Hypothetical Theory:President Shinra is Cloud's father

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Cloud's house in Nebilheim is right in the town square next to Tifa's house. As far as Nebilehim goes, his family wasn't anywhere near poor.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I still think that maybe Mr.Strife wasn't Cloud's real father but his stepfather who took in Cloud's mother when she was pregnant.


Pro Adventurer
I'm really not keen on these "everyone is related to everyone else" scenarios. They're too far removed from real life.

I'm not so sure about the plausibility, to me it seems
I know there's a huge controversy within Adoption Law over wether or not children should be allowed access to their adoption records. A lot of parents who give up their kids don't want their child to be able to track them down and question them later, so they want the record sealed/anonymity, then a lot of adoptive parents my not even want to tell their children they're adopted because they don't want their kids to question that they are their real family/feel less than any biological children they may have.

So you have children growing up without knowing their genetic lineage, which can lead to problems if they accidentally marry their long lost twin sister or hook up with their biological father. These accidental incest cases are rare, but the fact that it happens shows that you could run into a long lost relative and never realize it.

We know that President Shinra has had at least two mistresses and being possibly young/handsome/charming and defiantly rich and powerful I don't see it as particularly unlikely that any given woman might sleep with him.

The reason I don't find the theory all that compelling is it seems to be based on the fact Cloud and the Shinras are both blonde and have blue eyes, and that's it. Not all blondes are related anymore than all brunettes and in the game we see enough blonde people to assume it's not rare: Cloud, Cid, the Shinras, Elena, Scarlet, Corneo.

When you look at Rufus, Lazard, and Even they all have straight blonde hair whereas Cloud has spikey hair (my assumption is in the world of FFVII spikey is a generic thing, much like curly, straight, or wavy). Even if spiky hair isn't natural, I just don't see that much similarity looks wise.
If people get more fun out of the game by believing that Cloud and Rufus are Cain and Abel brothers, then all power to them.

Personally, I feel no need to believe this.


Going by that theory, I'd rather it wasn't President Shinra but one of his relatives that was probably assigned to supervise the employees in the manor.

But yes I agree with Lic. Enough drama for Chocobohead.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Ohhhhh, I like this theory!

Because then I'll dredge up the fact that FFX is connected to FFVII, due to the fact that the Shinra family are descendants of Shinra, the young Al Bhed boy of FFX-2 who according to the writers ended up studying the remains of Vegnagun in the Farplane and created interstellar starships with the capacity to siphon and use planetary spiritual energy for fuel, which eventually crash landed on FFVII's planet and served as the models for Mako Reactors all so that I can say....

Cloud's great*50 grandmother is Rikku. :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I can just imagine the look on Rufus face if Cloud was found to be his half brother.Although I think it would be a look if indifference because he would probably be not that surprised anymore because of the fact he already had two other half sibling confirmed finding a third will just making shrug his shoulders.

Though for Cloud this would make things a little bit more akward for him being around Rufus.


Pro Adventurer
I agree, Cloud might care, but Rufus wouldn't be surprised.

Sarcastic "What, you mean my father cheated on my mother more than twice. Oh no, my memory of my father is forever tarnished."

Rufus disliked his father for years, and probably didn't even get to neutral about him after his death. If he doesn't care or have that good of an image about his dad I don't think he'd really care about any half siblings. Also given his weak relationship with his father and half-brothers (we don't really see any strong feelings between him and Lazard) and his strong relationship with the Turks, I doubt he sees family as a matter of blood.

Being biologically related to someone doesn't make you a family, it just means your genetic code is slightly more similar to them than to a stranger.

, I have three half-siblings, we all share a father who did not raise us and didn't find out about one another/or meet until adult hood. I.E. My eldest sister met her father at 18 and found out she had a 10 year old sister, she contacted me, so I found out I had a sister at 10 but because my mother and guardians wanted nothing to do with anyone related to my father I didn't have the opportunity to meet her until I was 18.

As someone whose met a "long lost" sibling here were my thoughts.

Wow, she looks like me. We have the same pale skin, light hair, and grey/blue eyes.
We are both poets and writers, so we share some talents.
We are not similar people and we didn't form an instant bond.

I liked the idea of having siblings and I like her as a person. She recently had a child and I'd love to meet my niece. But I we don't share a sisterly bond, she's someone I've met twice in my life and it's the same for my other half siblings. The reason I'm "closest" to my eldest sister is because she reached out to me and she's a wonderful person, very good hearted and close to nature. However, I consider my close friends to be my brothers and sisters, along with the cousins I grew up along side.

In my opinion, it's the bond that determines family, not the blood. I think people assume that people would care if they had another sibling or a different parent do so in terms of what a father or brother means to them. They think of the bond they share with their own father and how much that means. However, that bond is not created by blood but by imprinting, being raised and growing up with that relationship.

If you don't have a strong relationship with a parent, as Cloud doesn't because he lost his father when he was very young and was raised primarily by his mother and Rufus doesn't because his relationship with the President is complicated and messed up, it might not matter as much to discover something new, especially as an adult.

, I don't really define myself by my parents because I was legally orphaned at 14 because my mother abandoned me and my father had never been in my life. So when your parents are really "non-parents" and they aren't people you respect/want to emulate/feel unconditional love and gratitude for because that bond is broken or non existant; who your parents are doesn't matter as much, at least that's been my experience.

I am not the daughter of X. I am myself, my own accomplishments. I even changed my first name to one of my choosing because who I am isn't tied to my mother including the name she called me. So if I found out I was secretly related to someone I hated, I don't think it would make me have an existential crisis or something.

Regardless of who his father is, Cloud is Cloud, he was raised by his mother, the President was not family to him in any meaningful way, so it wouldn't matter, would it? As for Rufus, I think he detached himself from caring/being disappointed by his father years ago and doesn't really care who his half siblings are...unless being related could be useful in manipulating Cloud, I doubt he'd give it a second thought.

I wouldn't give it a second thought unless I could argue I was entitled to a cut of Rufus's inheritance, which would probably be difficult unless you could prove the Will was invalid.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Yeah... family can be who you are related to, but it doesn't have to be. An Uncle and Aunt of mine adopted all their kids because they couldn't have any. And the relationship I have with them is as cousins.

On the other side of the family, my grandfather was born into a Mormon family in Idaho and his near relatives were part of the group of people who originally settled Salt Lake City. So there's probably a bunch of people in Utah/Idaho I'm pretty closely related to that I've never met.

That said, being related to people in the FFVII world takes on a different meaning when you've got all this crazy genetic manipulation going on. As in, if one person reacts a certain way to J-cells/mako, the odds of a person related to them reacting the same way is pretty high.

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
well, everyone cares in differents about family.

For exemple at the beginning of 20th in italy it wasn't unusual having a lot of child and ,iirc, my grandma' grandmother had 10 child (more or less) so i'm plenty of relatives around. if now would appear a cousin of my grandma with his/her grandson/daughter my grandma would be all "wow, look, a founded a lost relative and now s/he's here with his/her grandson/daughter. the family is more complete now" while i would be "who are you? relatives? sorry i don't really care. nothing personal. bye."

and talking about FFVII, i don't think Cloud would really care (genetically speaking, isn't he more or less Sephiroth half brother or similar?). he would probably be "no u" to Rufus.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
If it was revealed that Cloud and Rufus were related, I kind of feel like we would also learn that Rufus knew all along. Or at least since shortly after they met on the roof of the Shin-Ra building.

Rufus strikes me as the type who would want to know every detail about his enemies, and would have immediately looked into everything Shin-Ra still had on file about Cloud after meeting him. If his father was listed as unknown, I think he would have gone about trying to figure out who it was.

and talking about FFVII, i don't think Cloud would really care (genetically speaking, isn't he more or less Sephiroth half brother or similar?). he would probably be "no u" to Rufus.

The extent to which Jenova's genetic material alters a SOLDIER's has never really been detailed, but I doubt it's quite that extreme.

I do agree that he probably wouldn't care very much if he was related to Rufus. I mean, it's not going to instantly make them best friends or anything. They can tolerate being in the same room with each other. That's about as close to friendship as they'll ever get.

Well, that, and Cloud is already friends with one of Rufus's confirmed half-brothers (Evan), though one doesn't get the impression that the relationship between those brothers is going to be all that close either.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
I think Cloud's more likely to be Hojo's son if his Dad is significant, since he, at least has been confirmed to have lived in Nibelheim for a time. Which opens up a whole other can of worms.
If I had to choose, I'd rather Hojo was Cloud's dad than President Shinra. Not sure that I'm any keener on Sephiroth and Cloud as brothers than I was on Cloud and Rufus. The remnants have put me off brothers.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I think Cloud's more likely to be Hojo's son if his Dad is significant, since he, at least has been confirmed to have lived in Nibelheim for a time. Which opens up a whole other can of worms.

Would go some lengths toward explaining Cloud's inferiority complex and why he's such a headcase in general. :monster:

The timing almost adds up on that too. Hojo shot Vince 23 years before the events of FFVII. Who knows how long he was dead/Hojo's new toy before Lucrecia revived him.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I don't know wouldn't that be even worse for our little chocobohead because if Hojo is his father then he will come to the realization that his own father experimented on him and his friend for four years which resulted in him being a coma then having his memories messed up.

I don't know having Hojo as a father is way worse than President Shinra.Just look at Sephiroth for example.Also doesn't this also turn into another Esau/Jacob scenario since that would mean that Sephiroth and Cloud are half brothers.The only good thing that Hojo can do as a father is to stay out of your life.
I feel that all these added layers of blood relationships would take away from the existing story. It would be like saying the existing plot isn't dramatic enough on its own, so let's stir all this soap opera-ish family melodrama into it. I don't like the "Vincent is Sephiroth's 'real' father" theory either.

If Square had wanted us to think that Hojo or the President were Cloud's father they would have dropped at least one fairly unambiguous hint. Nibelheim is a small, gossipy, nosy community seriously lacking in excitement. If Cloud's mother had had a liaison with either the President or Hojo, that would have been big news and word would have got around. I may be remembering wrongly, but Cloud's mother wasn't outcast from the village, was she? Only Cloud was ostracised: he was seen as first the shy outsider, and then the aggressive problem child.


Average Jiro
Would go some lengths toward explaining Cloud's inferiority complex and why he's such a headcase in general. :monster:

The timing almost adds up on that too. Hojo shot Vince 23 years before the events of FFVII. Who knows how long he was dead/Hojo's new toy before Lucrecia revived him.

Oh god


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Rufus:Another long lost brother... I guess this means I have to add Strife to my Christmas list.(Sarcasm)
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