Hypothetical Scenarios

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
AU stuff is awesome. As Tres noted in the thread from which this one was born. We're totally going all Age of Apocalypse/Elseworlds on the Compilation, and the best thing is any plot holes or retcons we create are self-contained and don't in the slightest make the Compilation any worse than it was! :reptar: It's totally like having a license to kill.

Alright, I like your scenario, and it sounds plausible. The execs and President Shinra have time to sound the alarm, go into panic mode, but since DG is literally coming right out from under them there's not time for them to really marshal their forces. A goodly deal of the Shinra Building's security is automated, which will cut down on casualties somewhat, but a goodly number of grunts, Hojo-created monsters, and some members of SOLDIER are killed in he struggle to at least stall DG's advance up the structure to give the execs time to evacuate. Zack and as many troops as he can round up are forced to flee once the President is airlifted out by helicopter. I agree Junon is the next place they'd go, having a strong military presence. Sephiroth is left behind on the upper floors, overwhelmed by the Tsviets but, I think, not killed at that time. He probably winds up in the same holding cells Cloud and company found themselves in during the OG.

Regrouping in Junon, the survivors, likely including members of SOLDIER and the Turks (those people are damned hard to kill) are grouped with other forces from around the world, while the Shinra's top minds begin to discuss strategy for the eventual retaking of Midgar and the extermination of the DG forces. Zack would try to include plans to rescue Sephiroth in these sessions (though its unlikely he would actually be invited to the strategy-board, he'd still try) but would be rebuffed as, useful as he would be in this situation, there is no way of knowing if he is even still alive.

Shinra would make use of the down time to broadcast a news report informing citizens of Midgar of the need to evacuate immediately, since President Shinra, unlike his asshole kid, really liked to play the kindly benefactor saving the world, reducing the possibilities of civilians getting in the way in the process. I see the plan being somewhat similar to the WRO's attack on DG in DoC, with Gelnikas, Helicopters, and the Highwind transporting troops directly out over the plate and possibly launching an assault of their own using the craft's onboard weapons systems depending on how serious the President takes the situation (likely serious enough to risk damage to Shinra HQ, imo). Meanwhile, land vehicles transport more troops into the city via the external highways where possible, with some operatives (the Turks perhaps) taking a stealthier approach, sneaking into the city via the Slums and getting up to the Plate via the pillars and the plate's sewer system with the mission to get close to and assasinate any Tviets they can during the confusion of the two forces clashing.

Sephiroth, having recovered somewhat during his incarceration, is able to break out of his cell and reclaim his weapon during the confusion (since no one but he can use it, it'd be tucked away as a trophy somewhere most likely) and join the battle once more. If Shinra is very lucky either he or one of the Turks will catch Nero from behind. However, even with this gain, the DG soldiers are too well entrenched to dig out easily, causing the plan to largely fail.

At that point, President Shinra's Plan B goes into effect, and as the main force falls back and evacuates all over again, the entire city is leveled by way of the Emergency Plate Release System in every sector being activated by operatives specially instructed. With all 7 of the completed sector plates falling, as well as the partially constructed Sector 6, Sector 0 loses all structural integrity and collapses completely. An eventual victory for Shinra, but a very costly one.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
AU stuff is awesome. As Tres noted in the thread from which this one was born. We're totally going all Age of Apocalypse/Elseworlds on the Compilation, and the best thing is any plot holes or retcons we create are self-contained and don't in the slightest make the Compilation any worse than it was! :reptar: It's totally like having a license to kill.

Alright, I like your scenario, and it sounds plausible. The execs and President Shinra have time to sound the alarm, go into panic mode, but since DG is literally coming right out from under them there's not time for them to really marshal their forces. A goodly deal of the Shinra Building's security is automated, which will cut down on casualties somewhat, but a goodly number of grunts, Hojo-created monsters, and some members of SOLDIER are killed in he struggle to at least stall DG's advance up the structure to give the execs time to evacuate. Zack and as many troops as he can round up are forced to flee once the President is airlifted out by helicopter. I agree Junon is the next place they'd go, having a strong military presence. Sephiroth is left behind on the upper floors, overwhelmed by the Tsviets but, I think, not killed at that time. He probably winds up in the same holding cells Cloud and company found themselves in during the OG.

Regrouping in Junon, the survivors, likely including members of SOLDIER and the Turks (those people are damned hard to kill) are grouped with other forces from around the world, while the Shinra's top minds begin to discuss strategy for the eventual retaking of Midgar and the extermination of the DG forces. Zack would try to include plans to rescue Sephiroth in these sessions (though its unlikely he would actually be invited to the strategy-board, he'd still try) but would be rebuffed as, useful as he would be in this situation, there is no way of knowing if he is even still alive.

Shinra would make use of the down time to broadcast a news report informing citizens of Midgar of the need to evacuate immediately, since President Shinra, unlike his asshole kid, really liked to play the kindly benefactor saving the world, reducing the possibilities of civilians getting in the way in the process. I see the plan being somewhat similar to the WRO's attack on DG in DoC, with Gelnikas, Helicopters, and the Highwind transporting troops directly out over the plate and possibly launching an assault of their own using the craft's onboard weapons systems depending on how serious the President takes the situation (likely serious enough to risk damage to Shinra HQ, imo). Meanwhile, land vehicles transport more troops into the city via the external highways where possible, with some operatives (the Turks perhaps) taking a stealthier approach, sneaking into the city via the Slums and getting up to the Plate via the pillars and the plate's sewer system with the mission to get close to and assasinate any Tviets they can during the confusion of the two forces clashing.

Sephiroth, having recovered somewhat during his incarceration, is able to break out of his cell and reclaim his weapon during the confusion (since no one but he can use it, it'd be tucked away as a trophy somewhere most likely) and join the battle once more. If Shinra is very lucky either he or one of the Turks will catch Nero from behind. However, even with this gain, the DG soldiers are too well entrenched to dig out easily, causing the plan to largely fail.

At that point, President Shinra's Plan B goes into effect, and as the main force falls back and evacuates all over again, the entire city is leveled by way of the Emergency Plate Release System in every sector being activated by operatives specially instructed. With all 7 of the completed sector plates falling, as well as the partially constructed Sector 6, Sector 0 loses all structural integrity and collapses completely. An eventual victory for Shinra, but a very costly one.

I like your way of thinking. But I doubt all the tsviets would die. I asusme Weiss is alive for all this since in this timeline he would have overthrown the restrictors much earlier than in the official timeline, unless I'm mistaken, so its possible that he never died or whatever happened to him. He would likely survive, and maybe Shelke or Rosso. For the most part Shinra would have won the war like you said, but remnants, probably with Weiss leading them, would still be a problem. Kinda like the Wutai remnants after the Wutai war, only way more dangerous.


Pro Adventurer
Lets not forget that if DG is successful in taking over Midgar, and the executives are able to escape to Junon, Shinra could, as a last resort, use the Sister Ray to blow-up Midgar(like Elfe was trying to do in chapter 3 of BC).

And I have another scenario: What if Hollander and Genesis joined forces with Fuhito and Elfe, to fight against Shinra(CC and BC's stories happen at the same time, after all).
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I thought BC bagan before CC, and ended after CC. Some events, particularly the Nibelheim, were concurrent between them though, and this scenario began due to DG overthrowing the Restictors around the same time as the Nibelheim incident in the OG, so its a fair question.

I still think Weiss would be kinda screwed in this scenario. It doesn't seem to matter to me when the Restrictors are overthrown, their failsafe is still in place. He might be involved in the fighting at first, and likely in command. One of their objectives might be to capture the staff at the Science Department, and of course Hojo, in hopes of finding a way to counteract the virus (much the way his SND while searching for a cure led to him getting possessed by Hojo in DoC). It's possible Hojo might be able to help him with this, but unless he does it quick Weiss is a goner. And knowing Hojo the cure would be worse than the virus in some fashion even if he did help.

I find Genesis and Hollander joining with the original AVALANCHE slightly unlikely. Genesis doesn't really seem concerned with AVALANCHE's objectives of saving the Planet from Shinra. He's obsessed with his whole "Gift of the Goddess" thing, stopping his degradation, and eventually comes to desire the return of his SOLDIER honor. Hollander is another story, much like Hojo in BC I think he'd be very impressed with Fuhito's work on the Ravens and want to study the concept and improve on it.


Harbinger O Great Justice
So on a morbid note, but interesting in a way, what if Hojo's "hybridization" between Aerith & Nanaki was successful? The survival of the Cetra's bloodline in a being with extreme strength and longevity would have altered ShinRa's focus (with their obsession over the Promised Land), although I'm rather frightened to think what would have happened in the aftermath after most everyone gets slaughtered with Sephiroth's arrival to take Jenova's head, and even more so with that being existing in Hojo's lab where Jenova-cellular experimentation could be done.

The existance of more powerful Cetra could have posed a really interesting threat to Sephiroth (depending on if Aerith survived, and how long the "hybridization" took).

X :neo:

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
That's not what I'd call morbid. Creepy as fuck, but not really morbid. Ok, so what if Hojo's attempts at crossbreeding a sentient big cat with some canine features with a human/Cetra hybrid... that's tough.

Since we've never seen any similar hybridization, we're left to 100% speculation on the results. So, I'm just gonna make up shit that sounds cool in my head and you can all live with it :monster:

Ok, so I'm gonna say that the child would be born rather poorly developed to begin with and probably require a C-section due to the extreme differences from a normal baby. I'll leave it to someone else to decide if Aerith survives the delivery. At any rate, the child would probably have relatively fast growth rate at first, but a slow mental and physical maturation rate in line with Nanaki's species (with his being 48 being equivalent to about 16 or so). So really, not overly useful to Shinra for quite a while. They'd really need to continue business as usual while waiting on the Neo-Midgar project to become feasible.

Unfortunately for Shinra, Sephiroth makes his attack, sets AVALANCHE free, and things progress from there with the President dead and Hojo temporarily quitting. The escape from Midgar is very hard on Aerith, who is already showing signs of the pregnancy (feline gestation is much shorter than human), and the party is forced to seek out a doctor in Kalm, but everything is very awkward since its hard to explain the father is the cat-thing in the corner. At any rate, the party is forced to leave Aerith in the doctor's care and press on in pursuit of Sephiroth.

The pregnancy lasts only a few weeks (again, someone else can specify if Aerith survives or not) with everything progressing as it did in the OG with the exception of Aerith not being with the party, and Nanaki refusing to go back to Cosmo Canyon due to his shame and subsequent inability to face his "grandpa". And everyone else being very disturbed, of course. Now again, it'd take years for this baby to mature, possibly decades before it even entered adolescence. So if Aerith died and no one can summon Holy it becomes a moot point since everyone dies.

If Aerith doesn't die and is able to catch up despite her condition (meaning she'd likely have to leave the baby somewhere or other, it'd be hard to travel with a newborn) though who knows where she'd find someone who would be willing) then odds are good she'll get a chance to pray for Holy at some point after the Temple of the Ancients (which we'd be unable to even get through without her) and then likely gets gutted as she did in the OG. Nanaki never learns what happens to his child, and the events of the game go largely the same except with an extra dose of RAGE at Hojo and Shinra that wasn't present then. The kid's story is forced onto the back burner, for decades, until she (yes I've decided they'd have a daughter just cause) gets old enough to set out and try to find out her story.

Pure speculation on her appearance as an adolescent/subadult/pick a term: I imagine her as mostly humanoid in form, but with rear-jointed knees that give he a slightly stooped posture. Covered in Nanaki's orange fur, and sporting a tail that ignites at the tip sometime around 10 years old or so. Hair with Aerith's distinctive bangs, but in back it becomes a mane going down between her shoulder blades. Retractable claws, tiny fangs in an otherwise human face, with Aerith's eyes. Your guess is as good as mine as to whether she wears clothes or not. I kinda thought "Terra in Esper form from FFVI" and just altered it in my head to make her into a Nanaki/Cetra crossbreed.

Why you ask? Because catgirls rock. If you don't love catgirls you are a wretched bitch who eats babies.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Was that too creepy? Did I scare everyone off by responding to that nasty little scenario?

Alright, here's an odd one: What if, at the end of Dissidia, Tidus had accidentally wound up on The Planet and Cloud had stumbled into Spira? Since the two are supposed to be the same fictional universe, the magic that drew them to the cobbled together Dissidia world mixed them up or something. What would happen to each of them in the strange new worlds they find themselves in? Would they ever find a way home? Go!

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
That bit with Aerith and Nanaki is the creepiest thing I've ever heard, with the possible exception of a female Hojo.

If Cloud and Tidus ended up in each others worlds, things would be wierd. They would both likely adjust after a few months and become familiar with their surroundings. I'm not sure they would get back, since they required an external force to move to the Dissidia world in the first place. They would probably be stuck in their new worlds forever, and since Cloud would not be present Sephiroth's plans with Geostigma would succeed.

Edit:Now heres one. What if Angeal had not commited Zakicide, but instead learned to live with his unusual abilities?
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Nobody got anything?

Sorry Noctis, I wasn't around. If Angeal had accepted his powers in a sane, rational way (as opposed to our earlier rambling on the matter of if he became a villain) it'd change the story of CC and all that followed it a great deal. I don't believe he'd return to Shinra, I feel he'd try to maintain his SOLDIER honor outside of the company, considering his awareness of his origin. And with his idol able to inform him of what the hell is going on, and what Shinra has been doing, I think Zack would go AWOL as well to join his mentor.

But what would they do with themselves afterward? Neither of them seems like the type who would join the original AVALANCHE, although its possible considering that they haven't killed off Zack's buddies yet at that point. Even if they did, the ruthlessness factor within AVALANCHE was pretty damn high at that point, and they performed experiments as bad as any Shinra tried considering the Ravens. While they might retain similar Anti-Shinra goals, it seems to me they'd form their own group.

But of course, there is still Genesis to consider. If we assume that things went the same right up to the point where Zack would normally have been forced to kill Angeal, they probably assume he is dead following his defeat by Zack prior. In CC, Genesis resurfaced (in the form of his army of clones) while Zack was in Costa del Sol on vacation, seemingly trying to reconnect with Hollander to continue research into stopping his degradation.

At this point, whatever they were doing in the meantime, I believe Angeal would change course. Due to his long friendship, I believe he'd still want to support Genesis and save him from his degradation, in hopes that his friend could become a hero (or at least, not be a villain) if he wasn't slowly dying and doing everything he can to find a cure. He'd therefore confront Genesis and try to tone down his tactics, while sending Zack through Junon to both minimize casualties from Genesis-Clone attacks and to fetch Hollander so that research could continue. Assuming this plan works, Hollander would presumably need Jenova-cells to complete his research, and since Zack has not been used in the Reunion experiment either his cells or Angeal's could potentially be used. If not, they might make contact with Sephiroth in hopes of convincing him to help


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Was that too creepy? Did I scare everyone off by responding to that nasty little scenario?

Alright, here's an odd one: What if, at the end of Dissidia, Tidus had accidentally wound up on The Planet and Cloud had stumbled into Spira? Since the two are supposed to be the same fictional universe, the magic that drew them to the cobbled together Dissidia world mixed them up or something. What would happen to each of them in the strange new worlds they find themselves in? Would they ever find a way home? Go!

Barring DI, Tidus is possibly SOL, unless Mustadio tries an experiment again.
Cloud can just pull a Phillip J. Fry.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Props for the Futurama reference. I hope Cloud winds up with an immoral machina who picks his pocket regularly and says things like "Crap, it's the New Yevonites! Cheese it!"

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
That is Epic Win:monster:
But now back to the other stuff.

Provided both Zack and Angeal left Shinra, I think it likely Sephiroth would follow them. As he stated just before the Nibelheim incident he was alredy considering ditching Shinra. If his only remaining friends left, I think he would follow.

But the question of course is, to what lengths would Shinra go to take them out? And would Sephiroth help Genesis with his degredation? Probably, as long as Genesis wasn't a dick about it. So lets assume Genesis is cured. Now they are four rogue SOLDIERs running around. We know Shinra's not going to leave them alone.

I definetely don't think either Zack or Angeal would join the original AVALANCHE. Genesis might consider it. Hard to tell with Sephiroth.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
I definetely don't think either Zack or Angeal would join the original AVALANCHE. Genesis might consider it. Hard to tell with Sephiroth.

This makes me recall this unused Crisis Core scene, in the Old TGS Trailer Video @ 2:50.


I wonder if Zack would've joined up with AVALANCHE, or what the intention with that scene was going to be...

X :neo:

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I remember that. I was looking for that scene in the game.

Wasn't the CC script originally twice as long as what we got?


Harbinger O Great Justice
Something like that. I'm still surprised that didn't make it in to CC.

I've got an interesting story in mind... (Something that'd be cool to fan fic write out if I ever had the time).

I was thinking - What if the Turks found Zack & Cloud before the army did?

I'll put forward a few scenarious that need to be addressed ,while steering things in one general direction with other options for input:

• Zack gets his 88 letters, and his first initiative would be to get to Aerith.
- Tseng could help him do this, easily - especially if he tells Zack about Hojo's interest in her.
- How does he keep himself (and her) away from ShinRa?
- How do the Turks cover their tracks with whatever they do? (possible scenario below)
• Cloud is in the hands of the Turks and is still a Mako-poisoned, (Jenova-controllable) mess.
- How well can Zack take care of him, especially when, with the Turks, he could be in capable hands? (unknown to Zack Aerith may be able to help him).
- With Cloud in tow, would Zack still be able to get free and reach Aerith?
- Would he insist on dragging Cloud along, or would he trust Cissnei/Tseng with caring for him. (New LTD with Cloud x Cissnei anyone?) :awesome:
- If so: Could Cloud have ended up on Hojo's hands (meeting up with Red XIII, or possibly even taken into Deepground)? Cloud being "reprogrammed" & pitted against Zack would be frightening & mega-tragic.
• In about a month, AVALANCHE is gonna bomb Mako Reactor 1.
- How well would this go without the help of Cloud?
- Could Barret/Tifa have been captured before/just after bombing Mako Reactor #5?
- Would they still have made it into ShinRa HQ, and then found Cloud?
• Sephiroth's Assault on ShinRa HQ.
- What if Cloud had been in Hojo's "care" up until then?
- What if Cloud was being used in DeepGround testing, and thus Deepground was exposed during his assault?

Here's how I see things going down SO FAR.

Zack gets back, and decides that he needs to go get Aerith. He leaves Cloud with Cissnei, and gets in contact with Reeve (who follows with him and Aerith as Cait Sith), and keeps them updated on ShinRa's goings on. Aerith can also carry Cait Sith around, and make sure that she stays out of trouble. They make it to Kalm, and find a safe place to stay.

Mako Reactor 1 gets bombed, and during the confusion, Hojo manages to take Cloud captive as the Turks get pre-occupied with Security. (Zack tries to sneak away, a la Cloud run away from her house scene in FFVII), and Aerith insists on following him.

The three make their way back to Midgar as Mako Reactor 5 is bombed. Cissnei gets them in and joins the team. They make their way to Hojo's lab, where they discover - blood... everywhere. They locate AVALANCHE, Tifa, & Barret. There's a brief confrontation between the two groups, until Tifa hears about Cloud. She joins them, and tells Barret & the others to head out of Midgar to somewhere safe (Cosmo Canyon).

Rufus takes of ShinRa, and as they're headed down to find Cloud - Deepground comes up to get "Sephiroth", with Cloud being used to find Jenova/Sephiroth. . . .

• Places/things that need to be addressed.
- ShinRa & Deepground as two slightly opposed, but seperate entities.
- Return to Nibelheim to find Vincent & the Protomateria (before Deepground).
(Then you can have Zack x Aerith, Cloud x Tifa, and Vincent x Cissnei ;) - everyone's paired!)
- Temple of the Ancients to get the Black Materia (also before Deepground) (Reeve swaps out bodies).
- This means that they could have all 3 materia (Black, White, Proto).
- Cosmo Canyon to learn about the Planet & meet up with Barret (possibly Nanaki).

I only have those as rough ideas, but I think that the overall scenario has some REALLY cool places it can go with a little input.

X :neo:

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
That is Epic Win:monster:
But now back to the other stuff.

Provided both Zack and Angeal left Shinra, I think it likely Sephiroth would follow them. As he stated just before the Nibelheim incident he was alredy considering ditching Shinra. If his only remaining friends left, I think he would follow.

But the question of course is, to what lengths would Shinra go to take them out? And would Sephiroth help Genesis with his degredation? Probably, as long as Genesis wasn't a dick about it. So lets assume Genesis is cured. Now they are four rogue SOLDIERs running around. We know Shinra's not going to leave them alone.

I definetely don't think either Zack or Angeal would join the original AVALANCHE. Genesis might consider it. Hard to tell with Sephiroth.

All three products of the Jenova Project plus Zack going rouge? Shinra spares no expense whatsoever to get rid of them. Unfortunately, unless they bring out DG who exactly is going to oppose the combined power of Sephiroth, Angeal, and Genesis? I don't see anyone making it out of that blood bath alive except the aforementioned Project-J products and Zack.

I do think Sephy would be overjoyed (in his typical pre-Nibelheim fashion, which is somewhat reserved) to help cure Genesis of his degradation. Remember in CC he offered a transfusion of his blood when Genesis was wounded during their confrontation in the training room. And that was after Genesis was a dick to him during said training incident.

I don't see Sephiroth joining the original AVALANCHE either. I do see him showing interest in Elfe, on the other hand. Their interaction in BC was minimal, but from what I saw she impressed him when they had their brief altercation. Genesis on the other hand would probably still be hot to replace Sephy as the world's new hero, so if he perceived Shinra as the villains of the piece then he very well might join up.

Also, @X-Soldier: Your last post makes me realize this thread is like fertilizer for "what-if?" fanfic. Any ideas I present, if they give you ideas for a fic, use 'em! You don't need my permission. Unless you end up writing a shitty fic. Then I kill you with fire for screwing with my hypothetical thinking!

wubba bubba

master map folder
that is why i like using my own ideas, then the only person who can hate me for screwing up something that sounded good at the start, is me.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
that is why i like using my own ideas, then the only person who can hate me for screwing up something that sounded good at the start, is me.

Its been awhile since you wrote anything, or at least anything I've seen.

@EG:True enough. I think Shinra would call on DG. I mean seriously, if you had Sephiroth Zack Angeal and possibly even Genesis coming after you, you would likely risk letting guys, like Nero, free in the hopes he can stop them.

Which brings us back to the SOLDIER vs. Deepground thing. That seems to be a rather common occurence in this thread I've noticed.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
So what if Cloud didn't start thinking he was Zack... and he remembered Zack... and THEN he met Aerith. Do you think they'd have these conversations about Zack and stuff?


The Wanderer of Time
Hypothetical scenario - Sephiroth falls into a time warp upon birth and is replaced with baby Kefka. Kefka grows up to be the Big Bad of the Compilation and the one key flaw in Final Fantasy 7 is fixed.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Hypothetical scenario - Sephiroth falls into a time warp upon birth and is replaced with baby Kefka. Kefka grows up to be the Big Bad of the Compilation and the one key flaw in Final Fantasy 7 is fixed.

Only if you allow Sephiroth to replace Kefka as the villian in VI.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Ok, with regards to Cloud remembering Zack (thanks Q, that's actually a subtle one that still manages to change a fair bit) depending on some other factors. Does he remember Zack, but still have delusions of having been in SOLDIER? Perhaps as Zack's partner, rather than replacing him? Or does he have his original memories and personality, in which case his SOLDIER-level physical ability will be a shock to him. To describe what effect this alteration makes to the story, I'd want to know these specifics. I can say the LTD would never have existed, cause without Cloud being Zack 2.0 (now with 50% more "I don't give a shit!") to initially build an attraction (circumstances might not lead Cloud to fall through the roof in exact mirror image of Zack as well) plus Cloud being able to discuss Zack with Aerith and confirm his death etc, I don't see romantic feelings blooming at all.

As for switching Sephy and Kefka, I gotta ask for specifics again. Is Kefka the god of magic at the time of the swap? If not, dude is fucked. Cloud, Tifa, Vincent, I am certain any member of the party from the OG could kill his clown ass pretty easily depending on where in FFVI's story he came from. If it's early in the story up to a certain level, Kefka will be significantly weaker than he became in his own game, and there are no Espers/Warring Triad in FFVII's world to draw power from.

On the other hand, Kefka is pretty good at escaping battle/sending out a copy of himself to take the fatal blow. One could assume he'd be smart (in a demented, cackling way) and get away before dying, giving him time to figure out the power sources he could utilize in this new world. Jenova cells, fusion with Omega, utilization of materia, etc. Since he possesses magic of his own, who knows, he might be able to drain power directly from materia/mako to grow in strength. In which case Cloud and the others will spend a lot of time confused and wondering where this super-human clown came from and wtf to do about him.

Meanwhile, Sephiroth is stuck in FFVI's world. He doesn't wanna stay there, he wants to go back to his own world, fuck Cloud over royally, and become a god. Slaughter after slaughter occurs as he searches for a means of doing so.


The Wanderer of Time
As for switching Sephy and Kefka, I gotta ask for specifics again. Is Kefka the god of magic at the time of the swap? If not, dude is fucked. Cloud, Tifa, Vincent, I am certain any member of the party from the OG could kill his clown ass pretty easily depending on where in FFVI's story he came from. If it's early in the story up to a certain level, Kefka will be significantly weaker than he became in his own game, and there are no Espers/Warring Triad in FFVII's world to draw power from.

On the other hand, Kefka is pretty good at escaping battle/sending out a copy of himself to take the fatal blow. One could assume he'd be smart (in a demented, cackling way) and get away before dying, giving him time to figure out the power sources he could utilize in this new world. Jenova cells, fusion with Omega, utilization of materia, etc. Since he possesses magic of his own, who knows, he might be able to drain power directly from materia/mako to grow in strength. In which case Cloud and the others will spend a lot of time confused and wondering where this super-human clown came from and wtf to do about him.

Meanwhile, Sephiroth is stuck in FFVI's world. He doesn't wanna stay there, he wants to go back to his own world, fuck Cloud over royally, and become a god. Slaughter after slaughter occurs as he searches for a means of doing so.

You took my suggestion too seriously for this post to be taken as such in return.
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