If William Shakespeare had written Advent Children...

I channel the Bard!
This is the first bit of something I've been tinkering with for a while.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything that belongs to Square Enix. I'm also, quite obviously, not Shakespeare, though I don't think he'll sue.



The Lifestream, which doth circle our dear Planet,
Wherein all life both issues and returns
Was once abused and sucked upon for profit
By Shinra – O, will mankind never learn? –
And to defend their int’rests, they created
A SOLDIER, who, on learning of his birth,
First Shinra, and then everything he hated,
He sought to cleanse, by fire, from this Earth.
Then AVALANCHE, the heroes, came to fight him
And by their love and courage saved the world.
Yet even they our darkness could not lighten
And now a worse affliction has unfurled.
Salvation still eludes us, hearts are fraught:
The Planet is much madder than we thought.

<Enter Rufus Shinra>

Behold me, captain once of industry,
President of a mighty corporation,
Most powerful, and richest, man on earth,
Reduced to a pathetic crippled wretch.
A hideous black stigmata, a foul curse
Corrupts my skin and turns my blood to tar
And wracks my tender bones with such pure torment
I beg for pity from the brazen sky.
They call it Geostigma; there’s no cure.
And many thousands round me suffer too,
And daily die, alone, abused, abandoned
By those whose love is overset by fear.
Will I, too, sit meekly in my wheelchair,
And wait for fate to rot me from within?
I say I will not; therefore have I sent
Some loyal servants of my company
To seek the root and source of this fell evil:
Jenova’s head, from whence springs all our woes.
From those same alien cells, which once we used
To breed forbidden monsters in our labs
The Shinra Corporation will devise
A wondrous drug, the needed remedy:
To thus put right the wrongs which we have done.
And now good cheer: I see they do return.

<Enter Rude and Reno>

Well met, my friends, I trust you bring me joy?
And where are Tseng and Laney? You don’t speak?
Yet in your hands, good Reno, I espy
A treasure box that urges me to hope.
Come, come. Still mute? Now, tell me - what’s the news?

Reno: I know not, yo, how best I may unfold
The sorrow and the gladness that we bear.
We have Jenova’s head, my lord, right here
But Tseng and sweet Elena, they are lost.

Rufus: Lost? Pronounce it not! My Tseng? And Laney?

Rude: Alas, my lord.

Reno: T’was in the Northern Crater, as you thought
But when I flew the chopper down to fetch
My master and the rookie from the cave,
Who had between them found the thing we sought,
Three youths in leather clad, with silver hair
Attacked with unprovoked ferocity.
Then did Tseng bid us grab the head and flee.

Rufus; You did not see them die? Fair hope yet lives.
Take me within.

Reno: I prithee, sir, forbear
To use such saucey words of double meaning.
The audience might get the wrong idea.

a phone rings

Tifa: What irony! That phone does not stop ringing
The callers seek a man who is not here.
And if I only knew the place to find him,
I would not be here either. Marlene, ho!

Marlene: I’m busy right now looking after Denzel.
His Geostigma’s really bad today.

Tifa: All right, sweetie, I’ll answer it myself.
Hullo? Oh, yes, I do remember you.
The red-haired sexy slob, the one who dropped
The seventh plate of Midgar on the slums
And wiped out countless innocent dear souls
And crushed my bar, my friends, my joy, my home.
How you been doin’? Cloud? No, he’s not here.
I’ll leave him a voice message, say you called.
Drop round for a drink some time, why don’t you?

Enter Cloud

Though restless motion cannot bring relief
From leaden guilt that weighs my stricken soul
And dogs my footsteps like a hungry wolf
Gnawing on my shackled, sinful heart,
Yet still I – Oh, I have a message.
‘Tis Tifa! More guilt! Guilt everywhere I turn!
She bids me make all haste to Healen Lodge
Where work awaits this blonde delivery boy.

Noises off

What, ho? Who are you, you there? Show yourselves.

Enter Loz, Yazoo, and Kadaj

Ah, at last we find our long-lost brother.

Thou, bro, be swift, and hand over mother.

Cease thy sniveling, Loz, thou puling babe.

I know not who you are, and what you say
Doth make no sense to my perplexed ears.
You look strangely familiar, but who
You remind me of I cannot recall.
I am in haste on an urgent errand.
And you are in my way. Therefore, begone!

They fight.
Exeunt Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo.

As suddenly as they appeared, they go.
And I must go to Healen Lodge. Healen!
How easily that word trips from my tongue.
Would that it could be gained with equal ease.
Healen, aye. And ‘tis Healing that I seek.
And the ailing world doth seek it with me,
That healing that is nowhere to be found.
Unhealed, swift-heeled, I go in search of Healen.

Exit Cloud

Enter Cloud and Reno

Hail, Cloud, and ‘tis a long time no see, and indeed we have been waiting a long time, a pretty time, to see thee, for thou hast taken thy time, thou pretty piece of flesh, zo to. And therefore may I well say hail cloud, for thou art like the hail that falleth from the gloomy emo clouds and breaketh things and hitteth my head and generally giveth me a real downer, yo.

Is’t me, or dost thou speak passing strangely?

The most useful thing, zo, about having
An idiosyncratic speech pattern
Is that I can insert a few extra
Syllables whenever I need to, yo.

I stay not to bandy words with thee, fool.
Be off with thee. And leave Tifa alone.

Like thou’d know what to do with her.
<exit Reno, sprawling (but not sorry)>

…. Cloud

Someone who talks sense at last! Rude, tell me:
Who summoned me here and for what purpose?

Behold, he comes.

<off> Watch what thou sayest!

Enter Rufus Shinra

I see thou hast not lost thy touch, for thou
Fightest like the SOLDER thou once claimed to be.

Rufus Shinra! Do I feel sorry for
You! You’re alive, but you must be poor now.

Surprisingly, I’m still a wealthy man.
This scene could get quite long, so I’ll be brief.
Sephiroth, the nightmare Shinra SOLDIER,
Who slew my father, and burnt down thy town,
And killed that cute chick Tseng was crushing on,
And summoned Meteor to wreck the planet;
The one whom thou hast slain two times already,
Lives yet within the Lifestream, seeks revenge,
Poisons all life, causes Geostigma.
And therefore do I need a bodyguard,
While I right the wrongs that I wrought this world.

Methinks you do not tell me everything.

I would never lie to an old comrade.

I know you for the very prince of liars, I!
What of ‘mother’, Rufus? What of silver
-haired, leather-clad, androgynous young men
on motorbikes?

<off> Hey, who art thou to talk?

We don’t know who they are or what they want.
But come, what say'st thou, Cloud, to my offer?
Consider the children who live with thee.
Dost thou not wish to see smiles on their faces?

<off> Cloud, think about it. Together we could –

Forget it. He steals all my scenes. I’m off.

Exit Cloud

Rude, Rufus

To be continued, if anyone enjoys it.
This is brilliant! Very well-written and intricate. Gave me quite a few good laughs. More! Give us more!
They liked it! Joy!
There is more, I'm just tinkering with it.
I was delighted to discover that "The silver haired andogrynous young men" is an iambic pentametre.


fresh to death
Here comes a girl of comfort, whose advice
Hath most often stilled brawling discontent.

O poetic meter, I love you.

It's pretty good, your meter is somewhat consistent (I haven't counted, tbh, but it sounds about right) as is your use of Shakespearean slang etc. Plus, I do like the little things, like the 16 line prologue ended by a couplet. Also like the strange use of 'green world' concept. Not forgetting it does follow the general structure of acts rather well. It is a good idea, and that's rare for me to say, so gz.

But I bum English Literature, so I thought I would give you some tl;dr CnC.

You should keep The Turks out of blank verse imho, they aren't really the types best suited to it. Blank verse is usually used by nobility, or rather, the main characters. So if you flit out of that it provides a nice kind of contrast and breaks up the structure a little. Good example is if you look at Lucio, who is practically Reno's Shakespearean counterpart in Measure For Measure. One thing erked me a little, which was the use of saucy! Doesn't saucy mean audacious / impertinent / rude / sarcastic back then, anyway? (See Capulet in Romeo & Juliet referring to Tybalt as 'Saucy Boy').

Also, I think there's alot more you could do with this kind of style to make it humourous. I mean, come on, AC is ripe with material to lol at, you don't need to kind of manipulate the language in a way that is globally recognised (somewhat incorrectly) as Shakespearean. IE. Putting -th endings on every verb, every word etc is good, but it gets old after a while. Bring out the good old humour by doing what he did best. Bawdy references, double entendres, puns, malapropisms etc.

I like the fact that it's in a Shakespearean setting and style etc, but you know, try and keep it in that genre. If you could class AC as anything (I would say a farce) it's probably more likely to be a tragi-comedy. I assume you read Shakespeare, so you'll know what I mean.

This is just some advice from a girl who likes Shakespeare much more than anything Square Enix spawned (a rarity). So I'm not wanting to sound harsh, nasty or vindictive - nothing like that. The thing is, it's a great idea and has a lot of potential, so a helping hand can surely never be amiss.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I find this poetic style silly and amusing. I think I love it. Please continue.
Dear Faize
Your advice and comments do not go at all amiss. They are warmly welcomed, because you know what you're talking about. Also, I always like to meet a fellow Shakespeare fan.

'Saucy' - the pun is on 'take me' and is meant to be a bit of a dig at the slash pairing. So they are words with a rude, or salacious, double meaning, yes.

Know exactly what you mean about the Turks not speaking blank verse. However, having given the matter a lot of thought, I decided to let them speak verse, blank and otherwise. Rude has a sonnet later.

Re putting 'th' at the end of every word. If you look again, you'll see I only do this where it belongs according to the rules of Elizabethan English grammar. [if I'm wrong about that, please let me know] NB Looking over the passage myself I see I made several mistakes, which I'll go back and correct in a while. I don't think every line scans, but I did try hard.

Why don't you write one of your own? You seem to have some good ideas. Then we could compare.


fresh to death
'Saucy' - the pun is on 'take me' and is meant to be a bit of a dig at the slash pairing. So they are words with a rude, or salacious, double meaning, yes.

You misunderstand me. I was saying that the meaning isn't that of the common day slang. It doesn't mean rude as in innappropriate rude, but rather, as if you were speaking out of turn. But hey, it doesn't matter.

Thanks for the challenge, but I don't have time to recreate this. I write enough these days as it is, and I have more worthwhile creative writing projects to finish.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Please don't, stick to the history.


it's me in a labyrinth
spirit chaser
Wow, reading AC "Shakespeare-style" was pretty amusing!
Loving it so far;)


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Lord, what fools these mortals be!

More please. ^_^

Celes Chere

Hullo? Oh, yes, I do remember you.
The red-haired sexy slob, the one who dropped
The seventh plate of Midgar on the slums
And wiped out countless innocent dear souls
And crushed my bar, my friends, my joy, my home.
How you been doin&#8217;?

This made me lol so hard. Please do keep going. :D


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
iambic pentameter, dude.

Also I was quoting Jaques from As You Like It but that works too
Here's Act II....

Act II, Scene 1
A slum church

Enter Marlene and Tifa

A right goodly place is this church, Tifa.
See how flowers in abundance grow
So gloriously as I have never seen.
Surely it must be an angel who lives here.

These signs of habitation strewn about,
The hard bed on the wooden floor, the lamp
The books, the brassbound magic chest,
Speak what I did not wish to know was true:
‘Tis Cloud who lives here now, my poor Marlene.
And see, the blackened cloth, the stain of sin.

Oh, woe. Does Cloud have Geostigma too?

I think he wants to die and be with her.

We cannot let him die. We will wait here
Until he returns, and then take him home.

Enter Loz

Ho, wench, ho, answer me this: where’s mother?

Have we met, sir? You look familiar.

I am but a child indeed, and playful
After the manner of my kind.

Thou truly art, but I’ve thy measure, aye.

They fight. Tifa falls. Exit Loz with Marlene.

Scene 2
Healen Lodge

Enter Reno, Rude

Prithee, partner, dost thou ever feel bad
For all the wicked deeds that we have done?
All the murders that we have committed?
All the lives we ruined, all the hearts
We broke and trampled, all the lies we told,
The bribes we took and gave and then betrayed?
The cards we marked, the booze we pinched, the girls
We said we’d call but never did?


T’was japes, though. Merry times.

Thou speakest true.
T’were better, though, we recognised our crimes.

I only ever followed orders, yo.

Enter Kadaj, disguised as a puff of smoke. They fight. Reno and Rude fall.

Enter Rufus.

You have sent me on a wild goose chase, sirrah, and wild geese are not to my taste, for I am a vegetarian. I know you, sir, better than you think, and I know that false words pour from your rosy lips as smoothly as honey from a honey pot; but I will not be seduced by their sweetness. You will tell me the truth. Where is mother?

Alack the day. My minions were careless.
Consider how easily thou didst best
Them: they are clumsy and incompetent
As thou canst most readily imagine.

My lord, scruple not to spare our feelings.

He dropped Jenova from the chopper. We
Cannot account for her whereabouts.

“Tis pity, then, that you did not feel some
Pity for these miserable wretches,
Once your servants, as I do believe,
If these bloody ID cards speak the truth.

Tseng! Elena! Where are they? Speak, villain,
Who thou art, and why thou art doing this!

To answer that question would cost me more
Breath than I am willing to waste on you.
But this I’ll say: once we have Jenova,
Sephiroth shall be paying you a call.

Scene 3. A church in the slums.
Enter Cloud

Rufus Shinra lives! T’is marvelous strange
And passeth understanding, how he did
Survive the burning of his mighty tower.
Cursed miracle! Inevitable chance!
That he who least deserveth life, should win
Merciful reprieve from merciless fate,
While she whose very presence was as light
And warmth shed by a never-setting sun,
Whose smile was kindness, and whose laughter joy,
Should have the flame of her brief candle quenched,
N’er by phoenix down to be rekindled.
Grotesque injustice, deformed, corrupted!
Monsterous unfairness, of mako spawned!
Rufus Shinra lives, Aerith Gainsborough’s gone.
And I, too, I who should have died, extend
My miserable existence to no end.
Zack, alas, nought wert thou sacrificed for!
This world’s a worse place now than t’was before.
Tifa! What dost thou here? Art slumbering?
Tifa? Art thou dead? Who did this to thee?

A silver-haired androgynous young man.
He asked for Mother, and then took Marlene.
Dark waves of night o’ersurge my troubled mind.
My eyes will not stay open. I must sleep.

Tifa! Marlene! The guilt! The pain! I swoon!



Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I love it when scripts turn elaborately choreographed scenes into "they fight", I always lol at this

And also, disguised as a puff of smoke, lol :monster:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
...N&#8217;er by phoenix down to be rekindled...
:lol: Nice one. So even Cloud considered using the Phoenix Down. That should shut some of the fandom up. :P

Also, if this was Shakespeare... the play would end here. Vincent or someone would show up and think they were both dead and bury them alive or something.

Looking forward to the continuation. ^_^


Wow, this is awesome! I love it! I like how you took iambic pentameter into consideration. Almost all the lines are written in this fashion. One of the traits of Shakespeare's writings. How long did it take you to write this? ^_^ Anyways, thanks for posting this up, it's really cool and interesting to read.
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