I'm back <3

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Hello all. Balthea has returned.

I do have to apologize to everyone for my sudden absence. I'm sure I'll be getting a PM or two asking for the details, but let's just say life got seriously messed and I needed to take a break from the internet for a little while.

So, I see the boards have changed quite a bit. Any stuff I should be filled in on?

Since there's also lots of new people I don't know, hi, I r Balthea (which yes, is a female twist on Balthier). I love gaming and work at a new video game store called Gamer Doc, first one in Canada. There I get paid to run tournaments, talk to people about video games, and void warranties on consoles (as in I fix them from time to time, but I'm not the full-time tech). Youtube videos on how to fix consoles make me lulz.

If you have L4D for the 360 (I'll have it for Steam eventually but right now money sucks) and want to shoot up some zombies, add me: Data Nully

Also, send me a message if you like Mario -Crack- Kart and want to race. I'm too lazy to turn it on and get my licence code.

Now to go off and start posting like crazy trying to catch up on all of this... *runs off*


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Glad to see you back here finally. Welcome back an' shit :awesomonster:


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
We never met but I'm always up for a fellow friend to race with on Mario Kart! When I'm not to lazy myself (I'm eating right now), I'll message you my Wii Kart Code. :monster:

If you have DS that's perfect too. I look forward to your words of wisdom~!
I don't have a DS anymore unfortinately, but yay for Wii Mario Kart friend! I have a group of guys who I work with or who come to our store a lot and we have Mario Kart nights. The short time between the race ending and needing to pick a new track we frantically text each other taunts and whatnot.

I have a star, but I was too lazy to get it entirely on my own. Mirror tracks suck, so I just Homebrewed myself some Starpower to get those cleared.


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
I don't have a DS anymore unfortinately, but yay for Wii Mario Kart friend! I have a group of guys who I work with or who come to our store a lot and we have Mario Kart nights. The short time between the race ending and needing to pick a new track we frantically text each other taunts and whatnot.

I have a star, but I was too lazy to get it entirely on my own. Mirror tracks suck, so I just Homebrewed myself some Starpower to get those cleared.
LOL That's awesome! It sounds like I picked a fine person to race against. :awesome:

I also have a star, I dunno how but I'm guessing I played for so long? I dunno, I'm ditzy like that. lol
I tried to get two but I dunno how that's gonna happen with my busy schedule. I also tried the wheel but I suck at that too. Either I suck or my arms get weak after 30 minutes of playing. And what do you mean by homebrewed? You hacked it? I wish I could do that. I suck at fixing technology.
You remember things like GameShark? Homebrew is kind of like that where you can use codes to do cheats, except this isn't official and putting it on your Wii void's it's warranty and whatnot. I only use it on one-player stuff though; if you've ever raced online and had someone spawning items out of nowhere, they were homebrewing.

I can't stand the wheel. Gamecube controller all the way for me. XD
Haha ya, Tiff and I are totally a canon couple. We have quotes and evidence and whatnot, it's trufax. Plus, she was mine first so technically I'm sharing MY girl with you. XP


We have come to terms
Haha ya, Tiff and I are totally a canon couple. We have quotes and evidence and whatnot, it's trufax. Plus, she was mine first so technically I'm sharing MY girl with you. XP
I've been tricked! >':
Please don't make this an LTD.

Let's just make it an OT3. ;D

Nah, I'm good with sharing. He's only a guy, what can he do that I can't... oh wait...

Also, Snake Eater... ha. On Smash Bros I play as Snake and my name is Eater so when I choose my character it says "Snake Eater". Ya, I'm awesomesauce and you all know it.

Celes Chere

Also, Snake Eater... ha. On Smash Bros I play as Snake and my name is Eater so when I choose my character it says "Snake Eater". Ya, I'm awesomesauce and you all know it.

Brilliant, brilliant. You know, this is why I love you. :awesome: Let's talk about how hot Eva is now. >D

I've been tricked! >':

You weren't tricked... you just never asked. :awesome:
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