not at all relate to this statement.

What will change however is the way emotions are conveyed. FFVII still carried some of the body language from the sprite era, such as characters jumping to express surprise (for example when Tifa realises Cloud is cross-dressing). So a remake will not have the cartoony or comical feel it had in the original, which have been expressed in other threads because the whole cross-dressing adventure would feel very different in realistical graphics, or maybe it will be funny in a different way.


ACF Refugee
Im saying how people in general have changed since the 90s, not all of them, but many of the younger charcters reflected the time period. It being more than ten years later, I think the characters will be conveyed slightly differently due to a new, modern, 00s influence.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
No. Hell no. Things have not changed enough for them to change any of the characters, and I don't see how they were adolescent.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
They're going to keep the cross-dressing, and they're going to keep the look and feel of FFVII exactly the same.

It won't matter how realistic or high definition it'll be. It's going to be FFVII, meaning they're gonna keep true to it.

If Crisis Core or Dissidia has shown us anything, it's that they don't give a shit how realistic or whatever their medium is. If they want to convey fantasy and siliness, they're going to do it.


Double Growth
heehee, I can't wait to see that whole sequence in good graphics. Its so funny, especially with the macho persona Cloud was trying so hard to display.


ACF Refugee
I'm not saying any big character changes. just small things like dialogue that will be altered, and line delivery will be different. Subtlleties, nuances will be lost. Nothing big, just those little things that you can't quite pinpoint.

What I meant by 90s adolescent is the dialogue was written as a reflection of the times. 20 something men in the 90s are WAY different from 20-something men today.


[quote author=Fenrir/Cerberus link=topic=261.msg17459#msg17459 date=1234495354]
I'm not saying any big character changes. just small things like dialogue that will be altered, and line delivery will be different. Subtlleties, nuances will be lost. Nothing big, just those little things that you can't quite pinpoint.

What I meant by 90s adolescent is the dialogue was written as a reflection of the times. 20 something men in the 90s are WAY different from 20-something men today.

Any woman can tell you...a man's a man, we never change. Horn dogs on minute, and video gamers the next, then afterwards...we eat and fight :p

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
They'd definitely have to rework the plot/dialogue/exposition with BC, CC, and DoC in mind. Anything less would be irresponsible.


I don't think they'd change the character's personalities that much to make it more '2000', at least, I didn't get the feeling they were '90's' in terms of characters and whatnot. The whole feel of the game was very 80's though, at least now that I think back on it. But eh.

They could tweak the dialogues, with higher screen resolutions it's possible to put more text on the screen (if they aren't going to do all voice acting, but even then I'd like some text on screen). They probably wouldn't make any major changes to the plot or to the small details that so many people have spent so much time on picking apart though.

And they'd make Vincent / Yuffie impossible to miss, considering they've become pretty major characters.

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
I didn't find anything incredibly 80s/90s except for maybe some of Yuffie's slang and the hairspray fetishes of Sephiroth and Aeris. Considering they just gave Lucrecia the same hair in 2005/2006 they'll probably stick with that style.

Well, Aeris had kinda big shoulderpads. Those have to go.

Of course, Fenrir/Cerberus's profile says he is 14. Being too young to remember the actual 90s, he may be more sensitive to what is out of place in this decade than the rest of us who just remember those subtle nuances as part of daily life.


That One Person
I really don't get much of a 90s vibe from FFVII, it just feels like some of the stuff in the Shinra building (as well as the purple uniforms) are a bit outdated. However, from what we've been shown in the Compilation, they wouldn't stay the same. The SOLDIER outfits have been updated, and there aren't any technology barriers to keep 1sts from wearing black. The Shinra building will get a touch-up to make it more modern and shiny.

I don't see 90s speech patterns, either, but that may just be me.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=Ravynne link=topic=261.msg17979#msg17979 date=1234633918]
I didn't find anything incredibly 80s/90s except for maybe some of Yuffie's slang and the hairspray fetishes of Sephiroth and Aeris. Considering they just gave Lucrecia the same hair in 2005/2006 they'll probably stick with that style.

Well, Aeris had kinda big shoulderpads. Those have to go.

Of course, Fenrir/Cerberus's profile says he is 14. Being too young to remember the actual 90s, he may be more sensitive to what is out of place in this decade than the rest of us who just remember those subtle nuances as part of daily life.

Damn it all, will you guys just admit the 80s was the best time to be a kid!?! I mean, come on - the 90s and now has nothin' compared to the 80s. We had the best toys, the best cartoons, and it was multi-sex; in other words, both boys and girls had a great list to choose from, or sometimes could share in the greatness of both worlds! Now that you all understand you missed the best times of your lives... ;D (Typed fully aware there were some horrific things in the 80s, as well; the Challenger disaster - we will never forget you Ms. McCauliff and crew. I hope I spelled her name right.)

Seriously, I agree with your comments, Ravynne. I think Aerith looked fine in Crisis Core, and I think they kept her shoulder padding (at least a bit). Personally, I wonder if it's Nomura's style of drawing that made her seem to have very broad shoulders? About a 90s feel to the game, I also cannot concur so much - truly there are some 80s references I see/read/hear in the game! Barret = Mr. T, sorry SE, but that's not bad! :)

Lastly, my personal opinion, nothing really would have to change with the dress or talk or anything. I just think that the style would have to be cleared up. For me, it was weird when Cait Sith started talking in an Irish tone from a seemingly completely English or American-English tone. Also, Barret's off and on between slang and complete word usage.

We are dealing with another world; I say keep most things the same. Also, please pardon me if this post is not as coherent... I'm kind of numb right now. :P


[quote author=Restless link=topic=261.msg17987#msg17987 date=1234637798]
I don't see 90s speech patterns, either, but that may just be me.

Actually, I'd think the only difference from 90's speech would be slang and actual terms. I'm sure that if they re-made it, they'd give at least one enemy a line saying something like 'U WANT ME TO TRASH UR LIGHTS BOY???', :monster:.

And 'y so srs', and 'it's over nine THOUSAAAND!', and 'THIS IS SPARTAAA!', and 'LOLI??', and 'YOU HAVE NO CHANCE TO SURVIVE MAKE YOUR TIME', and and and... I forgot all the awesome but annoying meme's.




Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=Cthulhu link=topic=261.msg18013#msg18013 date=1234642776]
[quote author=Restless link=topic=261.msg17987#msg17987 date=1234637798]
I don't see 90s speech patterns, either, but that may just be me.

Actually, I'd think the only difference from 90's speech would be slang and actual terms. I'm sure that if they re-made it, they'd give at least one enemy a line saying something like 'U WANT ME TO TRASH UR LIGHTS BOY???', :monster:.

And 'y so srs', and 'it's over nine THOUSAAAND!', and 'THIS IS SPARTAAA!', and 'LOLI??', and 'YOU HAVE NO CHANCE TO SURVIVE MAKE YOUR TIME', and and and... I forgot all the awesome but annoying meme's.



What the hell!?

Well, I did think the close to ending line by Barret to Cloud was weird, how he exclaimed, '...BOYEEEEEEEE!' on the Highwind.

Oh please, then stick the 80s infantile slang, or I'll be asking 'what does that mean!?' all throughout the game!

*sigh* Slang - meant to emphasize a phrase or a word without replacing the word all together.

... I don't care what you youngsters say! I am the eldest, and I'm telling you my old, old eyes, ears, and brain cannot comprehend! :P

;D Just kidding... to a degree.


80's/90's slang in FF7? I do not recall such a thing. I don't recall any of the characters using terms like "bodacious", "gnarly", "aiight", "duh!" or, my personal favourite, "wiggy."

This was just an excuse to throw in some lovely retro slanguage. What's the dilio?


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=looneymoon link=topic=261.msg18237#msg18237 date=1234698567]
80's/90's slang in FF7? I do not recall such a thing. I don't recall any of the characters using terms like "bodacious", "gnarly", "aiight", "duh!" or, my personal favourite, "wiggy."

This was just an excuse to throw in some lovely retro slanguage. What's the dilio?

Wiggy? ... I never heard of that one.

Hey, I was a young child then, give me a break. :P

True, none of those were used in the game.

... And there were only two words that I actually heard, used and knew what they meant. ;D
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