I beat the original for the first time! Which next?

Which Compilation Entry To Experience Next?

  • Crisis Core

    Votes: 15 78.9%
  • Advent Children Complete

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Dirge of Cerberus

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


what y u no like FFX and FFVI ;_;

but since you like the FFs I like, I suggest first ignoring the compilation and play FFIX or FFIV before getting into the clusterfuck that is FFVII canon.

The way I see it, if you really want to invest your time start by watching AC to give you a feel what the compilation is all about. You can read the On the Way to the Smile entries before or after this, it really doesn't matter. Then play CC - if you stick to the main game, it should only take you a few days to beat. After that, watch ACC - some of the added material would make more sense this way. Then play DOC last - it's the poorest entry and the last chronologically. Like CC, it will only take a couple of days to beat.

So essentially, you could probably be get caught up with the compilation within a week or two if you gather all your materials beforehand.

Heck, you can do all this without even wasting a whole ton of money on these subpar entries too! You can download AC/ACC from multiple torrent sites. Pirating Crisis Core onto your PSP for free is pretty easy using torrents as well. The On the Way to the Smile entries can be found online. I would really recommend you not buy Dirge of Cerberus, since you can probably beat it within one rental period. The only time I would say buy it is if the price is equal or less than the rental price (I got my copy for 5 bucks off a friend).

There's also Before Crisis, but I don't think anyone really gives a shit about it :monster: Just watch it online/read translations if you really want to know about it.


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
^I've actually already played and beaten IV.


Double Growth
Personally I find IV to be overrated, I'm not sure why people go so gaga over it. I understand its historical significance as the first FF to have some real interpersonal relationships, but other than that I wasn't too impressed. V is far better if you ask me.

ACC was Zack interrupting the whole damn movie

What does he show up...one additional time?


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
I beat Genesis's final form in Crisis Core... but now my PSP froze there for some reason...

I mean, it lets me pause and everything but it wont let me do anything! Ah well, I suppose I will just fight him again.
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Double Growth
Holy crap did you really just play that whole game since making this thread? Damn.

And...that sucks...Here's hoping it doesn't happen again.


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
Holy crap did you really just play that whole game since making this thread? Damn.

Yes I did actually. It was really short though. It was only about 12 hours and I started a bit after I made the thread. I had nothing really to do this weekend and when I got to the Nibelheim Incident redone I couldn't put it down. Honestly even though this was short, it took me less time to beat this games story than any game I can even think of. FFVII took me since last spring xD but that is because my save was deleted and I decided to stop playing for months for sheer dread of replaying an entire disc. So, I played Vagrant Story and beat that. Took me a while for that too, but epic it was.

And...that sucks...Here's hoping it doesn't happen again.

Unfortunately, it did. So I just watched the ending on Youtube. It was pretty sad to be honest.


Double Growth
That's a drag, was it a real disc or a pirated copy? Did you just watch the cutscene, because actually fighting through the ending is actually the saddest part.

My ex-girlfriend managed to spend a TON of time in that game on the missions, holy crap. She nearly got to Minerva, but I think she gave up, I don't remember.


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
That's a drag, was it a real disc or a pirated copy? Did you just watch the cutscene, because actually fighting through the ending is actually the saddest part.

Let's just say that I "will" own it soon...

And yeah I just watched the cutscenes which is a shame. Ah well. And now I am watching Advent Children Complete.

edit: Just finished ACC
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White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
I also MUST compliment the amazing voice acting. Everyones voices fit perfectly. And Reno was pure win. In every way. Comedic relief attempts should all be like Reno. He was both relevant, and hilarious. Reno had me laughing everytime he was on screen. I particularly liked Steve Burton as Cloud (of coarse), George Newburn as Sephiroth, Steve Blum as Vincent (Vincent was awesome in this), and practically everyone. I loved the final fight btw. I don't understand why they would get rid of the one-winged angel scene in the original. And it annoyed me in Crisis Core how it had everyone with a wing EXCEPT for the legendary angel himself.

I do however hate Square now for giving Red XIII the perfect VA and giving him only one line -_- They barely used one of my favorite characters. Speaking of which, I liked how Cait rode on Red instead of that monster moogle doll xD

So, that leaves Dirge of Cerberus. I honestly think that I will enjoy it. I know that a lot of people hate it, but I am anticipating it.
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Fiat Lux
I also MUST compliment the amazing voice acting. Everyones voices fit perfectly. And Reno was pure win. In every way. Comedic relief attempts should all be like Reno. He was both relevant, and hilarious. Reno had me laughing everytime he was on screen. I particularly liked Steve Burton as Cloud (of coarse), George Newburn as Sephiroth, Steve Blum as Vincent (Vincent was awesome in this), and practically everyone.

I can't help you. Sorry.


unsavory tart
My anime faggotry is probably showing, but I couldn't watch the dub. Not because of talent, I think it's because if a Japanese VA fucks up royally, I won't be able to tell anyway.

Did you read the novellas? I thought reading On The Way To a Smile is kind of necessary to really appreciating AC/C. Even just watching Case of Denzel would help it, because it really brings the severity of Geostigma, and the problems of other characters, to light.

Also, DoC was terrible, do not play it. And I've never been hard to please. This game was so bad it actually made me less appreciative of FFVII in general. Do not do it.
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Double Growth
HA! I could feel Masamune writhing in his seat as I read your post, hahahaha. Glad you enjoyed it though.

And Splintered is right about the novellas. Read them. They make the movie better.

But quit being so dramatic, I have played games far worse than Dirge. FAR worse. Far better too, don't get me wrong, but its better than BC, that's for sure.


unsavory tart
I like being dramatic. I'm from the LTD.

And I've played worse games as well. It's still crap. I can totally play a shit game, then go play a slightly less shit game, and hate them the same. There was something so mediocre about pretty much everything that just got to me. Ajdfkslsgs


Double Growth
I agree, but mediocre and terrible are two different things :P When I think terrible I think broken and unplayable Dirge is just generic and simplistic. Like I said earlier, the straight-forwardness of the gameplay gave it kind of an arcade-y feel to me.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I'm glad you liked ACC too! And definitely read the novellas when you have the time: http://ffviinovels.lhyeung.net/

As far as Dirge, if you go in with low expectations, you'll be fine. Playing it won't kill you like watching the Ring video as some may lead you to believe. You'll probably finish it in a couple hours. You're probably already done with it.


Double Growth
Yeah, judging by your CC playthrough you'll probably beat it in a sitting (its about 9 hours or so). I did it in two sittings.


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
Does Masamune hate the voice dub? If so, why?


wangxian married
If you want to see Hojo as played by Snidely Whiplash, by all means, subject yourself to Dirge.

I don't know how anyone could swallow that shit story.


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
Well, I have beaten FFIX so I guess I can do DoC now. Or maybe I should play VIII first...
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