SPOILERS "I finished the game!" — Post your reviews here (please tag spoilers according to chapter/section of the game)


Pro Adventurer
ex-soldier boy
I dont get it. KH has it's "problems" from it's beggining to the end, largely to do with dialogue. FFVIIR has an outstanding story, specially dialogue, all up to the ending and now it's becoming KH? It consistenly honours the original up until a part, that is faulty even for development reasons, and then after it doesnt honours anything from the original? It's like 90% of the game didnt exist


Pro Adventurer
I guess the difference is that KH is actually very consistent and you know what you’re getting; I like KH, despite its flaws.

But the tonal shift on this one was incredibly abrupt and frankly very poorly written, creating an even starker contrast with everything that came before. I'm slowly managing to separate the things I loved about the Remake from the ending, but it was just so bad that it ruined my excitement for everything else for a couple of days – making me hate the ending even more.
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Clean Cut Chaos

Pro Adventurer
Cub Chaos
I just loved it all start to finish.

I laughed.
I cried.
I danced.
I even took a bathroom break a few times.

I have loved the changes so far, but I loved seeing the key parts from the OG in their new state even more.

I think that's what makes me a bit apprehensive about the ending and future installments. It would be a total crime to not see this level of care and polish follow through with all of the other iconic scenes and locations.
My solution to the last chapter is to not play it.

The first playthrough was hard for me, like getting back together with an old love and noticing all the ways in which they've changed.

The second playthrough, there was nothing left to disappoint me, so instead I just had a whackton of fun. The first time I saw a screenshot of Aerith's house I thought, well, that makes no sense at all, but now I'm pleased they have kept some nonsensical elements without troubling to explain them.

I wish the slums had been darker. The loading screen even says they are dark. But they are not dark, they are bathed in sunshine. I wish Rufus didn't have so many belts. I wish Tseng looked more manly. These are small quibbles.

I deeply, deeply regret, though, that they felt the need to
soften the blow of the plate drop. It might have carried an emotional impact for players new to the game, but OG players were thinking, what the hell? So nobody died?


Double Growth
I guess unless the slums were completely surrounded with plate-to-ground walls, there's no way they would ever be completely dark. But there is a limit to how bright they can get. And you would still feel almost no direct sunlight if you grew up there.
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Lv. 1 Adventurer
Hey everyone - I just FINALLY got done playing Remake. Still have to work my way through hard mode, but the 1 year-old doesn't give me the most time in the world to myself.

I put together a no spoiler, mini-review for this game along with several others. I'd love some feedback on the format!

Also, any advice heading into hard mode? I'm typically not a great player, so I anticipate a lot of death.

Clean Cut Chaos

Pro Adventurer
Cub Chaos
Well it is hard. I'm not a super great player either and I've got all but 4 remaining manuscripts, so it is doable for us less gifted players. I used MP and HP ups a lot, and they take a while to get up to 50% so maybe a little grinding is in order. Good luck!

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
This is a great game. There are things I strongly dislike, and if you've been reading my chapter by chapter logs you probably know what they are. But that aside.

The music is great, the battle system is great (you can see the influence and lessons learned from FFXIII and XV) and a lot of the expanded worldbuilding is great. I had a lot of fun exploring the slums in building a name for myself, and it makes sense that Cloud would do so. The expansions are largely good, up until the Shinra building.

A lot of people seem to dislike the Whispers, I mostly thought they were funny, insofar as the devs felt the need to include the angry fanbase incarnate to protect themselves from backlash. In terms of whether it works or not, I think we'll have to wait and see. Speaking for myself, I'm hoping to see some downsides to the choice...certain people were saved, were other people killed as well? If everything is sunshine and rainbows in the new timeline, then I'll probably lose interest..

My favourite series ever is Legacy of Kain, which is built on a vaguely similar premise, trying to find the 'edge of the coin' between two dire fates by meddling with the timeline. But it was always a setting where meddling with the timeline carelessly came back to bite you, hard. Since they basically just blundered into this, I'm expecting the other shoe to drop, and draw blood when it does.

My issues with Shinra I will address elsewhere, my other main issue is that the story doesn't allow the leads to have any achievements without someone else allowing them to achieve them. The reactor bombings succeeded because they were allowed to, Jessie's raid on the factory succeeded because Roche allowed them to and AVALANCHE HQ sent in cavalry.

Resistance at the pillar? Allowed to happen. And Reno had Cloud pinned in a lower level except Rude sabotaged him to save Tifa.

Infiltrating the Shinra building? They would have failed except for Domino covering their tracks. Escaping? Domino again, and Hojo obviously allowing them through his dungeon without serious efforts to stop them.

Even during the bike chase, a bridge would have collapsed on them except for the Whispers intervening.

Even the final battle against the arbiters happens because Sephiroth allowed it to happen.

All the leads' OG achievements are systematically taken away. This may be a preference rather than a criticism, but right now it's bothering me, because much of the rest of the game as plotted is on Sephiroth's strings in the original game. A big thing is Cloud being/not being a puppet, but so far he's just been manipulated throughout.

Unless that drastically changes going forward, then Cloud just moves from Shinra's puppet to Sephiroth's puppet. Now, you might say this is a preference rather than a criticism, and you might be right. But if they don't shake things up hard going forward I will most likely lose a lot of my interest.

Will that happen? We shall see.
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