Is this's successor ?

Ominous Angel

Lv. 1 Adventurer
I used to post there a long time ago followed some links here was wondering. Had some epic debates and discussions on that site... If not I may just stick around anyways.

Ominous Angel

Lv. 1 Adventurer
Good Hopefully I can find some people I used to discuss debate with would love to talk to bender,carys and squall again ( yeah I know there's probl 892343 squalls lolz)


Ohai :monster:. TLS is the spiritual successor of ACF in many ways, yes; after closed (after many years of oh noesz the dramahz, one of which involved the people you mentioned, after which they left / buggered off), some people that had created content were pretty bummed out. So we published (and re-published) their work here on this site. And the rest is history, :monster:

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer
I wish TLS had a recreational section for fun games, like 'Banning Thread', 'Fighting Thread' and so forth. Or am I missing them somewhere here? I missed doing all that in ACF.


lulz, you mean spam section? We tried that, didn't work / was lame. We get our lulz in regular threads, :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
We had a spam section for about six months. It was pretty fun for the first couple months but then people stopped posting in it, so it was closed. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Sheens, Mooglet
I want a spam section. I wanted to post about how much I missed Vagrant.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
ohai, wb sheens :monster:

Also welcome Ominous Angel, since I forgot to mention it in my previous poast. :monster:

Ghost X

Hola :monster:. Don't remember you, but back in the ACF days, I frequented the "serious discussion" section(s) of the forum. Now I have no time and lost interest really. When it all comes down to it, all issues can be solved with science and reason :awesome:. When an issue arises, it is always due to a lack of one and/or the other. If you're talking about FF discussion though, then I have prattled on for no good reason, since I partook not in such areas :awesome:.

Deleted member 546

@ OP: What was your ACF name? Was it the same as it is here? Don't remember you TBH.

Sheens, I'm sure I've asked before, but where is that quote in your sig from? Every time I read it I laugh.

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer
I was going to ask the same thing as Midna, Angel. Did you have a different name before on the AC forums?

Oh and welcome, BTW. :)

Ominous Angel

Lv. 1 Adventurer
I was Ominous Angel on, I created the legendary Master of Puppet's thread there where we all debated and made theories about the movie before it came out. Mostly argued over who was really in control and stuff like that but it was all fun and games.

Im HOPING I can post this because this forum does not seem to be allowing me to post more than one liner's atm.

Ominous Angel

Lv. 1 Adventurer
Ohai . TLS is the spiritual successor of ACF in many ways, yes; after closed (after many years of oh noesz the dramahz, one of which involved the people you mentioned, after which they left / buggered off), some people that had created content were pretty bummed out. So we published (and re-published) their work here on this site. And the rest is history,

Problably Carys, She tried to get me banned and would limit my posting privledges alot because I kinda destroyed all her theories in my Master of Puppet's thread and ended up being correct on alot of thing's and wrong on other's but it would not surprise me if that's who you ment.

I see X-Soldier post's here if he is the same one I'm thinking of he problably may remember me. I beleave he called Rufus was the wheel chair man if memory serves me right. anyways sorry for like triple posting can't find edit button and haven't posted on forum's for like 6 years or so.

Cookie Monster

We limit the posting abilities for new accounts in an effort to combat spambots. Once you reach a certain number of posts, it'll get easier.

And, yes, X-SOLDIER is the same old chap from ACF. My username then was Road, I showed up about a year before it shut down. Good times.

Deleted member 546

I thought as much from the delightful picture perched above it. Gods, I've been having sordid thoughts about Alex Kingston since she played Moll Flanders. <3

Ahem, as you were folks.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I'm pretty sure having sordid thoughts about Alex Kingston is perfectly normal. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Welcome! I myself was a member of ACF, more a reader than anything, so small chance you'll know me. Stick around!


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Btw, @Ominous Angel, since you're obviously not a spambot, I fixed it so you can edit posts now. At least I think I did.
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