How would YOU do it?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Can't win em' all. It's harder to bait Dacon these days. He's gotten too experienced.

We need more n00bs and people like Desudesu!


Pumpkin King
Vistillian Visty
For me personally i would like them to make it open ended. for example. once you beat up Sephy and save Gaia. i would like you to be able to just wander the planet and play new missions available via download. Remove the level cap, wile also going into towns and receiving phrase for risking your neck for everyone.

I would also like equipment to show up not only in battle but on the world map and movie sequence's (Do away with rendered FMVs. there obsolete). the equipment should look simple, so crappy armor doesn't ruin the character design.

I would also like to keep the materia system basically the same but add CC's fusion system on a much more vast concept. Summons and additional materaia not previously in VII, can be bought in "packs" on the psn.


Pro Adventurer
Not to knock your idea TragicPumpkin, but that's way too much downloadable content, at least for me. People already complain, with mostly good reason, that SE milks FFVII fans for all they're worth. Do we really need to pay money for good materia? I prefer gil, 'cause that shit's easy to make.

As for the post-ending missions, I wouldn't mind them if they came BEFORE the ending. One of the nice things about the original ending is how sudden it is. Sure, now we know that everyone lived and Cloud angsted and Vincent became WTFHAX godly, but not really at first. Plus it always irks me when the world is devastated and games make you run around doing missions involving stuff like "Help Grandma Joe defend her orchard!" The time for fighting is done at the end of FFVII. Now it's time to build.

These are just my thoughts though


Green Mage
As for the post-ending missions, I wouldn't mind them if they came BEFORE the ending. One of the nice things about the original ending is how sudden it is. Sure, now we know that everyone lived and Cloud angsted and Vincent became WTFHAX godly, but not really at first. Plus it always irks me when the world is devastated and games make you run around doing missions involving stuff like "Help Grandma Joe defend her orchard!" The time for fighting is done at the end of FFVII. Now it's time to build.
All I think of is TV Tropes' "Sidetracked by the Gold Saucer" trope. :lol:

"OMG the world is ending in a week......... hey look! Chocobo Racing and a Snowboard game!"

But I'd definitely like more missions and dungeons to explore. I may have already posted it in this thread, but I think it might be interesting if they expanded the various Materia caves around the world. I guess the point is to breed the Chocobo to reach the cave, but then you just waltz right in and snap up the high-powered Materia. There aren't even enemies in those caves, IIRC.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I'd like that box art more without the shitty amano art, but good looking regardless.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Hey, I like Amano! Sometimes. It's definitely more refreshing than Nomura's FF7 art that I've seen a million times. I'd welcome him drawing up new FF7 stuff though.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Hey, I like Amano! Sometimes. It's definitely more refreshing than Nomura's FF7 art that I've seen a million times. I'd welcome him drawing up new FF7 stuff though.

As opposed to the same shit Amano art we've seen a million times?

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I have seen Nomura's FF7 art way more times than I've seen Amano's FF7 art. Hell, I didn't even see all of Amano's FF7 stuff until a few years ago, whereas a good 80% of Nomura's FF7 stuff is already in the goddamn FF7 instruction manual.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I've seen every single bit of amano art there is plastered all over the internet.

It's a lose lose situation. There's no better option than new art altogether, and at least the Nomura art doesn't look as shit as Amano's. Say what you want about Nomura's art, but at least it's aesthetically pleasing opposed to Amano's aliens.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I've seen every single bit of amano art there is plastered all over the internet.

To be fair, you're an artist, for what its worth. I mean, I know this is a "you said/I said" sort of situation, but I am literally willing to put down money on betting that Nomura's art is more prolific than Amano's.

It's a lose lose situation. There's no better option than new art altogether, and at least the Nomura art doesn't look as shit as Amano's. Say what you want about Nomura's art, but at least it's aesthetically pleasing opposed to Amano's aliens.

I agree, but the dude who made the box art was just working within his limits, haha.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
To be fair, you're an artist, for what its worth. I mean, I know this is a "you said/I said" sort of situation, but I am literally willing to put down money on betting that Nomura's art is more prolific than Amano's.

It's probably more well known now, but I seem to recall a time when FF fans were all about Amano, and some still are.

I agree, but the dude who made the box art was just working within his limits, haha.

I know.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
but I seem to recall a time when FF fans were all about Amano, and some still are.

I agree, but I have to argue that this was probably before FF7, and thefore, before Nomura really had much to do with mainstream FF art. With the release of FFVII, this trend reversed sharply.

Amano can draw some pretty ghoulish stuff, but you have to give him credit where its due, his influenced defined the aesthetic for FFVI, which in my opinion, has some of the most memorable looks and feels for its characters in the entire series. FFVI would not be what it is without Amano. Ditto for FFIV as well.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I agree, but I have to argue that this was probably before FF7, and thefore, before Nomura really had much to do with mainstream FF art. With the release of FFVII, this trend reversed sharply.

I don't recall Nomura getting any real mainstream attention until after VIII.

Amano can draw some pretty ghoulish stuff, but you have to give him credit where its due, his influenced defined the aesthetic for FFVI,
I really don't see how. The character designs in FF VI were pretty downplayed, and I didn't really see them as memorable at all, save for Kefka(can partly be blamed on very little detailed sprites). The design and aesthetic of the world is what I remember most, and from what I understand, Amano had little to do with that.

which in my opinion, has some of the most memorable looks and feels for its characters in the entire series. FFVI would not be what it is without Amano. Ditto for FFIV as well.
I disagree. The writing and operatic nature of the plot are what made VI memorable. It could have had completely different art direction and would still have been a magnificent game.

So I really don't have to credit Amano with anything :awesome:.
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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I don't recall Nomura getting any real mainstream attention until after VIII.

Fair. But still, Nomura's FF7 art is leagues more popular than Amano's FF7 art. Hell, that's the only dude who's ever really designed characters from the Compilation since then, right?

I really don't see how. The character designs in FF VI were pretty downplayed, and I didn't really see them as memorable at all, save for Kefka. The design and aesthetic of the world is what I remember most, and from what I understand, Amano had little to do with that.

Kefka, Celes, Shadow, Cyan, Locke, and especially Terra are outstanding, at least to me and I could recognize them quite instantly. Also, the Magetek armor design, the monster design, and a few other things, were done by Amano. Also, as I remember, Amano was the main dude behind the image design (but not all of it, others did the background and object design).

Also, the logo.

I disagree. The writing and operatic nature of the plot are what made VI memorable. It could have had completely different art direction and would still have been a magnificent game.

Damn, I can't disagree with that.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Kefka, Celes, Shadow, Cyan, Locke, and especially Terra are outstanding, at least to me and I could recognize them quite instantly. Also, the Magetek armor design, the monster design, and a few other things, were done by Amano. Also, as I remember, Amano was the main dude behind the image design (but not all of it, others did the background and object design).
See, I really wasn't impressed by any of that. Terra's was sort of interesting, but the rest didn't leave any kind of last impression, and the only monster art from the battles that stood out to me was Kefka.

Also, I've heard Shadow was designed by Nomura. I can't remember if that was true or not. I just know he worked on the graphics in VI too.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Also, I've heard Shadow was designed by Nomura. I can't remember if that was true or not. I just know he worked on the graphics in VI too.

I know that Nomura worked on VI as well, and that he did Setzer (I believe), so that may be true. Well, I can respect your opinion.

But even then, there's FFIV!

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I wasn't impressed with anything in FFIV but the story and characters.

The art was pretty meh imo.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Not necessarily the art alone, but the character design, and the character designs after that. You have Amano to thank for Cecil, Golbez, Terra, Kefka, Firion, Garland (sort of), Warrior of Light, the Emperor, ExDeath, etc from everything to their original appearances all the way to Dissidia.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Fair enough, but I couldn't think of a better word for what I'm trying to express. When I think of 'character art', I think of one specific piece. Like say, take the original Amano artwork for Terra. When I think of 'character design' (which is admittedly the wrong wording), I think of everything else based on that original piece of art, like the hundreds of both professional and fan interpretations, drawings, renderings, etc that comes after that original piece of art. For example, Terra's appearance in Dissidia.

If it wasn't for that 'original piece' by the original artist who drew it, nothing else after it related to the design wouldn't exist.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Duh? What are you trying to say?

The character design can look pretty different when rendered by a different artist. But it's all still art. Amano's art looks pretty shit to me, but that doesn't mean his designs are complete crap. When I say I'm not impressed, or none of it stands out to me, it doesn't mean that the designs are BAD.

If I thought they were awful, I'd say they were awful. But when it comes to the content in the original games, they just didn't stand out to me. They didn't deter from the game, or anything, but I never sat down and thought about them during gameplay.
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